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UNIX Fundamentals




UNIX Overview UNIX File System Process Control Introduction to vi Customizing Your Shell Environment Other Basic Commands

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UNIX Overview

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What Is UNIX?
The UNIX Operating System (OS) is a large program (mostly coded in C) that turns the computer into a useable machine.

UNIX is a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system.

UNIX is a machine independent operating system. UNIX is a software development environment.

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A Brief History of UNIX

UNICS (1969) Fourth Edition (1973) Sixth Edition (1975) Seventh Edition (1979) SYSV (1983) Solaris/SunOs 5.x(SUN) AIX(IBM) IRIX(SGI) HP-UN(HP) Digital UNIX(DEC) SCO Unix(SCO) UnixWare(SCO) SVR4 (1993) *Linux (Open Source) (1991) BSD (1979) SunOs 4.x(SUN) ULTRIX(DEC) NextStep(NeXT) FreeBSD (Open Source) NetBSD (OPen Source) OpenBSD (Open Source)

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Why Use UNIX?

multi-tasking / multi-user Distributed processing

rich set of tools

powerful networking capabilities stabile

portable (Hardware independence )

free! (FreeBSD, GNU) profitable
1996 Sales: US$34.5 Billion, up 12%

active community

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Architecture of UNIX

includes device driver

implements most BSD and SYSV system calls

Shells and GUIs

command line shell


Utilities & Application

Utilities : ls, cp, grep, awk, sed, bc, wc, more Application programs: emacs editor, gcc

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Login to UNIX systems

login: ad Enter your ID and RETURN. Password: Enter your password and RETURN. It does not appear. $ The UNIX prompt (or similar). You can now enter commands.

If you login with a graphical terminal, you can look for menus or icons which mention the words "shell", "xterm", "console" or "terminal to open a shell prompt.

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Logout from your account

logout or


Press CONTROL and D together



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Change your password

The command is $ passwd

It will ask you for the new password twice.

Password Tips NEVER tell anyone your password. Dont write it down. A good password is: - 8 (or more) characters long - uses a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols (e.g. #, %).

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General Command Syntax

The general syntax for a UNIX command is $ command [-options] targets

Example: ls -l /home/jones/dir1

Note: UNIX commands, options, and arguments are all Case sensitive!

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man cmd
man ls man man

Manual pages Spacebar to go on; ^C to stop

whatis cmd which cmd locate keyword

One-line description Location of command

List files with keyword in their name (or path)

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UNIX File System

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File types
The UNIX file system contains several different types of files

Regular file

Device Link

Named Pipe

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A simplified UNIX Directory Structure

/ etc bin date . . . home cal will















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Some Typical UNIX directories

/ /bin /usr/bin /sbin The "root" directory Essential low-level system utilities Higher-level system utilities and application programs Superuser system utilities (for performing system administration tasks)


Program libraries (collections of system calls that can be included

in programs by a compiler) for low-level system utilities


Program libraries for higher-level user programs


Temporary file storage space (can be used by any user)

UNIX system configuration and information files

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Some Typical UNIX directories (cont.)

/home or /homes User home directories containing personal file space for each user. Each directory is named after the login of the user.


Hardware devices
A pseudo-filesystem which is used as an interface to the kernel. Includes a sub-directory for each active program (or process).

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The home directory

When you log into UNIX, your current working directory is your user home directory.

You can refer to your home directory at any time as "~" and the home directory of other users as "~<login>".

Will specify the directory proj1? / Wills home dir will / home /joan /proj1 home joan









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Absolute Pathnames
The sequence of directory names between the top of the tree (the root) and the directory of interest.

