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Human Factors & Errors

Key objectives of HF is to design systems that people can use increase efficiency and performance minimise the risks of errors Will define and consider the nature of error Consider the implications for systems design

Definition of Human Error

is an inappropriate or undesirable human decision or behaviour that reduces or has the potential for reducing the
effectiveness safety system performance

Human Error
Tendency to view error at the operator level Other people involved in the design and operation of the system can make errors Should therefore consider the entire system What might each approach reveal?

Human error
1st blame only the individual 2nd identify other factors. Eg: badly designed or faulty equipment poor management practices inaccurate or incomplete procedures inadequate or inappropriate training

Human Error - Classification

Various classification schemes exist Discrete action classifications Information processing classifications

Discrete Action Classifications

One of the simplest (Swain & Guttman 1983) Errors of omission - forget to do something Errors of commission - doing the task incorrectly Sequence errors - out of order Timing errors - too slow - too fast - too late

Information Processing Classifications

Rouse & Rouse (1983) propose one scheme This scheme follows the information processing assumed to occur when humans operate and control systems such as: an aircraft a ship a power plant

Information Processing Scheme

Operator observes the state of the system Formulates a hypothesis Chooses a goal Selects a procedure to achieve desired goal Executes the procedure Specific categories of errors can occur at each stage - eg incorrect interpretation of state of the system

Alternative Classification
Rasmussen (1982) identifies 13 types of error 9 (See fig 20.1 in exercise book) Errors depend on the type of behaviour involved
skill based rule based knowledge-based

Error Classification
Skill based
controlled by sub-conscious behavior and stored patterns of behavior errors usually errors of execution

Rule based
applies to familiar situations - stored rules are applied errors involve recognising the salient features of the situation

Error Classification Schemes

No scheme particularly useful Partly because human error is complex Schemes do not capture that complexity Often the full facts are not available

Dealing with Human Error

Human error is inevitable Consequences and likelihood can be reduced by: better recruitment & selection training better design of equipment procedures & work environment

Dealing with Human Error (cont)

Three generic design approaches for dealing with human error: Exclusion designs - impossible to make the error - Example? Prevention designs - difficult but not impossible - Example? Fail-safe designs - reduces the consequences but not the possibility - Example? Designing to reduce error is often the most cost effective

Human Error and Accidents

A key objective of HF is to reduce accidents and improve safety Difficult to define accident
without apparent reason mishap unexpected chance act of God

Human error and Accidents

what % of errors is caused by human error? Depends on several factors Which perspective do we take ? The broad or the narrow? May wish to consider other factors - was it an unsafe act or unsafe conditions - