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National Food Security Mission

Presented by: Neeraj Gopaliya(1213) Neethish Vargeese(1214)


Introduction Mission objectives Strategies Mission structure Role of Panchayat Raj institutions Area of operation of NFSM Mechanism of fund flow Monitoring, reporting system Criteria for identification of areas & beneficiaries Mission interventions & pattern of assistance


The World Food Summit of 1996 defined food security as existing when all people at all times have access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food to maintain a healthy and active life. NFSM scheme was launched in Aug.2007 (in 11th five year plan) on the resolution passed by National Development Council. NFSM aimed at achieving an additional production of 10,8,2 mt of rice,wheat & pulses respectively by the end of the year 2011-12. The scheme was approved with an outlay of Rs.4883 crores in11th five year plan out of that Rs.3381cr have been spent till march,2011. The mission has been implemented in 18 states of the country covering 480 distt. NFSM has 3 components: 1). NFSM-rice 2).NFSM-wheat 3).NFSM-pulse

Indian scenario

The recently released Global Hunger Index by the International Food Policy Research Institute ranks India at an abysmal 67 out of 84 countries,even below several nations of the Sub Saharan Africa. According to the Food and Agricuture Organisation,India has 237 million undernourished people,making it number one in the world in terms of the number of hungry people. 42% of the worlds underweight children live in India.

Mission Objectives

The objective is to increase production of rice,wheat and pulses through area expansion, and productivity enhancement in a sustainable manner in the identified districts of the country through: Restoring soil fertility and productivity at the individual farm level; Creation of employment opportunities; and Enhancing farm level economy to restore confidence among the farmers. The approach is to bridge the yield gap in respect of these crops through dissemination of improved technologies and farm management practices.

Implementation of Strategies

To achieve the above objectives, the Mission would adopt following strategies:

i.Engagement of all the stakeholders at various levels. ii. Promotion and extension of improved technologies i.e., seed, Integrated Nutrient Management including micronutrients,soil amendments, IPM and resource conservation technologies along with capacity building of farmers. iii. Flow of fund would be closely monitored to ensure that interventions reach the target beneficiaries on time. iv. Various interventions proposed would be integrated with the district plan and targets for each identified district would be fixed. v. Constant monitoring and concurrent evaluation for assessing the impact of the interventions for a result oriented approach by the implementing agencies.

Area of Operation of Food Security Mission

NFSM rice: The productivity of districts selected under NFSM-rice is less than the average productivity of the state and the district has at least 50,000 ha area under rice crop.(142 distt.) NFSM-wheat: The productivity of districts selected under NFSM-wheat is less than the average productivity of the state and at least 50% of the area under wheat is irrigated.(142 distt.) NFSM-pulse: Districts selected under NFSM-Pulses has potential for expansion of area under pulses through intercropping, use of rice-fallow and replacement of upland rice.(468 distt.) On the basis of these criteria 480 distt. Of 18 states are selected so far for NFSM.

Mission Structure

Role of panchayati raj institutions

Panchayati Raj Institutions will be actively involved in following activities:

(i) Selection of beneficiary and identification of priority areas for the implementation of Mission interventions; and
(ii) Implementation of local initiatives in the identified districts

Assistance available to farmers under NFSM-rice


: One demonstration of 0.4 hectares for every 100ha of area

in the identified districts is proposed. Seeds and other critical inputs required to conduct these demonstrations is provided free of cost well in time. 2).Distribution of Seed Minikits: Minikits are meant for introduction and popularisation of latest released/pre-released varieties and their propagation among the farmers. 3).Subsidy for purchase of seed: Seeds of approved varieties and Rice Hybrids will be supplied to farmers at subsidised rates. Extentof subsidy will be Rs 20/kg in case of Hybrids of rice and Rs.5/kg in case of varieties. The seed producing agencies (NSC/ State FCI/SSC/SAUs/Private seed Producing agencies) authorised by the state will distribute this seed in the identified districts. These agencies will reduce the cost of seed to the extent of subsidy provided by the government. (Selection of beneficiaries for distribution of seed will be done in consultation with village panchayats and Zila Parishads).

4).Assistance for micronutrients in Rice: An assistance of Rs.500/- per ha or 50% of the cost of micronutrients, which ever is less, will be given to the farmers. (The farmers once given assistance will not be eligible to get the assistance for the same land next year) 5).Assistance for application of Lime in Rice: An assistance of Rs.500/- per ha or 50% of the cost of lime, which ever is less, will be given to those farmers whose soil is acidic. 6).Assistance for purchase of Conoweeders and other farm implements:

Assistance for the purchase of Cono weeders and other implements is provided @ Rs.3000/- or 50% of the cost of these implements which ever is less. Assistance of Rs.500 per ha for the promotion of IPM.

7).Assistance for Plant Protection Chemicals and Bio-pesticides for Rice:

8).Assistance for conducting Farmer Fields School(FFS)

Assistance available to farmers under NFSM-wheat

1).Demonstrations:There is one demonstration of 0.4 hectares for every 50 ha of area in the identified districts.