Relative Pathnames
The sequence of directory names below the directory where you are now to the directory of interest.

examples: Absolute Pathnames /bin /etc/terminfo Relative Pathnames bin terminfo Comments if you are in / if you are in etc



if you are in /export/tma

. ..

the current directory the parent directory

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File Permissions
There are three types of permissions supported by UNIX:

r (4)

read, view the contents of a file or a directory

w (2)
x (1)

write, edit file/directory contents

execute, run executable file

There are three levels of permissions:

User (owner) Group Other the person who owns the file. the group owns the file. the rest of the world

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File Permissions
Heres an example

Suppose you type in ls -l and the result is

-rwxr-xr-- 1 hans doc 858 Aug 22 22:28 hw1


User permissions
Group permissions


size group

Modification date/time

File name

Other Permissions

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File Permissions

read=>4; write=>2; execute=>1

rwx r-x


4 +2 +1

4 +0+1

4 +0+0

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Changing Permissions
chmod [options] mode filename example: change file permissions with numerical mode

chmod 641 hw1







the owner of hw1 has rw-(6) permission, the group has r--(4) permission, others have --x permission.
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Changing Permissions
chmod [options] who ops permission filename change file permissions with symbolic mode

R recursively change permissions who can be any combination of:

u (user)
o (other/world)

g (group)
a (all or ugo)

ops adds or takes away permission, and can be: + (add permission) (remove permission)

permission can be any combination of: r (read)

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w (write)

x (execute)
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Changing Permissions (cont.)

examples: chmod u+w test report add write permission on the files test and report for

their owners
chmod u-x abc.c chmod g+rwx myfile1 take away execute permission on abc.c from owner add read, write and execute permissions on myfile1

for the group

chmod ugo+rwx myfile2 add read,write and execute permissions on myfile2 for everyone

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Permission Mask
umask [-S] [mode] Option: -S Example: file default permissions: directory default permissions: $ umask u=rwx,g=rwx,o= $ mkdir foo $ touch bar $ ls -l drwxrwx--- 2 user test 512 May 1 20:59 foo -rw-rw---- 1 user test 0 May 1 20:59 bar
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User file-creation mode mask Produce symbolic output user group other rwrwrwrwx

rwx rwx

(or $ umask 007)

Changing owner and group

chown user file change file ownership to another user Must have the write permission on the file!

chgrp group file

change file group to another user

Only owner or supervisor can change the group!


chown joan test1

chgrp testteam test1

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File Management
ls pwd (list) list files and directories

(print working directory display full pathname of current directory

cd mv

(make directory
(change directory) (move)

create new directories

change to the directory move a file or directory

rm touch cat more ln


copy a file or directory

remove a file and directory update Timestamp on File


display files, or concatenate files control the display of files


create link file or directory

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Listing Contents
ls [options] dirname options: list the contents of dirname

examples: ls /home/user/temp

list all files including hidden files

[hidden files are preceded by a .; eg .cshrc] long listing showing ownership, permissions and links

view the contents of a directory with absolute pathname /home/user/temp

ls ../../temp

list the contents of a directory using a relative path.


display full pathname of current directory

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Make Directory
mkdir dirname create the directory dirname

mkdir work create the directory work/ in the current working directory

mkdir work/proj1
mkdir /wrk/user2

create the directory proj1/ in the work/ directory

create the directory user2/ in the /wrk/ directory

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Change Directory
cd cd dirname change to your home directory change to the directory dirname

cd ~tom cd /wrk/user2 change to toms home directory change to the directory /wrk/user2

cd ..
cd ../..

change to the parent directory

Get up two levels

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Moving or Renaming
mv [options] presname newname mv [options] srcfile destdir rename a file move a file to another directory


example: mv ~user1/file ./outputfile

confirm overwrites

moves file from user1s home directory to the current working directory and renames it output file

Note: Be careful when overwriting files!

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cp [options] srcfile destfile cp [options] srcfile destdir copy a file to another filename copy a file to another directory


-i -R
example: cp -R proj1 proj2

confirm overwrites recursively copy a directory and its contents, copies symbolic links

copy the directory proj1/ and name it proj2/

Note: Be careful when overwriting files!

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rm [options] filename options: remove a file

-i -r
example: rm -rf /scratch/user2/dir1

remove without prompting

confirm removal recursively remove a directory and its contents

remove the directory /scratch2/user2/dir1 and its contents

!!!WARNING!!! This will DELETE EVERYTHING in that directory!!!

You can not recover your files after you removed them (unlike Windows OS).

