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India Vs Bharat

The Indian economic reforms have pandered the rich but not pondered on the poor


By :- Anushka Ashish Bhavesh Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Presentation outline

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

My Rich India
Property prices in Mumbai and Delhi have more than doubled in the past 18 months India's tech capital, Bangalore, has increased its office supply by six times since 2006, and now has more Grade-A offices than Singapore India is the world's second largest importer of arms and has spent $50 billion on defense purchases in the last decade India grows 12 million tons of mangoes in a year, the weight equivalent to 80,000 blue whales A bigger movie market than America and Canada combined, India sold 3.2 billion tickets last year The average Indian is nearly 20 years younger than the average Japanese (26 vs 45)

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

My Rich India
Rich Indians Mukesh Ambani Laxmi Niwas Mittal Anil Ambani Azim bhai prem ji Sashi & Ravi Ruai Kushal Pal Singh Sabitri Jindal Sunil Bharthi Mittal Kumar M. Birla Sector Oil & Gas, Petroleum, Communication Iron & Steel Plant Telecom, Power, Infrastructure, Financial Service and Entertainment Wipro Acer Group, Oil & Power Construction (DLF) Steel & Power Conglomerate Telecommunication Cement, Construction Worth $ 32 Billion $ 30 Billion $ 17.5 Billion $ 14.9 Billion $ 13.6 Billion $ 13.5 Billion $ 12 Billion $ 8.2 Billion $ 7.8 Billion

My Rich India
IF you are wondering, how much is a billion? If you make $4,000 a year, and dont spend a In 2011, the country's per capita income stood at $3,694 single penny of it, it will take you 250,000 years to save billion dollars.
What Do People Do With SO Much?

Lets see what $1 billion will buy.

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My Rich India

The Landaulet model, costs $1 million. Your $1 billion will only buy you a thousand Maybach Landaulets.
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My Rich India

where people pay $20-30,000 per night.

A billion dollars will buy you a $20,000 room every night for 137 years.
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My Rich India

Le Grand Bleu $90 million. You can buy ten $100 million yachts with a billion dollars.
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My Rich India

This is a Gulfstream G550. You can pick one up for around $40 million

Your billion will buy you 25 of these.

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My Rich India

This one is going for only $24.5 million castle included

You can only buy 40 of these with your billion.
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My Rich India

The Patek Caliber 89 $5,120,000, expensive than ferrari

You can buy 200 of these with your billion.

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My Rich India
Lets Do some shopping!
One Maybach Landaulet for $1 million to drive around in. One $100 million yacht for when I want to get sea sick. One Gulfstream G550 private jet for $40 million. One private island for $24.5 million (castle included) for when I want to escape the masses. One $8 million estate for when I have to go ashore and mingle with the masses (but not too close.) One $5 million watch so I can have one.
Total: $178.5 million
$821.5 million left over.

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My Rich India
Indias richest man Mukesh Ambani moves into $1 billion family home The 53 year-old tycoon is the richest man in India and the fourth richest man in the world. He and his wife, their three children, and his mother will be living in a vertical palace along with a staff of 600.

100 staff members for each family member

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

My Rich India
Mukesh Ambani owns much of the Mumbai-based petrochemical giant Reliance Industries and is estimated to be worth $32 billion. Now you have a way to visualize just how much money is concentrated at the very top. Top 1% owns more than 90% of us combined.

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Our Poor Bharat

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Our Poor Bharat

The latest UNICEF data shows that one in three malnourished children worldwide are found In India 42 percent of the nation's children under five years of age are underweight. The unemployment rate is around 8%, while poverty rate is 26% From the total number of World's Poor people, 1/3rd is from India. India when compared to African nations have more population of people living with less than 2$ per day. Almost 42 percent of the rural population in our country lives with a per-capita income of Rs 447 monthly.

