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Case Study- United Nations

Application of OD Human Process Interventions

To address resolution of interpersonal conflicts

organization wide. Background The UN has immunity from local jurisdiction and cannot be sued in National courts. Requirement for Conflict resolution mechanism. For interpersonal and staff-management disputes, including those that involve disciplinary action

Statement of the Problem

Internal justice system handled within the DOM, the same Dept. that makes decisions on HR and disciplinary matters.

A peer-review system, where staff volunteered to serve on the Joint Appeals Boards (JABs) and Joint Disciplinary Committees (JDCs).which the SecretaryGeneral could agree or not agree.
Staff could appeal the Secretary-General's decision to the Administrative Tribunal. The Secretary-General could only impose a disciplinary measure after a recommendation from a JDC (except in cases of summary dismissal). Judges of the UN Administrative Tribunal were nominated by Member States and elected by the General Assembly without any screening or selection process. An Ombudsman Office to assist staff address their work-related concerns/conflicts through informal means. The first step for a staff member wishing to formally contest a decision was a request for administrative review, conducted by OHRM.

Challenges of the old system

1. The administrative review was criticized as taking very long and not providing any "added value". 2. The Ombudsman's Office had staff only at NY Headquarters. 3. There were no established links between the informal and the formal system. 4. Legal assistance to staff was provided by volunteers through the Panel of Counsel. 5. The system was mostly Headquarters-based, with the exception of a JAB/JDC in Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi.

Process Consultation

Process consultation is the creation of a relationship with the client Permits the client to perceive, understand, and act on the process events that occur in the clients environment

Purpose is to improve the situation as defined by the client

It is more of a philosophy or a set of underlying assumptions about the helping process that lead the consultant to take a certain attitude toward his or her relationship with the client. Edgar H. Schein

Process vs. Expert Consulting

In Expert consulting, the client has a problem which they believe they have little or no capacity to solve. In process consulting, the consultant is trying to collaboratively help the organization add capacity. The job of the process consultant is to design settings that lead to learning, insight, clarity, interpersonal connections and energy for change. .

Focus of Process Consulting

Relationship Building; Permit the consultant and client to deal with reality Remove the consultants areas of ignorance Acknowledge the consultants behavior as being always an intervention

Giving the client(s) insight into what is going on around them

Focus of Process Consulting

Help the client figure out what they should do about the situation Clients must be helped to remain proactive Clients must own the problems Clients know the true complexity of their situation and they know what will work in the culture where they live

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Power tool in PC Improves Self Awareness & Mutual Understanding between individuals in a group

Ten Principles of PC
1. Always try to be helpful 2. Always stay in touch with the current reality 3. Access your ignorance 4. Everything you do is an intervention 5. It is the client who owns the problem and solution

Ten Principles of PC
6. Go with the flow 7. Timing is crucial 8. Be constructively opportunistic with confrontive

9. Everything is data: errors are inevitable learn

from them
10. When in doubt, share the problem

Benefits of Process Consulting

Shorter meetings. More productive meetings. Better decisions. Increased feelings of participation or potency. Greater satisfaction with the team or meetings.

In summary effective Process Consulting its effects should last long after the consultant has departed.

Executive Coaching

Executive coaching
Intervention for building organizational capability and a growing trend in organizational leadership development programs. EC is collaborative and change oriented (Natale and Diamante, 2005) It relates to managerial-executive level development for performance and professional growth. The working definition of executive coaching a collaborative, solutions-focused, results-oriented and systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of performance, self-directed learning and the personal growth of individuals (Green and Grant, 2003, cited in Webb, 2006, p. 3).

Executive Coaching..
is an experiential and individualized leader development process that builds a leaders capability to achieve short- and long-term organizational goals. It is conducted through one-on-one interactions, driven by data from multiple perspectives, and based on mutual trust and respect. The organization, an executive, and the executive coach work in partnership to achieve maximum impact.

Difference between Executive Coaching and Other types of Coaching:

It always involves a partnership among executive, coach, and organization.
The individual goals of an executive coaching engagement must always link back and be subordinated to strategic organizational objectives.

Application of EC
Executive Coaching can be used in: 1. Succession grooming: Coaching can accelerate the development of high performing mid-level managers. 2. Leadership team development: Combine individual and team coaching for the senior leadership team. 3. Performance coaching: Pre-empt the need for expensive executive search and outplacement processes. 4. Interpersonal skills development:

Application of EC
5. Business etiquette grooming: Offer personalized
coaching for highly talented individuals with underdeveloped social skills. 6. Promotion support: Give just-in-time support for newly promoted senior managers. 7. Transition management: Facilitate individual and team efforts to make the transition to new cultural expectations. 8. Conflict resolution: Help key performers who are clashing with each other develop mutual understanding and trust.