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Update Timestamp on File

touch [options] file Options:
-m -c

update access and/or modification times of file

Changes the access time of the file

Changes the modification time of the file Does not create the file if it does not already exist

ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 user1 -rw-r--r-- 1 user1 touch newfile ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 user1 -rw-r--r-- 1 user1 -rw-r--r-- 1 user1 touch secondfile ls l -rw-r--r-- 1 user1 -rw-r--r-- 1 user1 -rw-r--r-- 1 user1
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users 25936 Apr 24 09:53 firstfile users 10245 Apr 24 09:53 secondfile users 25936 Apr 24 09:53 firstfile users 0 Apr 25 10:02 newfile users 10245 Apr 24 09:53 secondfile users 25936 Apr 24 09:53 firstfile users 0 Apr 25 10:02 newfile users 10245 Apr 25 10:05 secondfile
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Catenate / Type
cat filename 1) displays the contents of file on the screen, one after the other .

2) You can also use it to create files from keyboard input

as follows (> is the output redirection operator) example:

cat > hello.txt hello world! [ctrl-d] ls hello.txt hello.txt cat hello.txt hello world!

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Catenate with pause

more filename 1) displays the contents of file on the screen, pausing at the end of each screenful and asking the user to press a key

2)You can also use more to break up the output of commands

that produce more than one screenful of output example:

more output.c
ls -l | more (| is the pipe operator)

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Making links file

ln filename linkname ln -s filename linkname Make hard links from one file or directory to another Make soft (or symbolic) links from one file or

directory to another
example: ln -s hello.txt bye.txt ls -l bye.txt lrwxrwxrwx 1 will finance 13 bye.txt -> hello.txt

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Process Control

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A process is a program in execution identified by a unique PID (process


Every time you invoke a system utility or an application program from a shell,
one or more "child" processes are created by the shell in response to your command.

An important process that is always present is the init process. This is the first
process to be created when a UNIX system starts up and usually has a PID of 1. All other processes are said to be "descendants" of init.

A process may be in the foreground, in the background, or be suspended.

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Listing Process
ps [options] display the status of the current processes and the process id-number

-e -u all processes now running display processes owned by a particular user


shows any jobs that are currently running in the background or suspended

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Process Control
<Ctrl>-C <Ctrl>-Z cancel a foreground job stop (interrupt) a foreground job

fg &

run stopped job in the background

run stopped job in the foreground appended to the end of a command will place that job in the

examples: $ sleep 1000 & $ man ls <Ctrl>-Z $ jobs $ fg %2
$ jobs [2] + Stopped (SIGTSTP) man ls [1] - Running sleep 1000 &

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Killing a process
kill id-number terminate a process owned by you; id-number (process id) can be found with the ps command

kill %job-number terminate a process owned by you; job-number can be found with the jobs command

PID TTY TIME CMD 17717 pts/10 00:00:00 bash

27501 pts/10 00:00:01 find

27502 pts/10 00:00:00 ps

kill 27501 kill -9 27501

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If a process refuses to be killed, uses the -9 option

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Rese t Br e k a f1 Sp to f2

f3 f4 Men u Use r S m yste f5 f6 f7 f8

File Descriptor
Inse t r line Dele te line


~ `

! 1 Q

@ 2 W

# 3 E

$ 4 R

% 5 T

^ 6 Y

& 7 U

* 8 I

( 9 O

) 0 P

_ { [ : ;

= + } ] " '

Back S ce pa

. 7 4 1 0

/ 8 5 2

+ 9 6 3 .

T ab

| \

Ins r t e
cha r

Dele te cha r

Cap s


Re rn tu

Pe r v

T ab


S hift

< ,

> .

? /
E xten d cha r

S hift

S elect


Exten d cha r

keyboard stdout stderr terminal 1 2

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Input Redirection
< command input redirection (from file)

how to email a file to a collaborator mail -s results < new_blast_results

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Output Redirection
> >> command output redirection (create new, overwrites existing file) command output redirection (append)

Examples: Create/Overwrite Create/Append

$ ls > filelist.out
$ cat seq1 seq2 > seq

$ ls >> filelist.out
$ cat seq1 >> seq2

(combine individual sequence files into one file)

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Error Redirection
2> 2>> error output redirection (create new, overwrites existing file) error output redirection (append)