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Our Poor Bharat

Child beggar in traffic signal Poor infrastructure

Poor Family

Road to success!
Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Our Poor Bharat

Due to reckless urbanization and indiscriminate conversion of cultivation lands to housing plots and industries, people in villages are forced to move out and earn a living. This creates more problems for the Government since these people were earlier employed in cultivation jobs and now they have to search for alternative jobs to sustain. From our time of Independence onwards the Indian government and various NGO's (Non Governmental Organizations) have implemented various programs for the alleviation of Poverty in our country which includes subsidizing food and other essential things, improved agricultural techniques, increased access to loans, Promotion of education, family planning, improving health sector etc

The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being - Bhavesh - Manita Anushka - Ashishunloved Nibesh - Vikram

Our Poor Bharat

Urban Rs 21.6 per day States Bihar and Chhattisgarh Orissa and Jharkhand Kerala Punjab Rural Rs 14.3 per day Average MPEC (per month) 780 & 1238 820 1835 & 2413 1649

Haryana Maharashtra

1510 & 2321 2437 Based on NSSO survey

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Our Poor Bharat

There are almost 421 million poor people in eight Indian states named Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, MP, Orissa, Rajasthan, UP and West Bengal and Bihar which is greater than the 410 million poor people in the twenty six African countries combined. The poorest 10 per cent of India's rural population had an average MPCE of Rs 453. The poorest 10 per cent of the urban population had an average MPCE of Rs 599", the NSSO survey said Most agree that India has reduced poverty - from 55 per cent in 1973-74 to 29.8 per cent in 2009-2010, if the recent figures are correct. But it is not happening fast enough, considering India's reasonably high rate of economic growth.

Not poor if you earn Rs 32 a day : Government

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Poor & Rich nearby

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Hungry poor kid outside restaurant I am Rich kid, babe.

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Our Poor Bharat

Ram Milan Sonkars family in UP has 11 members and earning of Rs. 10,000 Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

My Rich India

Mukesh Ambani stays into $1 billion family home with 100 staff members for each family member
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One big question

what are we going to do?

The rate of decline in poverty in India is not in sync with the high rate of economic growth

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Unequal Distribution of Wealth

There are people who are earning lot of money beyond their requirements. They should invest their money in productive sectors to generate employment. The rich should share a part of their wealth for the welfare of the society. Otherwise the society will not be a fit place for the future generations to live in peace and harmony. The top 5% of the household possess 38% of total Assets whereas, bottom 60% of the household possess merely 13%

India is a rich country with an impressive First World economy which is populated by most of the poorest people on the earth Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Unequal Distribution of Wealth

Different states /UTS can be clubbed into different categories as follows: Poverty Level Below 10%: Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, Goa, Himachal, J&K, Chandigarh Between 10% & 20% : Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Kerala, Rajasthan, Mizoram, Lakshadweep, Dadra and N.Haveli. Between 20% & 30%: Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, west Bengal, Pondicherry, A&N, Manipur. Above 30%: Assam, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal, Meghalaya & Tripura

Unequal Distribution of Wealth

If we consider the world population, the income of the richest 1% of people is the same as that of the poorest 60%. (Source: BBC)
Economic development is unheard of in rural India. Problems like illiteracy and low life expectancy continue to hinder the rural population. Most farmers make as little as -33 cents a day! (Source: Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita International Relations Center) Nibesh - Vikram

Cause of Poverty
The main causes of Poverty in India are its high population growth rate, agrarian form of economy, primitive agricultural practices, illiteracy, ignorance, unemployment, underemployment, caste based politics, urban rural divide, social iniquity and discrimination. The issue of urban poverty in India can be best expressed with the term pseudo urbanization. Pseudo urbanization is a state when a city is unable to contain its populace in terms of providing livelihood, housing and infrastructure. This is mainly due to the vast and continuous immigration of the rural poor into urban areas.

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Cause of Poverty
Immigration creates a shortage of resources in the cities. Urban poverty in India and other third world countries has resulted in the formation of large slums and shanty towns.

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Blame it on ..
The poor in india have two greater enemies : The Government Anti-poverty activists Government is busy counting poor and anti-poverty activists always come up with different poverty bar

Everyone possible except me

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Whats going wrong?

Countries like South Korea & Taiwan eradicated Poverty in single generation If it requires economic growth, we achieved it. It also requires people to have proper, productive jobs. Investment is required in human capital : Education & Skill A large uneducated population living off farming is never going to escape poverty The ministry of HRD which should actually have three energetic minister running different parts of it has only a part-time minister.

