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Strategic planning for growth nationally and locally

Sabine Germann Switzerland Steve Peck UK

Some questions
Do you have a strategy for growth in your MO/NSO ? If not why not what is getting in the way ?

If you do what is working well for your MO/NSO ?

How involved are local groups?

Why is this important?

Many organisations are losing members we need to act NOW Scouting and Guiding are great we want more young people to enjoy it There is no magic bullet

It needs a holistic approach, nationally and locally

What is a strategy
1. What is the actual situation 2. Coming from the mission and values, developing vision and strategic aims 3. Sitting some strategic objectives 4. Planning to implement the plan 5. Implementation, support, monitoring 6. Formal evaluation, celebration, continuous review

Leading & Managing

Leadership - coping with change - doing the right thing - effectiveness - creating a vision Management - coping with complexity - doing the thing right - efficiency - creating a plan

Be careful!
The plan must be for everyone not just the National Board The plan must be holistic not a series of team plans The plan must be flexible but focussed The plan must be dynamic

The three key elements

Programme Quality Attractive Relevant Presentation Do parents find it attractive?

The three key elements

Adults Do you have enough? Range of skills required An attractive proposition A plan to recruit and retain
Training timely, relevant and high quality

The three key elements

Environment Links with society How are you viewed? Public image Right support structure Robust finances

Coffee break

Where are we now?

Getting a clear picture WAGGGS performance indicators UK RAG assessments Research with the public Research with leavers Young people not members ???

Where are we now?

Analysis and conclusions Holistic approach Interdependencies between facts Keep an open mind Clarify before moving Stick with big issues Feedback to local people

Where are we going?

A clear vision of the future Involve as many as possible Is it realistic and achievable? Strategic aims to underpin Vision It will be complex because Scouting and Guiding are complex!

Developing a plan
Lots of tools to help WAGGGS & WOSM tool kits Make it relevant for local people Managing change plan Succession plan Long term not change every year! What are your experiences?

A long term strategic plan is essential Based on evidence and research A holistic plan not just a Board plan Programme Adults - Environment Plan to make the plan work! Get the whole organisation invovled

Follow up
How can we help you ? Tailored support Consultancy Guest speakers Mentoring

Now ? Act!

Thank you

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