Music Video Throwing Paper Aeroplanes.-: Om/Watch?V Hpshep 4I1X4&Feature PLCP

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Music Video; Throwing paper Aeroplanes. om/watch?

v=HPsHep 4i1x4&feature=plcp

Originally I was intending to go for the heavy metal genre but sadly I couldnt gain permission from a band that would appeal to me and my main target audeince so I had to move away from this idea A LOT! In the end I had to turn towards the rock/ Indie genre. I decided this may work in my favor as it would appeal to a wider range of people.

Target Audience
My target audience is aimed at anyone between the age of 16 and 25.

Anyone that enjoys alternative music or just a range of different bands.

\Men and women, Obviously this may appeal to people over 25. They would also enjoy watching videos that consist of on stage performance and a narrative.

My music video will be mainly narrative with the band included. For example; Band members are story characters and are playing throughout the video at different points. When one character would be talking they would be saying lyrics of the song.

I am aiming for the video when bands shown playing in a warehouse near my house.
Then the storyline to be in town or in the woods depending on how the song lyrics fit.

Main characters, Band members

Morgan Hatton: Bassist

Alex Buckley: Lead guitarist

Mule Spencer: Drummer

Will Clutterbuck: Vocalist

Alex Stringer; Character in storyline

Sam Blythe; Character in storyline

Other characters may be included depending on whos free.

Instruments are not a problem. I have already acquired these. As all of my friends who will be in my music video are already in a band. I shall be using lights and reflectors but not else much is needed as I am aiming for a very realistic original effect for the storyline.

Warehouse in Gloucester that I have permission to use if needed. Not 100 percent.

Stroud town. Although Wotton or Gloucester town may be used instead.

Woods in Wotton near my house if decide to use. wwxEjE43l6JfFM:&imgrefurl= ZZ6M&imgurl= &ei=5OZ1UNCmJqmg0QWy0ICoBQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=436&sig=113149510673969619880&page=1&tbnh=124&t bnw=165&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:0,i:118&tx=88&ty=73

29th+: Start filming the band shots at 5ish to get a dusky effect.

1st: Film the storyline depending on weather. At about 3ish onwards.

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