2).Distraibution of Seed Minikits: One minikit will be distributed for every 50 ha of wheat area. Only one minikit of 10kg each is to be given to one farmer free of cost.
3). Subsidy for purchase of seed: the distribution of HYVs of wheat @ Rs.500/quintals or 50% of the cost which ever is less.

4). Assistance for micronutrients in wheat:An assistance of Rs.500/- per ha or 50% of the cost of micronutrients, which ever is less, is given to the farmers.
5). Assistance for application of Gypsum in Wheat:An assistance of Rs.500/- per ha or 50% of the cost, which ever is less. 6). Assistance for purchase of Zero-till seed drill for wheat: ForZero-till seed drill @ Rs.15,000/- or 50% of the cost which ever is less is provided to beneficiary farmer.

7).Assistance for Rotavator for wheat: For rotavator @Rs.30,000/- or 50% of the cost which ever is less is provided to beneficiary farmer/SHG.

8). Assistance for purchase of pump sets in Wheat: An assistance of 50% of the cost of pump sets or Rs.10,000/ per pump set of up to 10 H.P. is provided under the programme.
9). Assistance for conducting Farmer Fields School. 10). Assistance for Community Generators for irrigation under NFSMWheat:In shallow water table areas of Bihar, eastern UP and West Bengal, assistance for community irrigation.

The funds will be released on the basisof a project, which is scrutinized by an expertcommittee to be identified by NFSMEC for thepurpose. The basic criteria for the selection of states/district is as follow:

1). The district selected should not have adequate electricity infrastructure. 2).The district should have adequate groundwater available for irrigation

Assistance available to farmers under NFSM-pulses

1).Assistance for purchase of Certified Seed: Seeds of approved varieties/Hybrids of pulses is supplied to farmers at subsidised rates which is Rs 1200 per quintal or 50% cost of the certified seed whichever is less.

2). Assistance for Integrated micronutrient: An assistance for promotion of micronutrients/lime/gypsum is provided @Rs.1250/ha as an INM package to the farmers.
3). Assistance for purchase of sprinkler sets: Assistance for the purchase of sprinkler sets is provided @ Rs.7500/- or 50% of the cost of these sprinkler sets which ever is less. 4).Assistance for Integrated Pest Management: The financial assistance to the tune of Rs.750 per hafor need based inputs for IPM. 5). Assistance for Training of Trainers and Extension workers: Assistance for State level training for trainers and extension workers for 50 participants for two days @ Rs.1 lakh per training. 6). Management of blue bulls: For tackling the menace of blue bull (Neel Gai) which has emerged as a threat to pulse crops, an amount of Rs.2 crores is provided during XI plan.

Fund flow

Funds for the implementation of Mission's programmes are directly released to state level autonomous agencies identified by the state with the approval of NFSMEC. The state level agency ensures the implementation of the programme, in a time bound manner and makes funds available to the district level agency(ATMA) in accordance with their programmes. Monitoring: NFM has a strong mechanism of monitoring and Evaluation with the involvement of all implementing agencies and the line departments. At National level a committee constituted under the chairmanship of Mission Director monitors the activities of the mission. Directorates of Rice, Wheat and Pulses Development are actively involved in monitoring the NFSM activities in eastern, northern and Central & southern states respectively. Information communication technology is used to monitor the field activities

Achievements of NFSM

During the four years of its implementation since 2007-08, significant achievements under NFSM have been recorded in respect of use of new farm practices through 5.33 lakh demonstrations, 68,853 demonstrations on System of Rice Intensification (SRI), 36,554 demonstrations on hybrid rice. distribution of 130.27 lakh qtls of seeds of high yielding varieties of rice, wheat and pulses and hybrid rice. 28.4 lakh improved farm machineries including water saving devices, treatment of 97.74 lakh ha of area with soil ameliorants (gypsum/ lime/micro nutrients) and 37.36 lakh ha under IPM practices. Capacity building of farmers has been encouraged by arrangement of 39,741 farmers field schools (FFS) at the farm level.

Foodgrains Production in 10th & 11th plans

Year Production in 10th plan( in million tons) 174.77 213.19 198.36 208.60 217.28 1012.2 Year Production in 11th plan (in million tons) 230.78 234.47 218.11 244.78 250.42 1178.56

2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Total

2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 Total

33 million tons produced against target of 20 million tons of additional food grains in 2011-12. Cumulative 162 million tons additional production achieved during the current five year plan.

