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A Seminar On Signal & Telecommunication Practical Training taken at DIVISIONAL RAILWAY MANAGER, AJMER



Indian Railway is the biggest employer in the world, largest single undertaking in the country and second biggest electrified system in the world after Russia.

The first rail on Indian sub-continent ran over a stretch of 21 miles from Bombay to Thane. The Indian railway has been divided in to sixteen zones

Central Railway Eastern Railway Northern Railway North East Railway North East Frontier Railway Southern Railway South central Railway South Eastern Railway Western Railway East Coast Railway North Central Railway South Western Railway West Central Railway East Central Railway North West Railway East central Railway

Delhi CST Fairy Place, Kolkata Baroda house, Delhi Gorakhpur Malian Chennai Secundrabad Garden Reach, Kolkata Church Gate, Mumbai Bhuvnaswer Allahabad Hubble Jabalpur Boalsburg Jaipur Manipur

The medium of communication used by stations are of two types:

Through overhead lines. Through Optical fibre cable.

The over head lines are joining two stations through the poles. These poles are placed near the railway track. The over head lines having low insulation compared to optical fibre cable. The communication can be failed when the line breaks due to sand storm or fall of poles

This is an underground line process. In this communication the message will be sent from one place to another in the form of Light Energy. This light is in the form of infra red.
In this communication the glass fibre cable is used on the place of cable wire which is transporting light energy from one place to another.

Fig.: Optical Fiber

Fig.: Wave Propagation In OFC


Points are the places where a train changes tracks they are moved either in normal or reverse with the help of a point machine.

Data logger is a storing device which is used to store all information between station master cabin and track field which are generated by relays.

What is Communication?
Communication refers to the sending, receiving and processing of information by electronic means. The information signal that has to be transmitted is initially in speech form, for transmission this information is first converted into electrical form.

These signals are transmitted by any of the methods like satellite communication, microwave communication, O.F.C., underground cable etc.

Microwaves essentially mean very short waves.

Fig: Microwave Communication The Microwaves frequency spectrum is usually taken to extend from 1 GHz to 300 GHz.

Today Microwave Towers Are Communication Resources.




Mobile Towers Are The Common Example of Microwave Communication Which uses Communication Through Microwave.

1. Power consumption is less. 2. Efficiency is 99.99%. 3. Noise is completely Eliminated.

Railway signaling:- It is a system used to control railway traffic safety, essentially to prevent trains from colliding. Block signaling:- trains can not colliding with each other, if they are not permitted to occupy the section of track at the same time , so railway divided into sections known as blocks.

Controlled block:Absolute block:-

Automatic block:Fixed block:-

Moving block:-


We learn about working of signaling and communication system in the railway Gain knowledge about the instruments used in those systems.




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