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Chapter 3

The Development of Approaches to Communication

The Rhetorical Tradition: Developing Communication Theory

Rhetorical Pedagogy
Aristotles Rhetoric
Very insightful book on persuasion three parts Defined rhetoric as persuasion.

Influenced by Aristotle Created the canons of rhetoric & rhetorical theory. Wrote books on rhetoric, impacting education across Rome; De Oratore

Basic Rhetorical Concepts

Canons of Oratory
Invento/Invention Dispositio/Arrangement Elocutio/Style Memoria/Memory Pronuntiatio/Delivery

Canons of Oratory
Types of Oratory
Forensic speaking Deliberative speaking Epideictic oratory

Developing Arguments
Koinoi topoi Eide topoi Enthymeme

Canons of Oratory
Invento/Invention (cont)
Aristotles Forms of Proof
Ethos source credibility Pathos emotional appeals Logos -- argument

Canons of Oratory
Arrangement for Roman Oration
Exordium Narratio Partitio Confirmatio Refutatio


Canons of Oratory
3 Levels of Language Style
Plain Middle Grand

Literary figures of speech were taught


Basic Functions of Discourse

To inform To please To persuade

Canons of Oratory
Regulation of voice and gestures Varying rate, volume, and pitch Using non-dramatic gestures

Systematic evaluation of speech delivery Developed into the study of nonverbal communication.

Canons of Oratory
Highly prevalent in the self-help market
Memory improvement

Used vivid imagery to remember a speech

Descriptive Models of Communication

The Schramm Model of Communication
Most basic model of communication First to introduce basic elements of communication
Encoding Decoding Feedback

Missing noise element

Descriptive Models of Communication

Berlos SMRC Model of Communication
4 key elements exemplify models of communication.
Source Message Channel Receiver

Treated 5 senses as channels of communication; key concept process.

Descriptive Models of Communication

The McCroskey Model of Communication
More complete model of communication process
Noise element expanded to encoding and decoding (intrapersonal noise)
For the source and receiver In the primary channel In the feedback channel

Feedback-induced adaptation

Descriptive Models of Communication

The Ruesch and Bateson Model
Concerned with communication functions
Receiver evaluates source
Message content Nonverbal behaviors

Source evaluates receiver

Audience analysis

Sending Channeling Receiving

Descriptive Models of Communication

The Ruesch and Bateson Model (Cont)
4 Levels of analysis
Intrapersonal Interpersonal Group Cultural

Descriptive Models of Communication

The Westley-MacLean Model
Mediated or mass communication context Includes intermediary in the communication process, between:
Original source Ultimate receiver Intervening individuals

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