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Strategy Review Conference 2012 - 2013


Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To Produce Quality Graduates

Actual Measures 2010 % of graduates who enrolled in higher education ( TechVoc or College) 2011 As of Sept 2012 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)





Limiting/ Success Factors to the attainment of the target: With vision and mission of the City College, we are aiming for more college students from the next school year to 2015. With the provision of a bus that will transport indigent students who have financial difficulties in attending their school needs

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To improve academic performance

Actual Measures 2010 % of Readers (with number) 2011 As of Sept 2012 94.03 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)

97.05 98.57



Limiting/ Success Factors to the attainment of the target: Administering the diagnostic, monthly and quarterly tests(1st&2nd)we will be able to track the students academic progress as well as identifying non-readers. Thus with this basis teachers prepare different interventions sufficient reproduction of exercises and drills amounting to the mastery of skills in the different subject areas. (Downloaded/teacher-made worksheets)

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To improve academic performance

Actual Measures 2010 % of Numerates (with number) 2011 As of Sept 2012 87.31 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)





Limiting/ Success Factors to the attainment of the target: With the summer clinic and the forthcoming tutorial services to be conducted by the NSTP students from Holy Angel University. And also the drills reproduced from the schools copier handled by the elementary teacher in Math.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To improve academic performance

Actual Measures Targets As of Sept 2012

2010 National Achievement Test (Elem) National Achievement Test (Sec)



2015 (Vision Year)

59.67 60.20 45.35

65 65

75 75

Limiting/ Success Factor to the attainment of the target

: With all those mentioned drills and exercises, tutorial services offered we could possibly attain our target. And also the NAT Review that will be administered every Saturday from the month of November to January.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To improve academic performance

Actual Measures 2010 2011 As of Sept 2012 81.31 89.84 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)

% of Pupil with Normal BMI (Elem) % of Pupil with Normal BMI (Sec)

86.76 86.48 88.79

95 95

100 100

Success / Limiting Factors to the attainment of the target: With the solicitation done to private people and stakeholders involvement in the feeding this month of November, we could attain our given target.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To attain Sufficient Standard Facilities and Teachers
Actual Measures 2010 % of teachers who attended competency-based trainings 2011 As of Sept 2012 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)





Success / Limiting Factors to the attainment of the target: With the initiative of the Dep-Ed Div.of San Fernando, K to 12 was conducted and likewise Non-majors teachers attended seminars at PHS and at the Division TTC.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To Improve academic performance

Actual Measures 2010 % of teachers supervised and provided technical assistance 2011 As of Sept 2012 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)






Success / Limiting Factors to the attainment of the target: With the monitoring and coaching and observation, and consultative meetings as per scheduled by grade and year level improvement in the academic performance is attainable

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To attain Sufficient Standard Facilities and Teachers
Actual Measures 2010 2011 As of Sept 2012 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)

Teacher Pupil Ratio with LSB (Elem) Teacher Pupil Ratio with LSB (Sec)

1:41 1:41

1:39 1:34

1:36 1:32

1:36 1:32

1:45 1:45

Success/ Limiting Factors to the attainment of the target:

With the support of Dep-Ed and City Government, the need of teachers were well attended. An ideal number of teachers to support the students population

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To attain Sufficient Standard Facilities and Teachers
Actual Measures 2010 2011 As of Sept 2012 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)

Classroom Pupil Ratio (Elem) Classroom-Student Ratio (Sec)

1:36 1:41

1:42 1:34

1:38 1:29

1:38 1:29

1:45 1:45

Success / Limiting Factors to the attainment of the target:

Sufficient classrooms are now available due to the half finished constructed library by Mr. Robert Lo, our stakeholder and the newly constructed kindergarten building by Dep-Ed.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To Improve Access to Education

Actual Measures 2010 2011 As of Sept 2012 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)

Enrolment Rate (Elem) Enrolment Rate (Sec)

268 341

339 341

305 315

305 315

330 330

Success / Limiting Factors to the attainment of the target:

A decrease in the enrolment is due to the presence of other Integrated Schools in the surrounding area and the newly opened primary school at Maliwalu, Bacolor. And still one factor we could consider is the accessibility of industry within the vicinity. Students prefer to go on job to help parents with their financial needs. An increase of population by the year 2015 due to the ALS & TESDA interventions.And the parents awareness through the parenting being given to them. The ideal population by 2015 in the school we could consider so as to focus to our clienteles performances in academic as well as with the choice of specialization of students in the different TLE components offered.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To reduce wastage in Education