31 October 2012

Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Government of India


Production of main Food grains crops

In million tons
2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12* Demand 71.19 72.72 74.26 75.8 77.36 Wheat 77.8 78.8 79.8 81.8 84 Target 78.57 80.68 80.98 86.87 Achievement 75.81 88.31 Rice Demand Target


90.91 94.35 96.69 16.77 14.7 14.76

92.87 96.35 99.18 17.51 15.2 14.57

94.83 98.35 89.31 18.29 15.4 14.77

96.81 100.35 95.98 19.08 15.7 18.24

98.79 102 102.75 19.91 17 17.28


Demand Target


Pulses production could still cross 18 million tons with excellent conditions for Gram crop and additional area under Summer pulses. * 2nd advance estimate of 2011-12
31 October 2012 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Government of India 18

Food grains productivity 2011-12

State Normal Last Year (2010Best so far yield 11) Year 2011-12 % increase over 2010-11

Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Gujarat Haryana Jharkhand Karnataka Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal ALL India

2454 1464 1564 1110 593 3328 1506 1500 1166 1016 1391 4127 1084 2252 2184 2495 1808

2530 1776 1479 1424 1843 2526 1257 1684 1162 1184 1432 4280 1250 2393 2286 1841 2601 1931

2613 1776 2100 1445 1898 3704 1720 1776 1285 1184 1484 4280 1332 2610 2415 1938 2664 1996
31 October 2012

2007-08 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 2011-12 2011-12 2008-09 2005-06 2009-10 2010-11 2007-08 2010-11 2011-12 2006-07 2011-12 2011-12 2011-12 2011-12

2494 1681 2100 1445 1898 3704 1663 1644 1151 1159 1410 4243 1332 2325 2415 1938 2664 1996

-1.4 -5.3 42 1.5 3 46.6 32.3 -2.4 -1 -2.1 -1.5 -0.9 6.6 -2.8 5.6 5.3 2.4 3.4

Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Government of India

List of Institutions & programmes under sponsorship of NFSM management


Government introduces National Food Security Bill in Lok Sabha

Food minister KV Thomas, who introduced the bill in the Lok Sabha which said that it would ensure all Indians "live a life with dignity".

The bill marks a shift in approach to the problem of food security from the current welfare paradigm to a rights-based approach.
It is considered to be the world's largest experiment in ensuring food security to poor. The bill brings under its purview 63.5% of the country's population 75% of rural households and 50% of urban households. The bill classifies all entitled households as "general" and "priority". At least 46% of rural households and 28% of urban households would be designated as "priority".

Every person belonging to a "priority household" will be provided with 7kg of grain per month, comprising rice, wheat and coarse grain. Rice will be provided at Rs 3, wheat at Rs 2 and coarse grain at Rs 1 per kg.



Others belonging to the "general category" would be entitled to not less than 4kg of grain per month at a rate not exceeding 50% of the minimum support price. Thomas said an additional amount of not more than about Rs 21,000 crore annually would be required by way of subsidy. The minister argued since the food bill merges many ongoing programmes meant for women, children and the poor, there would be no additional financial burden. A sum of roughly Rs 111 thousand crore would be required to boost farm output with grain requirement increasing, on account of this intervention, from Thomas stressed that "this Rs 111 thousand crore is not an additional burden. We need to invest in agriculture to boost production anyway.

Salient features of NFS Bill

The proposed law entitles every pregnant woman and lactating mother to meal free of cost during pregnancy and six months after childbirth.

Cash benefits of Rs 1,000 per month to meet increased food requirements of pregnant women would be provided for the first six months of pregnancy.
At Rs 1,000 per month and covering 2.25 crore women, an expenditure of nearly Rs 13,500 crore has been estimated. . This will be borne by the central government and the states. In case of children in the age group of 6 months to 6 years, appropriate meal would be provided free of cost to meet nutritional standards. For children in the 6-14 age group, one mid-day meal would be given free of cost everyday, except during holidays, in all schools run by local bodies, govt. and govt- aided schools upto class VIII. This is the government's ongoing mid-day meal programme.

How it would be implemented?

The bill aims at covering the entire population by 2014. It would rely on large part on Indias Public Distribution System for procurement of foodgrains and allocation to different states for distribution to the intended beneficiaries. At present thePDS provides cheap grains and pulses to nearly 180 million poor,the annual cost of which is estimated to be around $12billion this fiscal year. According to the Planning Commission,this new scheme is likely to increase the food subsidy bill to nearly $23 billion. The procurement target is estimated to be 70 million tones as opposed to 58 million tones at present For identification of the poor,the Government will adopt Suresh Tendulkars report which estimates the overall BPL figure to be 37.2%, with 41.8% rural and 25.7% urban poverty. Local gram sabhas and nagar palikas will be assisting the government in identification of the target groups.


The report fixes the per capita calorie requirement at 1776 kcal in urban areas and 2000 kcal in rural areas whereas the Indian Council of Medical Research has called for higher requirements of 2400 kcal for rural areas and 2100 kcal for urban areas. The unique identity card, Aadhaar, developed by the Unique Identification Authority of India would form the basis for choosing the beneficiaries of the scheme.

Subsidy to consumers

Role of PDS

In India, the government buys a large amount of food grains from farmers at the Minimum Support Price, through an agency called the Food Corporation of India (FCI). These grains are then allocated to the states at the Central Issue Price through the Public Distribution System The difference between the two price constitutes the Food Subsidy The system aims at efficiency through maintenance of buffer stocks which ensure stabalisation of prices . From a Universal approach there was a move towards Targetted Pds in 1997 in which the subsidy is restricted to the BPL families while the APL familes are eligible to buy grains from the ration shops,but at the full economic cost.


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