$ cp 2> cp.err $ cp 2>> cp.err Create/Overwrite Create/Append

$ more cp.err
Usage: cp [-f|-i] [-p] source_file target_file cp [-f|-i] [-p] source_file ...target_directory cp [-f|-i] [-p] -R|-rsource_directory...target_directory Usage: cp [-f|-i] [-p] source_file target_file

cp [-f|-i] [-p] source_file ... target_directory

cp [-f|-i] [-p] -R|-r source_directory...target_directory

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command1 | command2 | directs standard output of one command into standard input for the next command

ls -al | more cat hello.txt | sort | uniq look at the ls output one page at a time creates three processes (corresponding to cat,

sort and uniq) which execute concurrently. As

they execute, the output of the who process is passed on to the sort process which is in turn passed on to the uniq process. uniq displays its output on the screen (a sorted list of users with duplicate lines removed).
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Introduction to vi

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Introduction to vi
vi is the standard UNIX text editor very powerful

useful simple subset of commands

portable (PCs, mainframes, etc.) designed for slow networks


Starting vi vi filename Changes are stored in a buffer, so you must save to change the file !If the file doesn't exist, vi will create it for you.
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Three Modes
Command mode

move cursor, save, delete text, quit vi, etc.

Last-line mode

Initiated from command mode by entering advanced editing

commands like :, /, ?, !.

Commands are shown on the status line (Bottom line )

Input mode

for inserting text start by typing i; finish with ESC cannot quit, delete, etc. in this mode If in doubt, press ESC a few times. This will put you back in
command mode.
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Cursor movement
h j k left down up


^ $

beginning of line end of line

1G G ^F ^B w b

top of document end of document page forward page backward word forwards word backwards

<n> G go to line <n>

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Inserting and typing text

i a o insert text (and enter input mode) append text (and enter input mode) start a new line (and enter input mode)

Move to insertion point

Switch to input mode:

Start typing;



finish; back in command mode

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Backspace Delete character before cursor (only works in insert mode) Must be in command mode

dd <n>dd

Delete character that cursor is on.

Delete current line. Delete n lines

Delete from cursor position to end of line

:i,jd :23,29d :.,$d u

Delete lines i to j Delete lines 23 to 29 Delete from current line to the end of file.

Undo last command

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Deleting and moving

Cut & Paste with Deleted Text

dd or <n>dd or D p
Copy & Paste

delete from screen and store text in a buffer

move cursor to new location

paste contents of buffer to right of cursor position

yy or <n>yy

yank/copy lines and store text in a buffer

move cursor to new location

paste contents of buffer to right of cursor position

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Searching for Text type / and then a regular expression and press Enter

There is one here and one more here and yet one more but not this ONE nor this One

/one <cr> n next N previous

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Global Search and replace

:s/old/new/g replace every occurrence of old by new

:i,js/old/new/g replace every occurrence of old by new between lines i and j



from line 1 to current

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Finishing a vi Session
Get to :w :wq ZZ :q! command mode (press ESC) save file (not quit) save file and quit save file and quit quit without saving save as the file 'newfile', overwriting any existing newfile

:w! newfile

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Customizing Your Shell Environment

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Shells and Shell Scripts

A shell is a program that takes your commands from the keyboard and gives them to the operating system to perform. Shells also usually provide features such job control, input and output redirection and a command language for writing shell scripts. A shell script is simply an ordinary text file containing a series of commands in a shell command language (just like a "batch file" under MS-DOS).

There are many different shells available on UNIX systems (e.g. sh, bash, csh, ksh etc.), and they each support a different command language.

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View your login shell

Determine your login shell: echo $SHELL

Change to another shell, just type the shell name:

sh (or Or csh or ksh or bash)

exec sh

(close the original shell, then open another shell sh)

Go back to your normal shell exit or press CTRL-D

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Changing your Login Shell

To change your Unix shell, you will need to be at a Unix shell prompt. type the command

$ passwd -r nis -e
Enter login(NIS) password: Type your Unix password and press return. You will then see screen output similar to the following:

Old shell: /usr/local/bin/bash New shell:

enter the full name of your new shell.

