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6 rounds- 2 oral, 1 audio, 1 visual, 2 oral +10 pts for correct answer +5 for pass No negatives Alternate rounds clockwise/anti-clockwise Infinite Bounce

*No animals were harmed in the making of this quiz*


Q1.An email user sometimes signs up for email but doesnt read it for a very long time. Some of the examples are mails from e-merchants, news alerts, messages from networking sites, etc. What one word term is used to describe such mail to differentiate it from spam?



Q2. This company was founded in 1899.More than 1.7 billion of a product of this company have been distributed worldwide since 1908.Popular mentions include songs written by the Beatles, Jethro Tull and Frank Zappa. Give the names of both product and company. (No part points)


Gideons International Bible Gideons bible

Q3. This term comes from the Latin term for whiteness. It is defined as the ratio of reflected radiation from a surface to the incident radiation. It is dimensionless and is expressed as a percentage. It is measured on a scale where 0 indicates no reflecting power for a perfectly black surface and 1, the perfect reflection of a white surface. What term?



Q4. Which entrepreneurs memoirs are titled Oontavarcha pravas ?


D P Dandekar of Camlin

Q5. Which element in the periodic table gets its name from the fact that it is never found unalloyed. Another theory suggests that it gets its name from monk-killer because of its poisonous nature.



Q6. What peculiar ritual is performed by the cyclist who wears jersey number 13 in the Tour de France to ward off bad luck?


Q7. He was never really a literary figure, but his poems are considered well written and of excellent quality. Some of his seminal works include poems such as Yellow Crane Tower, The Warlords Clash, Double Ninth and The Long March. His poems are to this day very popular in his native country. They are often quoted in popular culture, literature and daily conversations. Name the poet.


Mao Zedong Poetry of Mao Zedong

Q8. A natural athlete, he excelled at cricket as a left-handed batsman and a left arm medium pace bowler. He later gained fame as an avant garde novelist , playwright and theatre director. He eventually won a Nobel Prize in Literature and has an entry in the Wisden Cricketers Almanack as a result of playing two first class games against Northamptonshire. Who?


Samuel Beckett



Q1. According to ancient Greek sources, he was considered the first first person ever to appear on stage as an actor playing a character in a play instead of speaking as him or herself. He introduced a new style in which one singer or actor performed the words of individual characters in the stories, distinguishing between the characters with the aid of different masks. He has given rise to a term that is used to describe actors today. Which actor and what term?


Thespis Thespian

Q2. Shivnagar is a remote and impoverished village in Uttar Pradesh. A businessman from New Delhi wanted to do something for the village with the profits from his flourishing company. The company adopted the village under its CSR initiative and has pledged to develop its infrastructure, water facilities and local hospital. The village renamed itself as an expression of gratitude to the company. What was it renamed to?


Renamed the village to nagar

Q3. ______ is the vending area of the parking lot at a jam band concert. Usually all kinds of foods, hand made jewelry and even illicit substances like ganja, hash brownies, etc get sold here. The name is from a song by a band whose area in the parking lot was particularly active. What was this area called ? Which band?


Shakedown street Grateful Dead

Q4. It is considered one of the most advanced milk colonies in the world with 16,000 cattle reared on 1,287 hectares of land, and 32 cattle farms. Some of the attractions are the Garden Restaurant and the Picnic Spot. It has milk plants, gardens, a nursery and a lake in the vicinity that attracts visitors and makes it a suitable location for a weekend getaway or excursion. It has been used a number of times as a site for film shootings. Name the milk colony.


Aarey Milk Colony,Goregaon east

Q5. David Bowie turned it down because it did not represent what he was doing all his life, while John Lennon did the same since Britain supported America in the Cold War. Others in the list who followed suit include Henry Moore. Vanessa Redgrave and Aldous Huxley. Which Indian did it in 1919 and what was his reason.

Rabindranath tagore in 1919 after the jallianwala bagh massacre

Q6. What Latin term when literally translated means with other things the same" or "all other things being equal or held constant. By holding all the other relevant factors constant, a scientist is able to focus on the unique effects of a given factor in a complex causal situation. Such assumptions are also relevant to the descriptive purpose of modelling a theory.


Ceteris Paribus

Q7. Around 1890, in the German village of Apolda , its tax collector also ran the Apolda dog pound. With access to dogs of many breeds, he aimed to create a breed that would be ideal for protecting him during his collections, which took him through many banditinfested areas. It would be the perfect combination of strength, speed, endurance, loyalty, intelligence, and ferocity. The breed is believed to have been created from several different breeds of dogs that had the characteristics that he was looking for, including the German Pinscher, the Beauceron, the Greyhound and the Great Dane among others. The dog eventually got its name from the tax collector. Name the dog.


