Internet: Positive, Negative, and Crime On The Net

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Positive, Negative, and Crime on the Net

Topic Problem

and WHY I THE INTERNET?????? ????????? Internet development now and then. Internet and its roles in daily life The abuse of internet Cyber crime


Over a decade, people and internet have been experience a very unique relation, and a rapid development has improve massively. The internet has even interfered our most private life. All rooms and spaces are full of internet activity. FACEBOOK is a new powerful new country , google has replaced our dictionary, calculator, encyclopedia, and even teacher. Now, social interaction has new meaning. The wave of internet frequency loads the sky. Some infamous person can be located easily through a tracking search over internet. A famous terrorist group was vanished by a bomb with internet tracker. A research in America shows that 45% of the population admit that they cannot live without internet for a day. The usage of internet is tripling every year. The hardware supported for the internet is going cheaper and cheaper. The terminology that have never been heard before is now applied in our daily basis googling, tweeting, etc is the mosy frequent words ever -------WELCOME THE CYBER WORLD------------


Arpanet was created in 1969 by USs DARPA Roy Tomlinson, created an email program the @ icon was created In 1976, Queen Elizabeth sent the first email 1 year after that, in 1977, 100 computers is connected at arpanet in 1982, TCP and IP was created Jarko Oikarinen from Finland, introduced Internet Relay Chat in 1989 In 1990, team Berness Lee created www In 1992, one million computer were connected to the internet In 1994, there were 3000 webpage and virtual shopping and yahoo was created. Ill show an image after this

Internet and its roles in daily life (BUSINESS)

Communication : The internet makes communciation fast and cost efficient. Businesses use internet technologies such as Skype internet and video calls, email and video conferencing to make communication virtually instant. Growth : It gives businesses an opportunity to reach a wider global audience. Marketing : Most businesses are taking advantage of the internet to market their products and services such as Google search engine or social media. Online Shopping Role: One role of internet in business is the birth of ecommerce websites and online payment solutions. Networking and Recruiting: Social networking websites play a role in business networking by connecting like-minded professionals. New Opportunities: The internet has opened up new business opportunities and giving rise to a group of successful online business owners


How did The Internet Change the Values of Society? The Internet is a free land; everyone can do what ever he wants and say what ever he wants. There is no surveilance; no one can control people or decide for them what to do or what to say, and that could cause negative results. It is not correct that all changes in values caused by the internet are negative; people mut think about what positive changes that internet could make. The Internet actually embodies high and strong values such as speed, timeliness, efficiency and productivity; organizal values such as standardization, systemization, coodination, integration and communication; and psychological values such as equality of access, public service an empowerment of


Internet has another daily role life too, in education. I myself, thinks that internet helped me a lot on studying, it helped me finding answers, it helped me translate thigns, it helped me find new things/what happened to the world nowadays? Well I guess, almost all of us Nowadays, courses are opening up their official website, and put some videos, information, the topic of our subject, and even videos teaching us this and that! It helped a lot, really.

The Abuse of Internet

First, a media to hacks/steals data, well, Im sure all of us know what is hacks/stealing data means on the internet world, and its really mean. Bad people couldve steal other people money by hacking their computer, and then steal the pin of their credit card while their having transaction. And then, he/she is now, having his/her money. Meanie.

The Abuse of Internet

Second, as a media to prostitute people, and sharing porn things. There are like million or even billion porn sites I think. And it keeps attracting teenagers, and even adults to open it. Too bad, its hard to stop it, because theres too many of it, and even, the moral of the people that opened it. Third, as a media for bad man to get young girls from the internet and then kidnapped them, and do bad things to her, and never returned them. Such a meanie.

The Abuse of Internet

Fourth, as a media where people get tricked. Like act as if youre opening an online shop, and youre putting a price as low as possible to attract innocent peoples and then make them transferred to money to the bad person. There are many ways in tricking people on the internet. So beware. Fifth, as a media where people do betting, as far as I know betting is forbbiden in any religion or even some of the country, but still its hard to

Cyber Crime

Cybercrime is criminal activity done using computers and the Internet. This includes anything from downloading illegal music files to stealing millions of dollars from online bank accounts. Cybercrime also includes nonmonetary offenses, such as creating and distributing viruses on other computers or posting confidential business information on the Internet.

Cyber Crime
Eavesdropping and Snooping . Eavesdropping is an action where a person doing a real-time interception that isnt being authorized like phonecall, video conference, or fax transmission. Calls that wasnt being encypted first is easier to be intercept. Just like eavesdropping, snooping is just the same, but the difference is, snooping can be done any time, not only when the data was sent, but any time. The person couldve saw another person typing something while he/she havent sent the email.

Cyber Crime

Spoofing is an action where a person sneak into some network by faking the IP address and then tries to attack the network. Usually, firewall wouldve blocked suspicious datas, but this time, the person tricked the firewall by faking the IP address, and then tada, the person started to do bad things like stealing/ruining the datas. Email Spoofing is stealing technique by changing an email header so it looks like as if it came from another person not the real sender. Usually, the person would act as a person that the victim trust and then asking private thigns, like credit cards pin, and etc. So, beware.

Cyber Crime

Phishing and Pharming. Both of these methods lure users to fake websites (that appear to be legitimate), where they are asked to enter personal information. This includes login information, such as usernames and passwords, phone numbers, addresses, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and other information criminals can use to "steal" another person's identity. For this reason, it is smart to always check the URL or Web address of a site to make sure it is legitimate before entering your personal information. The difference is that Pharming is the one that change/hack the DNS of the real website and then lure the person to enter it. while Phishing is only

The End

Whoops, im done with this, and I hope im doing the right things. Thanks. I hope this would help someone else lol.

Best Regards Vida, 9A

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