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Solemnity of All Saints November 1

What is All Saints Day?

All Saints is a Solemnity (feast) in honor of All Saints known and unknown. This Solemnity is celebrated on November 1. All Saints is also an ancient Christian formula invoking all the Saints.

All Saints Day

In the early Church, was celebrated on the anniversary of a martyrs death for Christ. The anniversary of a martyrs death was commonly referred in early Christianity as the Saints birthday.

Other Names for This Solemnity

This solemnity is also known as: A. All Saints Day B. All Hallows C. Hallowmas (mass of the saints)

What is a solemnity?

A solemnity is a principal feast in the calendar of the Roman Catholic Church. Solemnities commemorate an event in the life of Jesus, Mary or the saints. Some solemnities are also Holy Days of obligation, on which Catholics are required to attend the Eucharist.


A solemnity has the Character of a Sunday mass.

If a Solemnity falls on a Sunday, the Eucharist is celebrated with the readings and prayer proper of the feast, rather than the particular Sunday.

What is Saint?

The word Saint comes from the Latin word sanctus which means Holy.

Every baptized Christian is called to Holiness.

We honor them whether they are known or unknown.

All Saints Day

The solemnity of All Saints is a Holy day of obligation or a Feast of precept for all the faithful.

All Saints Day

For all the saints, the custom is to go to the graves of the dead and arrange them and decorate them. You can also deposit the favorite food of the deceased. A catalan custom was returning home with candles for the deceased could find the house and protect it. Actually, many gypsis decorate the graves with flowers and visit the grave frequently.

How to Prepare For all Saints Day?

Start with a reflection on the meaning of your baptism? Make an examination of Conscience ( a deep introspection of your lifes actions, mistakes and sins) Make arrangements at work to leave early in order to attend the services. Pay special attention to the prayers, readings, homily. What is God saying to you? Think of a concrete way you can relate the experience of All saints Day to another person. Incorporate piety, devotion, prayer into your daily life. Live by example be a role model of faith, remember the words of Jesus, You are the light of the world Matthew 5:14 Receive the Sacraments as often as possible, specially the sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist. Pray for the grace of a happy death (to die in state of grace).

The End
Carles Garcia lvar Caro Sara Buetas Pau Vzquez Berta Soler

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