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Text Structures:

Patterns & Organization of Expository Text

Six Types of Expository Text Organizational Patterns/ Internal Structures

Descriptive Listing Chronological/ Sequential

Cause/Effect Comparison/Contrast Problem/Solution

-Piccolo, J. (1987). Expository text structure: teaching and learning strategies. The Reading Teacher, 40, 838-847.


Presents a specific topic and addresses its attributes No specific signal words Is the author trying to tell the reader what something is? Graphic organizers commonly used: Circle map or web

Listing (Enumeration)

States main topic in the topic sentence and has a list of examples for support Signal words: first, second, third, next, last, finally Is the author trying to give a specific list of things that are related to the topic and tell about each? Graphic organizers commonly used: Flow map or flow chart


Has a main topic supported by details which must be in a specific order to convey the correct meaning Signal words: first, second, third, then, before, after, next, last, finally Is the author trying to tell someone how to do something or make something by relating the order of steps? Is the author trying to relate a series of events in time order? Graphic organizers commonly used: Flow map or flow chart


Makes a statement in the topic sentence; supporting details tell why the statement was made Signal words or phrases: so, so that, because of, as a result of, since, in order to Is the author trying to give reasons why something happens or exists? Graphic organizers commonly used: Multi-flow map


Subjects are compared, contrasted, or both; supporting details show how subjects are either alike (comparison) or different (contrast), or both Signal words or phrases: different from, same as, alike, similar to, resembles, compared to, unlike Is the author trying to show the similarities or differences between two topics or aspects of a topic? Graphic organizers commonly used: Double bubble map or Venn diagram


States a problem in topic sentence; supporting details describe the problem, its causes, and solutions Signal words or phrases: a problem is, a solution is, the problem is solved by Is the author trying to state a problem and offer some solutions? One-sided multi-flow map

External Text Structures

A text may contain multiple external text structures:

Underlining key words Subheadings Illustrations Italics Definitions

Now You Try It

Locate the selections in the Literature textbook as outlined by your teacher. Identify which internal text structure/organizational pattern is used in each. Create a PowerPoint presentation including a sample of the selection and why it fits the text structure/organizational pattern. Your are creating this presentation for a good friend of yours who missed the lessons on text organization and structure. Your friend will use your presentation as a study guide for the test.

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