The Doberman Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann

Q8. This organization or office was first established in 1561 with the purpose of punishing apostate New Christians-Jews and Muslims who converted to Catholicism , as well as their descendants . The punishment was meted out as the converts were suspected of practicing their ancestral religion in secret. Some 16,202 persons were brought to trial by them, 57 were sentenced to death and executed in person ; another 64 were burned in effigy. Others were subjected to lesser punishments or penance, but the fate of many of those tried is unknown. It was briefly suspended from 1774-1778 and finally abolished in 1812. What was this organization that was considered a blot on Roman Catholicism in India called?


Goa Inquisition



Sundari Neeyum 1 Nick Cave 2 Asimov Clarke 3 Magic man 4 Steely Dan-Do it again 5 Afternoon Delight 7 Dastangoi Sandokan 6 DMB-For what its worth 7 Jackie Chan Blue Moon Girl from ipanema 8 Stp-break on through Olivia newton-john Start me up- win 95







TMC Mamata Banerjee Jora Ghas phul



Niue Dollar

Q4. Connect/ Put Funda


Flying Finn

Q5. Connect/put funda


Marie Biscuit

Q6. Id the dress or the dress its a variation of.



Q7 What electrical/computer engineering term does the picture below give rise to?

Q8. id the bird and the worlds most famous Peruvian song that is about this bird.




Q1. Her father was a well known nuclear physicist, who worked under the supervision of Marie Curie for his doctoral thesis in Paris and ran one of her labs. Her grandfather on her Indologist mothers side owned a factory where he fired a young Benito Mussolini for beating up a coworker. The only surviving child of eight pregnancies, she debuted in a critically acclaimed movie about a radio singer, dancer and daughter of a rich man who falls for an idealist doctor. She followed it up with a fictionalized adaptation of a real life murder. Who?


Leela Naidu Father- Dr. Pattipati Ramiah Naidu Mother-Dr. Martha Mange Naidu

Q2. This organization was started by Fred DeLuca and Peter Buck in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Fred wanted to start a business to save money for college and become a doctor, so he borrowed $1,000 to start the business from Doctor Peter Buck. They named the company Doctor's Associates, even though it had no affiliation with any medical organizations or treatment. It eventually went on to become famous in a business far removed from anything to do with medicine. Which company is this?



Q3. The format for this game is supposed to be most effective when the number of participating teams is large. The format was invented in the early 80s by Shankar Balakrishnan from Anna University. It was swiftly adopted by IIT Madras, and became widespread soon after. Which game and what format?


QUIZZING!! Infinite Bounce

Q4. According to Vamana Purana, When the gods had sought Vishnu in their distress, he, and at his command Shiva, Brahma, and the other gods, emitted such flames from their eyes and countenances that a mountain of effulgence was formed, from which became manifest ________. Siva gave her his trident, Vishnu a Sudarshan Chakra (discus), Varuna a shankha (conch-shell), Agni a dart, Vayu a bow, Surya a quiver full of arrows, Indra a thunderbolt, Kuvera a mace, Brahma a rosary and water-pot, Kala a shield and sword ,Visvakarma a battle-axe and other weapons. Who is this goddess ?



Q5. This was a nickname originally given to members of the U.S. 10th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army, formed on September 21, 1866 at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. This nickname was given to the "Negro Cavalry" by the Native American tribes they fought; the term eventually became synonymous with all of the African-American regiments formed in 1866: 9th Cavalry Regiment 10th Cavalry Regiment 24th Infantry Regiment 25th Infantry Regiment We know this term from popular culture for a different reason. What term?


Buffalo Soldier

Q6. Which area in Bombay gets its name from one of the names of Lord Shiva?


Bhandup from Bhandupeshwar

Q7. Sasken is a publicly traded company based in Bangalore, India that offers research and development consultancy, wireless software products, software services and network engineering services to semiconductor manufacturers, wireless handset developers, network equipment and test and measurement companies, and service providers globally. How does Sasken get its name?


Silicon Automated Systems and Ken is the Scottish word for knowledge

Q8. This is an open source Web 2.0 application framework written in Python. Some of the famous sites that use it include Pinterest, Instagram , Washington Times and Mozilla. It gets its name from a well known musician? Which musician lends his name to this web framework? Why was it named after him?