Invest on people not on their living expenditure

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

The Present Economy

The Economy of India is the eleventh largest in the world by nominal GDP and the third largest by purchasing power parity (PPP) In 2011, the country's per capita income stood at $3,694 IMF, 129th in the world, thus making a lower-middle income economy GDP of india is $1.676 trillion and is increasing at the rate of 6.1 % The inflation rate was 6.89% on march, 2012 37% Population is below poverty line(BPL) where 42% live below $1.25 per day. India have a public debt equal to 62.43% of GDP

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Rich getting richer, Poor getting poorer

More than 50 percent of all stocks and bonds are owned by just 1 percent of the population. If you can believe it, more than 3 billion people currently live on less than 2 dollar a day. Prime Minister Nehru said eloquently: It is science alone that can solve the problems of hunger and poverty, of insanitation and illiteracy, of superstition and deadening of custom and tradition, of vast resources running to waste, of a rich country inhabited by starving poor. Who indeed can afford to ignore science today? At every turn, we have to seek its aid. The future belongs to science and those who make friends with science..

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

The economy is developing but are Indians really developing?

According to 2010 data from the United Nations Development Programme, an estimated 37.2% of Indians live below the country's national poverty line. In India governmental definition of poverty is based on the sole criterion of minimum food requirement for survival. Internationally, an income of less than $1.25 per day per head of purchasing power parity is defined as extreme poverty. The 2011 Global Hunger Index (GHI) Report places India amongst the three countries where the GHI between 1996 and 2011 went up from 22.9 to 23.7

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Recycling the poor

Indian government has launched various plans to eradicate poverty in India since 1950. national employment program and food for work initiatives have done much to harness the unemployed as productive beings Another anti poverty program in recent times, which has won much acclaim, is the rural landless employment guarantee program. This was drafted in 1983 to target the rural poor for employment and economic rehabilitation. Subsidy on food, family planning, improved methods of cultivation, education to all children are some of the areas to be concentrated.

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Future India
India's poverty rate is projected to drop to 22% in 2015 Three lakh Indians working abroad may return to India by 2015

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Goldman Sachs Report

2020 2025 2032

Projected GDP
$ 2 Trillion $ 3 Trillion $ 6 Trillion

2038 2050

$ 10 Trillion $ 27 Trillion

In terms of GDP, India will over take Italy by 2016, France by 2019, UK by 2022, Germany by 2023 and Japan by 2032

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Growth, growth everywhere!

We are developing economically but what about the gap between rich and poor?
Is it widening more or not? Being 3rd economy in world as purchase power parity, are Indians still going to die out of starvation?

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Ultimate Boss Government (Licience Raj)

It was implemented between 1947 and 1990 The architect of the system of Licence Raj was Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first Prime Minister. However, by the 1980s, the country was left with: India had started out in the 1950s with low growth rates high growth rates closure openness to trade and investment to trade and investment a license-obsessed, restrictive state a promotional state inability to sustain social social expenditure awareness expenditures macro stability macro instability, indeed crisis The mother of revolution and crime is poverty
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What makes a country developed?

The obvious indicators are the wealth of the nation, the prosperity of its people and its standing in the international forum. There are many indicators regarding the wealth of nation. The gross national product (GNP) The gross domestic product (GDP) The balance of payments Foreign exchange reserves Rate of economics growth Per capita income

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Is India a poor nation?

YES! Government says ________


Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes him.

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Swiss bank says

If a black money deposit was an Olympics event. India would have won a gold medal hands down. The second best Russia has 4 times lesser deposit. Dishonest Industrialist, scandalous politicians and corrupt IAS, IRS, IPS officers have deposited in foreign banks in their illegal personal accounts a sum of about $1500 billion This amount is about13 times larger than the country's foreign debt. With this amount 45 crore poor people can get Rs 1,00,000 each India has more money in Swiss banks than all the other countries combined.

Why is government silent?

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Question need to be answered.

Today situation is different and today the question is if government initiatives are great and helpful for poors then why are we not able to solve this problem from so long?

Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

Question need to be answered.

If government is giving free education with the food then why the literacy rates in this segment is not measurable, if there are initiatives for free vaccination then why poor people are dying in big numbers.

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There are no gap between poor and rich in actual sense, we have to make them believe and we have to take our poor brothers with us.

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Nothing has happened & Nothing will Happen.. Till we show initiative.

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Every year 3.1 million Indian children die before the age of 5, mostly from diseases of poverty like diarrhea. Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram


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Poverty is the worst form of violence

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Anushka - Ashish - Bhavesh - Manita Nibesh - Vikram

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