Benefits of EC
An excellent tool for executives who are continuing to advance in their professional careers. Improve leadership styles and emotional intelligence of managers Coaches & clients influence each other Is often relied to as a substitute of performance management

Challenges faced in EC
Feeling of shame in the coaching relationship Some clients can be un-coachable Sense of visibility of the coach Lack of understanding the organizational values Insistence by the boss on what he/she wants Lack of trust between the executive and coach

Performance = Ability + Motivation + Support Look for an working alliance between the coach and the manager. Short but repeated training session combined with feedback is more effective. Coaches should ensure that employees are given proper support to perform

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution
March and Simon (1958,) consider conflict as a breakdown in the standard mechanisms of decision making, so that an individual or group experiences difficulty in selecting an alternative Conflict is defined as an interactive process manifested in incompatibility, disagreement, or dissonance within or between social entities like individual, group and organization.

According to Kenneth Thomas(1992), Conflict is ,the process which begins when one party perceives that another has frustrated, or is about to frustrate, some concern of his.

Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution strategy addresses dysfunctional behaviours and achieve consensus commitments that serve as the foundation for building a cohesive highperformance team.

Third-party intervention This change method is a form of process consultation aimed at dysfunctional interpersonal relations in organizations. The third-party intervener helps people resolve conflicts through such methods as problem solving, bargaining, and conciliation.

Aim of Conflict Resolution Prevent conflict through mandate or separation of the parties Set limits on the timing and extent of the conflict Help the parties to cope differently with the conflict Attempt to eliminate or resolve the basic issues in the conflict

Conflict resolution process

Phase 1: Diagnose critical needs and challenges of the team Phase 2: Intervention Facilitate a highly productive conflict resolution strategy that addresses the real needs and challenges of the team. Phase 3 :Follow-up Follow-up and reinforcement. To assess compliance with commitments and reinforce positive new behaviours. To achieve lasting behaviour change and dramatic improvements in team performance.

Benefits of Conflict Resolution

Eliminates/reduces dysfunctional conflict behaviours Effective Communication is enhanced

Enhances trust

Improves morale
Taking ownership and assuming responsibility is enhanced Increases satisfaction Improves leadership skills

Benefits of conflict resolution

Recognizes and builds on each persons strengths Manages politics, anger, egos and other dysfunctional behaviours Builds rapport Enhances interpersonal skills Focus on results is enhanced Eliminates self-destructive negative behaviours

Benefits of Conflict Resolution

Sustains high levels of energy and motivation Individuals or groups hold each other accountable Builds a positive team culture Destroy "we-they" perceptions Achieves dramatic improvements in team performance and productivity

Challenges of conflict resolution Diversity Resources Timing

Recommendations for improving conflict resolution


Communicating all options to the parties involved in the conflict can help create a common frame of reference from which you can work.
Application of conflict resolution methods needs wider people to people transnational active participation and continued interaction. It must not remain nearly an exclusive domain of management

Recommendations for improving conflict resolution

Assessment collecting all necessary information before trying to resolve workplace conflict, Do not make any judgments or give any opinions until you have collected all of your information. You should also speak to those outside of the conflict who are affected by it
Perspective Assess and understand the perspective of each party involved Demeanour When decision is based on comprehensive information and interviews with all parties involved, resolution when presenting solution to the conflicting parties

OD process for UN
Entry The Secretary General Contracted an external panel of experts, namely the "Panel on the Redesign of the UN system of administration of justice to come up with recommendations he could present and propose to the General Assembly for approval. Diagnosis: Data was collected through Survey Questionnaires and Consultations with staff and management (SMCC) on issues of administration of justice. Secondary data analysis of the previous system.

Diagnosis results
1. Slow

2. Inadequate resources
3. Poor linkages between formal and informal system 4. Inadequate legal assistance 5. Only headquarter based 6. Contractual status was a major cause for most conflicts

Interventions proposed
1. 2. Internal justice system with informal and formal processes. Set up a new Office of Administration of Justice.


Offer legal assistance to staff through the creation of an Office of Staff Legal Assistance (OSLA)

4. Organize Leadership Training Programs for senior level and middle level management . 5. Submit proposal to the UNGA for resources to set up internal justice structure 6. A harmonized contractual structure for the entire organization


UN General Assembly approval obtained

Resources - financial, human, physical resources and facilities provided

An independent internal justice system, coordinated by the new Office of Administration of Justice (OAJ) was set up
and became operational on 1 July 2009.

New Justice framework

OD Process
Evaluation The new system has been in place for over two years and is due for evaluation. System currently undergoing evaluation to measure its efficacy and an evaluation report is due to be submitted to the UNGA in December 2012.

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