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Public Speaking Strategy of English Speech

By Maulana Yusuf 100611004

What is an oration ? Style language in speech Oral style Prinsip in chosening word Frase and sentence

What is a oration ?
Oration is a activity converse publicly or berorasi to express its opinion, or give picture about an matter. The function is to Water down communications between subordinate and superior, Watering down communications between organizational member humanity, Creating a situation which is kondusif where only needing one just people which do oration,for watering down communications.

A.Style language in speech

Language style is the way of is separate someone in using Ianguage, how to use proper words at correct place. Language style can give some positive contribution to effectiveness an orating that is An message which is style can obtain get attention .

B.Oral style
Oral style represent quality converse which is clear to be differentiated with written language. Wording and structure which we use cannot converse very similar to which we write.

C.Prinsip in chosening word

In orating shall chosen word carefully more elaborating, more clear, more according to, more personal, and is stronger . Breakdown of in style converse have to represent especial target in orating

C.Prinsip in chosening word

1. 2. 3. 4. Clear interesting Solid Concret

D.Frase and sentence

Frase and sentence found many in a this pidato It is meant to clarify, to strengthening, emphasizing, giving nuance, reminding, refining, or sharpening messages

D.Frase and sentence

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Aliterasi Form contraction Discount form Slogan Idiom Comparison of idiomatic Oscillation Repetition Sentence of antitentik Epigram Proverb and pearl words Citation

D.Frase and sentence

1.Aliterasi France faces fascism Sad and solemn sea Winters withered leaves Man-mad machine Funny-forgotten feelings

D.Frase and sentence

2. form contraction Ex:

the president has Life is We are

: : :

the presidents lifes were

D.Frase and sentence

3. Discount form Gonna Wanna Kinda Sorta Gimme Lemme Innit Wannit I spose Cos going to want to kind of sort of give me let me isnt it wasnt it I suppose because

D.Frase and sentence


Now or never Liberty or death Dont touch me/noli me tangere

D.Frase and sentence

5.Idiom go trough Make good Squere off Wit eview to Wait on = mengalami =mencapai sukses = mengambil ancangancang = dengan maksud untuk =melayani

D.Frase and sentence

6. Idiomatic comparisons This comparison [is] meant to enrich or assure message Ex Look at the jappanese ! They are always as busy as a bee

D.Frase and sentence

7. Oscillation If I were an american,as I am an englishman,while a foreign troop was landed in my country,I never would lay down my armNever ! Never ! Never !

D.Frase and sentence

8. Repetition I wish I loved the human race I wish I loved its silly face I wish I liked the way it walks And when I am introduced to one I wish I thought what jolly fun !

D.Frase and sentence

9.Antithetic sentence Give me liberty or give me death ! We live not for eating but we eat for eating You beliave in the age of rock,and I believe in the rock of age(william jennings bryan)

D.Frase and sentence

10.Epigram Epigram is poetic short sentence with simple form, shorten and has idea I believe it is peace for our time..peace with honour (Neville chamberlain) I think therefore I am (descartes) After all,tomorrow is another day (margaret mitchel)

D.Frase and sentence

11.Proverbs and wise words Man proppose, God disposes When there is a will,there is a way A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush Nothing venture nothing gain

D.Frase and sentence

12.Quotation politic is the art of the possible (prince bismarck) power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts abslutely (lord acton)

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