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Patient-centred care and self-management for people with MSDs: the importance of physical and mental health Nele

Caeyers, ReumaNet, EULAR-PARE Seoirse Smith, Ankylosing Spondylitis International Federation

All aspects of RMDs (rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases) Foundation: 1947

Scientific associations

Health Professionals associations

Patient organisations

Platform of patient organisations Collaboration with different stakeholders
Scientific Health professionals Industry Politics

Innovative projects
Lets Work Together: Allen Actief, ook met reuma Disabillity Case Managers Winning Ways to work: how to get, keep or reenter a job

Introduction to ASIF

ASIF Introduction
AS is a long-term, painful, progressive, inflammatory rheumatic disease that mainly affects the spine and sacroiliac joints but can also affect other joints. AS affects at least 36 million people worldwide and is known as Morbus Bechterew in some European countries There are now AS organisations in more than 30 countries that are connected through ASIF Since its foundation in the mid 1980s ASIF has existed to support AS organisations around the world through

sharing information, experiences , knowledge

giving an international voice to patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis promoting international cooperation on mutually beneficial projects developing support groups where none currently exist By informing them and their medical team on their condition and its management By removing barriers & obstacles associated with living with this chronic illness including social, regulatory, financial and employment barriers where possible

As national organisations we look to empower people living with AS;

Discuss your advocacy experiences Share good practices successes Discuss solutions to the challenges we face Create a common understanding of key needs for people with MSDs which should be patient-centred care policies Identify the +/- of self-management policies for people with MSDs Identify core asks (needs for people with MSDs) which need to be highlighted to policymakers Please identify yourself when you speak!

Questions to consider
What is the responsibility of people with MSDs in planning and managing treatment plans? How can people with MSDs contribute to advocacy on national planning on MSDs and outreach to national ministries of health? What can people with MSDs do to support efforts on making workability a clinical outcome and part of HTAs? What can people with MSDs do to support patient empowerment and self-management policies? What are the barriers to this approach? What are the obstacles people with MSDs have encountered?

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