Django from Django Reinhardt Reinhardt managed to play dazzling and versatile stuff on his guitar even though two of his fingers on his left hand were paralyzed when he was young. Django can do some very complex things with less code and a simpler execution than youd expect.



Q1. Nunatak is a little known band that has no chartbusters or albums to their name. However they were chosen to play for Live Earth 2007. Why?


Nunatak is British Antarctic Surveys (BAS) Rothera Research Stations house band. Nunatak played the Live Earth Antarctica concert on July 7, 2007, to a "sell out" crowd of seventeen, the entire population of the Rothera Research Station. Their participation fulfilled the event's promise to hold a concert on all seven continents.

Q2. In Hebrew this term means Spanish. It is a general term referring to the descendants of Spanish and Portuguese Jews who lived or live in the Iberian Peninsula. It broadly refers to those who follow the customs and traditions followed by Jews who lived in the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and modern Spain), before their expulsion in the late 15th century. This includes both the descendants of Jews expelled from Spain under the Alhambra decree of 1492, or from Portugal by order of King Manuel I in 1497, and the descendants of cryptoJews who left the Peninsula in later centuries to North Africa, Asia Minor, the Philippines and elsewhere around the world, and the descendants of crypto-Jews who remained in Iberia. What term is this?


Sephardi Jews

Q3. For years, Pink Floyds The Dark Side Of The Moon was the ultimate system-test album. If you bought the best stereo equipment in the world, and wanted to show it off for your friends, you bought a fresh copy of the album, and played it for the group. If someone heard something in the album they had never heard before, your system was a great success. This led to enormous sales of cassettes of the album and stereo equipment as well. Which rock bands album, recorded entirely in digital format , targeted towards the CD market was the first album to sell one million copies in the CD format and to outsell its LP version? A Rykodisc employee would subsequently write, we were fighting to get our CDs manufactured because the entire worldwide manufacturing capacity was overwhelmed by demand for a single rock title.


Dire Straits- Brothers in Arms

Q4. This is a place where Manufacturing Guns is more than a 200 year old story. During the First World War period the gun manufacturers came in to the prominence and production of cartridge gun was developed. It was perhaps the only city in India where guns manufacturers took shape of a cottage industry and become a popular profession. One of the major institutions over here is Bihar School of Yoga. It is one of the foremost learning centre in the world for Yoga and frequented by people all over the globe. It is situated on the banks of the Ganges and known for its pleasant bathing Ghats. Which place is this?


Munger town, HQ of Munger district

Q5. Long before Shantaram and Gregory David Roberts became famous , there was a man ,a few decades before Shantaram happened, who went through a similar situation. He wrote a book about his incarceration and escape from a penal colony in French Guiana. The book became an instant hit. It sold over 1.5 million copies in France, prompting a French minister to attribute "the moral decline of France" to mini-skirts and _______. Which book and whos the author? .


Papillon Henri Charriere

Q6. An aerated drink marketed and sold mainly in the state of Gujarat, it was introduced in 1927 as an Indian option to the UK drink Vimto. It is a mixture of grape and apple cider with some ingredients imported from Germany and Italy. It was called Whisky No, to attract alcoholics in the dry state of Gujarat. What is this drink that is exported as far as UAE, South Africa, NZ,UK and USA, popularly known as now?



Q7. The initial pilot of this sitcom was different from its subsequent avatar. It had Katie, "a street-hardened, tough-as-nails, woman with a vulnerable interior , whom two of the main cast, X and Y meet shortly after she breaks up with her boyfriend and invite to live in their apartment. The series wasnt picked up, but the creators retooled the show and produced a second pilot. X and Y got their names from a Jewish American Director, XY, whose work the show writers were big fans of. Which show and who are the characters X and Y?


The Big Bang Theory Sheldon Cooper and Leonard Hofstadter from Sheldon Leonard

Q8. It is supposed to be the first vodka to be produced entirely in Italy. The maker of the vodka , a well known personality , describes his vodka as The appeal, seduction and quintessence of pure femininity _____ Vodka Is All This. I want to have fun in whatever I do: Everything must bring me joy, enthusiasm, life... I love the pureness of vodka, especially of my vodka:it is like water and fire coming together in a single element.He claims it is inspired and dedicated to the sexy woman who is his iconic, eternal muse. Who is the maker of this Vodka?


Roberto Cavalli Vodka


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