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Initialization files
Each time you login to a UNIX host, the system looks in your home directory for initialization files. You can change your environment by changing initialization files. Shell System initialization filesFirst /etc/profile /etc/profile User initialization filessecondly $HOME/.profile $HOME/.profile $HOME/.kshrc $HOME/.cshrc $HOME/.login $HOME/.bash_profile $HOME/.bashrc Template /etc/skel local.profile local.profile

sh(Bourne shell) ksh(Korn shell) csh(C shell)


local.cshrc local.login local.profile

bash(Bourne Again shell )


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Setting shell variables

At login the C shell first reads .cshrc followed by .login

.login is to set conditions which will apply to the whole session and to perform
actions that are relevant only at login.

.cshrc is used to set conditions and perform actions specific to the shell and to
each invocation of it. The guidelines are to set ENVIRONMENT variables in the .login file and SHELL variables in the .cshrc file. Setting shell variables in the .cshrc file
$ vi ~/.cshrc Add the following line AFTER the list of other commands set history = 200 Save the file $ source .cshrc (force the shell to reread its .cshrc file ) $ echo $history (Check this has worked)

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Setting Environment Variables

View all system variables by the command env By convention system variables are capitalized


a list of directories that the shell uses to locate executable files for commands
Name of your home (login) directory Current directory Previous directory before the last cd command

Setting system variables differs by shell. bash uses export, csh uses setenv
varname=value command export varnames Example: PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/ucb:/local/bin EDITOR=/usr/local/bin/emacs export EDITOR PATH

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alias new=original alias new original defines new to be an alias for original (ksh or bash) (csh)

example: alias ct=cleartool

alias ll='ls l'

alias logout='. ~/.ksh_logout; exit'

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Other Basic Commands

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Other Basic Commands

tar compress (tape archive) ; create archives compress files

find grep sort

compress files
find files and directories with a wealth of search criteria (general regular expression parser); text search sort information provided on standard input


(secure shell) ; remote login

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Archives and Storage

tar create archives, and read/write from tapes and diskettes create a disk file tar archive

tar -cvf archivenamefilenames

tar -tvf archivename

tar -xvf archivename compress /gzip compress files

list the contents of a tar archive

restore files from a tar archive

compress file
uncompress file.Z gzip file gunzip file.gz

compress file and rename it file.Z

uncompress file.Z and rename it file compress file and rename it file.gz uncompress file.gz and rename it file

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Finding Files
find Example: Find files and directories with a wealth of search criteria

find directory -name targetfile print

look for a file called targetfile in any part of the directory tree rooted at directory. find /home -name "*.txt" -print 2>/dev/null search all user directories for any file ending in ".txt" and output any matching files. The 2>/dev/null suppresses error messages. find . -name "*.txt" -exec wc -l '{}' ';'

counts the number of lines in every text file in and below the current directory. The '{}' is replaced by the name of each file found and the ';' ends the -exec clause.

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Searching Text
grep options pattern files searches the named files (or standard input if no files are named) for lines that match a given pattern

-c (print a count of the number of lines that match) -i (ignore case) -v (print out the lines that don't match the pattern) -n (printout the line number before printing the matching line)

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Searching Text (cont.)

Examples: grep -vi hello *.txt searches all text files in the current

directory for lines that do not contain

any form of the word hello (e.g. Hello, HELLO, or hELlO). grep hello `find . -name "*.txt" -print` search all text files in the directory tree rooted at the current directory for lines containing the word "hello". grep ^..[l-z]$ hello.txt matches any line in hello.txt that contains a three character sequence that ends with a lowercase letter from l to z.

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Sorting files
sort [options] filenames Options: sort information provided on standard input


Reverses the sense of comparisons

sort input1.txt input2.txt > output.txt

outputs the sorted concentenation of files input1.txt and input2.txt to the file output.txt. sort input.txt | uniq > output.txt
Uniq removes duplicate adjacent lines from a file input.txt. It is most useful when combined with sort

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Remote login
ssh [options] host secure shell; a program for logging into a remote host providing encrypted communications

between hosts
options: -l login name


sets environment variables for porting X-display

example: ssh -l fengy sbardy12 open a secure connection for the user fengy on the host sbardy12 ssh load2 open a secure connection to host load2 with current username
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