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Cultural Features


South America
Area 17,840,000 km2 Population 385,742,554 (2008) Countries 12 Languages 5

Countries (part1):
Official Name Argentine Republic Plurinational State of Bolivia Federative Republic of Brazil Republic of Chile Capital Buenos Aires Paz & Sucre Official language Spanish Spanish, Quechua, Aymara Portuguese Spanish flag

Braslia Santiago

Republic of Colombia
Republic of Ecuador



Countries (part2):
Official name Co-operative Republic of Guyana Capital Georgetown Official language English Flag

Republic of Paraguay
Republic of Peru Oriental Republic of Uruguay Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Republic of Suriname


Spanish, Guaran

Lima Montevideo

Spanish, Quechua Spanish






Who are you, Brazilians?

The population of Brazil is approximately 190 million with a ratio of men to women of 0.95:1
Race White Brown (multiracial) Black Amerindian Asian % 48.43% 43.80% 6.84% 0.28% 0.58%

Brazilians are almost as Russians only different

Main features of Brazilians

chattiness emotionality hospitality lack of punctuality love to music, dancing and partying optimism focusing on the future compassion, empathy patience luxuriant imagination
Cross-cultural model of Richard Lewis

Feature chattiness emotionality hospitality

Similarity (+) alterity (-) + +

Comment Definitely Russians can`t be treated as a wordless nation, but chattiness is not their feature Brazilians are characterised by external manifestation of emotions, Russians by internal Both nations are hospitable and generous to their guests

lack of punctuality

Brazilians and Russians make free with their time, in Russia we consider this feature as something negative, in Brazil lack of punctuality is not considered as bad manner
Brazilian carnivals are known in the whole world, but the Russian air open parties are on a noble scale as well Russians consider that a glass is always empty, Brazilians a glass is always full Russians rake over the dust and ashes of the past, Brazilians prefer to look into the optimistic future

love to music, dancing and partying optimism focusing on the future


Similarity (+) alterity (-) + +


compassion, empathy patience

Both nations are always ready to come to help Although Brazilians are emotional, but it not an easy task to put them out of temper. In spite of touchiness of Russians, they are known by their deliberation and patience On the one hand, imagination leads to pipe dreams, on the other - develop creative thinking and creates masterpieces of the world art

luxuriant imagination

Cross-cultural model of Richard Lewis

Model of Richard Lewis

How to Win Brazilian`s favor:

Show the interest and respect to their country. They are very proud of their motherland Be sincere. Do not fear to offer help and give advice. Be friendly and informal. Talk about football. Take invitations to informal events. Ask about their old relatives and their health. So, family is very important value in Brazil (like in other Latin American states) Dont conceal your personal problems and take their advices with gratitude. Be ready for long speeches at meetings.


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