Actual Measures 2010 2011 As of Sept 2012 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)

Promotion Rate (Elem) Promotion Rate (Sec)

% %

97% 96%

99% 99%

100% 100%

Success/ Limiting Factors to the attainment of the target:

An increase in the promotion rate could be quantified to the teachers focus on the different interventions-i.e. downloaded comprehension skills and other teacher made drills and exercises in the different subject areas being reproduced by our copier. There is the maximum utilization of supplies for the instructional materials of teachers.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To reduce wastage in education

Actual Measures 2010 2011 As of Sept 2012 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)

No. of Drop-out (Elem) No. Drop-out (Sec)

2.13% 4.09%

0% 0%

0% 0%

0% 0%

Limiting/ Success Factors to the attainment of the target:

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To reduce wastage in Education

Actual Measures 2010 2011 As of Sept 2012 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)

Cohort Survival Rate (Elem) Cohort Survival Rate (Sec)

80% 71%

80% 71%

82 73

90% 90

Success / Limiting Factors to the attainment of the target:

An increase in the rate is possible due to the full attention given to students in their needs- all the possible support that we could give.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To strengthen Trust and Confidence among Inter and Intra stakeholders
Actual Targets

2010 No. Of Adopt-aSchool Programs 2011

As of Sept 2012


2015 (Vision Year)


Success / Limiting Factors to the attainment of the target:

Transparency is a factor that gives the school more stakeholders participation and involvement. Involving them in activities like strategic planning, parenting conference and other activities that will benefit the school.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: To build an ICT- oriented community
Actual Measures 2010 2011 As of Sept 2012 Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)

No. of ICT facilities 59 59 70 used for instruction % of teachers integrating ICT 80% 90% 100% lessons % of advisers who 95% 100% 100% implemented LIS % of pupils / 97% 100% 100% students with LRN Success/ Limiting Factors to the attainment of the target:
With the office requiring the utilization of ICT facilities in their instruction, teaching and learning process is facilitated.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL


T o Generate Resources from Local, National and

International Sources and to Mobilize Resources through Effective Partnerships

Actual Measures Targets As of Sept 2012

2010 Amount of Resources from ASP (w/ MOA) Amount of other resources (w/ DOD)



2015 (Vision Year)

132,000 150,000 200,000 48,479.84 50,000 100,000

Success / Limiting Factor to the attainment of the target:

With the presence of stakeholders who fully support the schools projects.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: Safe and Secured School Environment
Actual Measures 2010 2011 As of Sept 2012

Targets 2012
2015 (Vision Year)

No. of cases reported No. of cases referred to proper authorities No. of teachers trained on CPP





Success / Limiting Factor to the attainment of the target:

The school is safe and secured with the provision of funds for schools different projects from the MOOE. Trainings given to school heads benefitted teachers in the echo seminar conducted.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: Safe and Secured School Environment
Measures 2010
No. of calamity preparedness drills conducted No. of evacuees served Frequency of school flooding due to calamity No. of teachers affected by calamity No. of pupils / students affected by calamity

As of Sept 2012




(Vision Year)

none none 4 None

none none none none

None None None none

Success / Limiting Factor to the attainment of the target:

North District is a high land area wherein rain water flows directly to creeks and drainages.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: Equitable Allocation of Resources (MOOE)
Actual Measures 2010
% of allocation for 1. Pupil / Student Development 2. Teacher Development 3. Infrastructure 4. Office equipment/supplies 5. Water and Electricity 6. Instructional Materials

Targets As of Sept 2012

6%/6% 10%/15% 10%/15% 13%/20% 6%/6% 35%/33%



2015 (Vision Year)

10%/10% 10%/15% 10%/15% 13%/20% 6% 35%/35%

15% 15% 15% 20% 6% 35%

Success / Limiting Factor to the attainment of the target:

With the support of MOOE, all needs are attended and really could implement the collection of meager amount of the authorized collections only.

Goal: Quality Education for ALL Objective: Equitable Allocation of Resources ( ASP and other sources)
Actual Measures Targets As of Sept 2012

% of allocation for 1. Pupil / Student Development 2. Teacher Development 3. Infrastructure 4. Office equipment/supplies 5. Water and Electricity 6. Instructional Materials



2015 (Vision Year)



30,300 30,000 30,300 132,000 35,000 6,000 15,000 132,000 132,000 35,000 35,000 6,000 6,000 20,000 20,000

Success / Limiting Factor to the attainment of the target:

With the stakeholders participation and involvement , these will all be attended.

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