The Innovator's DNA

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Thiago Dalgalo de Quadros 9116020120

Research Method Introduction Five Discovery Skills

Associational Thinking Questioning Observing Networking Experimenting

Six-year Studied


the habits of 25 innovative entrepreneurs and surveyed more than 3000 executives and 500 individuals who had started innovative companies or invented new products; goal of the interviews: To understand when and how the innovators came up with creative ideas on which they built new innovative businesses;


What makes innovators different from the rest of us? Are innovators right brained?

One of the ability to generate innovative ideas is not merely a function of mind, but also a function of behavior.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Associational thinking Questioning Observing Experimenting Networking

Courage to Innovate

Behavioral Skills

Cognitive skill to synthesize novel inputs

Challenges to status quo Taking risks


Associational thinking


Innovative Business Idea


Innovators connect the dots to make unexpected connections. They combine pieces of what may seem non related pieces of information until "surprise - you've got this innovative new idea."

Creativity is connecting things. Steve Jobs, founder and CEO, Apple Inc.

Pierre Omidyar launched eBay in 1996 after linking three unconnected dots: 1. a fascination with creating more efficient markets; 2. his fiances desire to locate hard-to-find collectible Pez dispensers; 3. the ineffectiveness of local classified ads to find such things.

- Innovators are consummate questioners who show a passion for inquiry. Their queries frequently challenges the status quo. - Questions focus in three areas: 1. Ask Why? and Why not? and What if?; 2. Imagine Opposites; 3. Embrace Constraints.

Question the unquestionable Ratan Tata, chairman, Tata Group

Michaell Dell had the idea of founding Dell Computer after asking why a computer cost five times as much as the sum of its parts.

-Innovators are intense observers. They fully watch the world around them and their observation help them gain insight into ideas for a new way of doing things. - Its the feeling of seeing something for the first time, even if you have actually seen it many times before.

Observation is the big game changer in our company Scott Cook, founder, Intuit

Ratan Tata, chairman of India Tata Group, observed families riding scooters in India and gained a powerful insight that inspired the worlds cheapest car, the Tata Nano.

Rather than simply doing social networking, innovators spend a lot of time and energy finding and testing ideas through a diverse network of individuals who vary widely in their background and perspectives.

Kent Bowen, the founding scientist of CPS technologies networked with one expert from Polaroid who knew how to make the ceramic composition stronger and experts in sperm-freezing technology knew how to prevent ice crystal growth on cell during freezing, knowledge applied in CPSs manufacturing process with stunning success.


Innovative Executives - Why they network? - Learn new, surprising things - Gain new perspectives - Test Ideas in process

Delivery-driven Executives - Access resources - Sell themselves or their company - Future careers

- Whom they target?

- People who are - People who are not like them like them - Experts and - People with nonexperts with substantial very different resources, backgrounds and power, position, perspectives influence, etc.


- Good experimenters understand that although questioning, observing , and networking provides data about past ( what was ) and the present (what is), experimenting is best suited for generating data on what might work in the future.

I havent failedIve just found 10,000 ways that do not work. Thomas Edison

-Three ways that innovators experiments 1.Try out new experiences (living and working overseas); 2.Take apart products, processes, and Ideas; 3.Test ideas through pilots and prototypes.


Try to spend 30 minutes each day writing questions that challenge the status quo in your industry or company; To sharpen your own observational skills, watch customers experimenting a product or service in their natural environment; To improve your networking skills, contact the five most creative people you know and ask them to share what they do to stimulate creative thinking.




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