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Pictorial Representation

Pictorial representation
Use of pictures
Visual aids in communication Adds value to the communication.

Brief history of pictorial representation in communication The earliest graphics known to anthropologists studying prehistoric periods are cave paintings and markings on boulders, bone, ivory.

Began in the ideas of Plato and Aristotle.

Evolved into a significant component of

language. Aristotle discusses representation in three ways: 1. The object: The symbol being represented. 2. Manner: The way the symbol is represented. 3. Means: The material that is used to represent it.

Pictorial representation in written communication

A picture is worth thousand words Effective in written communication Widely used to communicate with the general public

Examples of pictorial representations in written communication

Drawings Graphs and charts Diagrams Symbols



What are symbols ?

Symbols are representations of an
Action Object Person or Place

Types Of Symbols
Concrete symbols
Spoon, represents mealtime.

Abstract symbols
A Small line drawing of a person eating or action of eating.

Flag for patriotism and national pride
A cross for Christians Even the Nike swoosh McDonalds arches

Symbols Representation
an object used as part of the activity it represents, an object similar but not identical to the object used as

part of an activity, a part of an object, a full-sized coloured drawing of the object, a full-sized black and white drawing of the object or a reduced-size coloured drawing of an object, a reduced-size black and white drawing of an object, a printed word.

Symbols Representation
There is a similar hierarchy for movement with an object

to sign: movement with an object used as part of the activity it represents, movement with an object identical to one used as part of an activity, movement with an object similar to but not identical to the one used as part of an activity it represents, movement without an object,

Disadvantages of symbols
For example, a symbol based on visual similarities may

not be as concrete for a person with a visual impairment as it would be for an individual who is fully sighted. A symbol based on an action may be abstract for an individual with physical impairment such that he/she had never performed that action.


A diagram is a symbolic representation of information.

The word graph is sometimes used as a synonym for

diagram. diagrams are pictorial, yet abstract, representations of information, and maps, line graphs, bar charts, engineering blueprints, and architects' sketches are all examples of diagrams

The essences of a diagram can be seen as: a form of visual formatting devices a display that do not show quantitative data, but rather relationships and abstract information with building blocks such as geometrical shapes connected by lines, arrows, or other visual links.

Helps understand data quickly Used to make a comparison Show a relationship Highlight a trend

Features of charts
Complex facts and figures can be easily

conveyed Better involvement of audiences (than in explanation of words) Dimensions in the data are often displayed on axes. A horizontal and a vertical axis are used.

Types of Charts

Line Charts
Bar Charts

Pie Charts


Bar Chart

Pie Charts

Line Chart

Other Types of Charts

Organizational chart

Gantt chart

Radar chart

Effective visual aid

Pictures / representations of the Earth's surface

Places in relation to each other distance/

direction/size. A compass rose shows direction. A person who makes maps is called a cartographer

Eg :Map with keys and compass rose

Types of Maps

Physical maps

Political maps Road maps Economic or Resource maps

Used to represent a process. Step-by-step solution to a problem. Different shapes signifies different operations.

Used in analyzing, designing, documenting or

managing a process or program in various fields.

Information through pictorial

resemblance. Started 5000 years ago. Breaks language barrier. Part of daily life.

Application in day to day life

Medical field.

MRI,X-Ray and Endoscopy Autism-Children Engineering design Graphic Design Art Photography Multi-media

Communication of thoughts-easy

Paintings(terrorism) Presentations-attractive, Involvement(better comprehension) - graphs,business tycoons Passive students Effective demonstration of concepts.-arts,science(3d)

Optimal usage of pictures.-lose audience(diversion)

Excellent Aid to verbal communication.

Misinterpretation. No Feedback

Logistics(time and effort) Pictures should be simple

Ambiguity and disinterest.

Pictorial representation is effective in communication.

Communication can be made

Interesting Easily understandable




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