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Energy from the couch

Consumers views on energy technology

Henrik Karlstrm SINTEF Lunch Seminar, 16.03.11

What am I talking about?

Some background Our research Renewable energy
Other energy technology

Who do people believe?

Some background
Electricity prices rising Supply deficit
Worse in some regions

Security of supply an issue

Norway as battery of Europe? IEA recommends gas plants without CCS

Demand likely to rise

Electrification of platforms, EV Industry power contracts run out

Our research
User focused
Habits, energy cultures, practice theory

1500 respondents, multi-topical

Focus groups Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire

Covers the whole of EU

Renewable energy
Survey results:
85 % think it is important that future electricity production is also renewable 65 % would pay at least 25 % more for guaranteed renewable electricity 70 % think politicians do too little to promote new renewables in Norway

Support for renewables

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Hydro Solar Tidal Offshore wind Onshore wind Bio

Points of note
Hydro from controversial to widely accepted Futurist technologies more popular
What does this say about future acceptance?

Questions asked in wake of controversy over use of foodstuff bio-energy Findings supported by transnational surveys

Other energy technology

65 % think investing in energy efficiency technology is important Only 7 % say they have done no investments in energy technology last 5 years

Carbon capture and storage

Two different surveys done For our survey:
37 % negative, 36 % positive Yet 52 % think Norway should start largescale CCS projects
Many of these also think renewables are important

Of those saying no, only 12 % thought it was because CCS was not environmentally sound

CCS: European survey

Norwegians more knowledgeable about CCS than other nationalities Also less positive Men more positive than women

CCS: Focus groups

Aesthetics Terror target Damage to nature and wildlife

Is it safe? Are there backup solutions? Is it a plug? Is it more hazardous than nuclear waste?

Knowledge level
If we there is a leak, will the ocean levels rise? How much power will we get out of this? What about the fish? What is CO2? Can you smell it? What shape is it?

Participants given information first
45 minutes on a computer

Result: More stable and informed attitudes towards CCS Large scale not viable

Who is most believable?

Political parties Journalists Local authorities EU Energy companies Government Environmental organisations Consumer organisations Researchers
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

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