Campus To Corporate - 14th July - 12

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Campus to Corporate

14th July 2012 An eSAT initiative

BEC B.E. 1997 IIMA - MBA 2001

Coca Cola - Area Sales Manager Olam International - Business Manager Vega Foods Corp - General Manager NTUC - Director Operations Auric Pacific Marketing General Manager

BEC B.Arch 1999 XLRI - PMIR 2003 Eveready Industries Indus League Clothing Ltd Matrix Laboratories Dr Reddys Laboratories Human Capital Solutions Head Quality & Operations


Making the right Resume Cracking the Interview Stepping into the Corporate World


Making the right Resume

The Starting Blocks

Begin with self assessment what are your interests,

skills, strengths and weaknesses

Self assessment is a difficult thing to do, but the only

way to develop self confidence something youll need

during the interview

You alone are responsible for your career, so its only fair that you take charge of it NOW


Its pronounced resumay not resum

Resume is not the same as CV

Your resume should speak out for you pay attention

to detail, ensure there are no typos or inconsistent


Should be compact and informative a 1 page resume may be a good idea for freshers

Get the details right

A well made CV can make up for a lot of other weaknesses

Avoid fancy/ colored fonts, avoid upper case text Font size for the title (Name) 14/16 depending on the font, sub headings at font size 12 and remaining text at font size 11.

Bullet points to be used only when there are 2 or more

points, bullets to be sober like OR

Making it compact

Summarise content and avoid long winding statements. Bullet points look neat and give you the opportunity to elaborate on them during the interview

CGPA for each term of every year need not be listed out
Ensure there is a balance between academics and extra-

curricular activities

Career objective is desirable but not necessary

Final touches

Prepare your CV in word format and convert to PDF format saves formatting and is tamper proof

Print on good quality paper and carry it in a folder along with copies of your academic reports and certificates

Before you print / send

Is your resume clear and concise- the right length? Does your resume position you as a good to match the needs of your prospective employer?

Have you corrected all spelling errors? Does it contain all relevant information?

Cracking that Interview!

On your way
Your CV is your Passport
Not only should you bring your CV to an interview, but you should know your CV inside out. A pen and paper makes you look prepared

Research, Research, Research

About the company (Turnover, major businesses, any major news in recent times) About the role (JD, specifics) About the person interviewing you (By Name)

Dress Appropriately
Light color shirt with Dark color Trousers/Skirt Dont ignore the belt, shoes and the socks! Dress by the weather

If you are late, it might be too late!

As you step in
A last look at the mirror can help Wait to be asked to seat! Smile, Relax and be Positive Listen, Pause, Shoot
If needed, ask again to clarify

Online Presence does impact your professional world! Basic Body language
Lean Forward Eye to eye contact Avoid scratching head, fidgeting with nails etc.

Conclude in Style
Asking questions is not fine, its a MUST!
Prepare your questions beforehand Dont interrupt and wait for your turn

Humor vs. Comedy

If you can, make them smile If you cant keep it formal Bad jokes are far worse than No jokes!

Be cautious about your former employer Exit is as important as Entry!

Firm Handshake Thanking for their time Thank the Receptionist! Follow up with a Thank you Note

The Top 10 Questions

The Questions..
Tell me about yourself
Limit yourself to 3 mins max Cover your education, work and latest assignment For freshers, short one on your interests

What makes you interested in us?

Talk abt what u have heard abt the co, their growth and their workplace culture and how you can excel in it

How do you see yourself in 5 yrs?

Prepare yourself in the way you wish to career to go Dont be over ambitious and go for a CEO, but be ambitious and see how some of your performer friends have gone in their careers

What is your greatest strength /Greatest weakness?

Make a strength sound like a weakness (perfectionist) Avoid Negative words

The Questions..
Why are you leaving your last job?
Dont complain! Point at wrong fitment/ unclear career progression/lack of learning opportunities

How would you handle stress at work place?

Try to point that stress makes you excel in performance Stress teaches you how to keep your calm Some +ve hobby which can take away your stress

What is your greatest achievement till date?

What was the achievement? Under what circumstances? What was the impact on your career/life?

Some for Entry Level

What have you learnt from your mistakes?
Pick a positive lesson like, taught persistence or look at alternative ways for a solution

Why should we Hire you?

Pick your strongest technical skills relevant Sum it up with a mix of soft skills Top it up with any diversity and experience

Tell us of a situation when you faced a problem and found a solution out of it
Showcase a moderate level of problem and focus on how you overcame it. Dont highlight the problem!

The 10 positive signs

Keep an eye for these

Body Language of Interviewer
Leaning in, nodding, taking notes?

Follow up questions Asked to elaborate?

Probing but not intimidating.

How long is your turn?

Showing interest in your answer? Allowing u to speak?

Is it still rolling?
20 - 30 mins (Freshers) 35 - 60 mins (Experienced)

Transition steps, Notice, availability etc.

Are they being discussed?

Pick up the hints

Attentiveness, Mobile Phone modes
Is he/she answering calls during the interview?

Round Two?
Did they mention it?

Meet this guy!

Introducing to other colleagues

References, Compensation, travel comfort etc.

The second level topics

Smiles, Walk and that Handshake

Try to catch all subtle hints, observe the smiles & warmth

And this could be you

Workplace Etiquettes

Social/Work Environment

Drawing the line between business and friendship Most employees do not realize that what they say has as much impact on their professional images as what they wear.

Being overly social may lead to you being considered as incompetent.

Things NOT to do

Salary Information is confidential never discuss with

anyone except HR, about others salary information,

dont discuss even with HR

Inability to do so will be considered as unprofessional behaviour

Things NOT to do

Medical history Nobody really cares about your aches

and pains, your latest surgery or the contents of your

medicine cabinet.

To your employer, your constant medical issues make you seem like an expensive, high-risk employee.

Things NOT to do

Gossip - Whomever you're gossiping with will undoubtedly tell others what you said.

If a co-worker is gossiping with you, most likely he or she will gossip about you.

Things NOT to do

Constant complaints about your workload, stress levels or the company will quickly make you the kind of person who never gets invited to lunch.

If you don't agree with company policies & procedures, address it through official means or move on.

Things NOT to do

Religion & Politics People have strong, passionate views on both topics.

You may alienate a co-worker or be viewed negatively

in a way that could impact your career.

Things NOT to do

Lifestyle changes Breakups, divorces and baby-making

plans should be shared only if there is a need to know.

Others will speak for your capabilities, desires and limitations on availability, whether there is any truth to their assumptions or not.

Things NOT to do

Casual Social Networking What you say in a social networking community or in your personal blog may be even more damaging than what you say in person. Comments online can and will be seen by multiple eyes.

An outburst of anger when you are having a bad day can blow up in your face.

Things NOT to do

It's perfectly fine to have fun during the weekend, but

don't talk about your wild adventures on Monday.

That information can make you look unprofessional and unreliable

If theres an office party, ensure that you are on time at

work the next day

Things NOT to do

Office romances lead to gossip and broken hearts, so it's

best to steer clear.

The safest way to play is to follow the rule, Never get your honey where you get your money.'

Things to do

Keep looking for opportunities to learn Put your hand up for challenging assignments Keep a track of new skills acquired over a period of every

3-4 months

Understand the value chain in your organisation and where you fit in

Keep updating your CV on at least half-year basis

Questions anyone?

Thank YOU!!!

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