Oustanding Teaching - Twilight Training 1 - 5.11

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Outstanding Teaching and Learning

What are the ingredients of an
outstanding lesson?


How to plan and deliver an outstanding lesson

(not how to create an outstanding lesson plan)

1. Know your students

groups (FSM, LAC, SEN, EAL) ability/potential - school targets prior attainment - underachievement? other attributes - e.g. TRICS

almost all pupils currently on roll

in the school, including disabled pupils, those who have special educational needs and those for whom the pupil premium provides support, are making rapid and sustained progress.

(OFSTED Sep 2012)

2. Know your subject

This is a given for outstanding lessons

Staggered and differentiated

1 2 3
All Must C

3. Lesson objectives/Learning intentions/Learning outcomes

Lvl 4

What will a completed grid look like?

Lesson objectives/Learning intentions Staggered and differentiated

1 2 3
All Must C B A Lvl 4 Lvl 5 Lvl 6 Most Should Some Could

All students should be aiming for the

final target (row 3)

If you dont get this right then the lesson is unlikely to be outstanding.

All teachers have consistently high

expectations of all pupils. They plan and teach lessons that enable pupils to learn exceptionally well across the curriculum.

(Ofsted Sep 2012)

All will be able to identify the problems Stresemann faced (D) Most will be able to describe the problems Stresemann faced and his attempts to solve them (C) Some will be able to explain the problems faced by Stresemann (B) and evaluate how successful he was in solving them. (A)

All students will identify reasons for Hitlers rise to power.

Most students will explain reasons for Hitlers rise to power.

Some students will explain reasons for Hitlers rise to power and make a supported judgement about which set of reasons are stronger.

How many of you use staggered

learning objectives?

How many of you use them as an

integral (the integral?) part of the lesson?

From staggered learning objectives, the following can occur:

Progress conversations Self-assessment Peer-assessment Mini-plenaries Progress checks Use of assessment ladders

2 mins - discuss - Which do you use the

most? Which do you need to improve in the way you use it?

From staggered learning objectives, the following can occur:

Progress conversations Self-assessment Peer-assessment Mini-plenaries Progress checks Use of assessment ladders

4. Activities
Select the activities that will allow all students to make that progress. Activities should: be varied (learning styles?) promote independent learning

encourage active learning

encourage collaboration be engaging be challenging offer choice

5. Make timely and effective interventions

Questioning Progress checks (individual, group,

basketball with no hands hinge questions planned

Dylan William:
there are only two good reasons to ask
questions in class: to cause thinking and to provide information for the teacher about what to do next.

hinge questions:
the hinge is a point at which the teacher
checks whether the class is ready to move on through the use of a diagnostic question.

the teacher needs to focus on just two


1. Are there any items that a significant

proportion of the class answers incorrectly and will need to be retaught with the whole class?

2. Which two or three students would

benefit from individualised instruction?

Multiple choice and hinge questions

Multiple choice and planned questions

In which year did World War II begin?

A 1914 B 1931 C 1938 D 1939 E 1941

Progress checks
mini-plenaries (only in the right

progress grids

6. Literacy and Numeracy

The teaching of reading, writing,
communication and mathematics is highly effective and cohesively planned and implemented across the curriculum.

(Ofsted Sep2012)

- 9 hospitals, 18 months, 1500 lives saved - US - in 10 years, fatal air crashes reduced by 65% Can we apply the principle of the checklist to lesson planning?

Lesson plan

Hexagons again!

Summary of steps
1. Know your students 2. Know your subject 3. Staggered and differentiated learning objectives

4. Activities
5. Interventions

6. Literacy and numeracy

Personal action plan

Three things I will do as a result of this

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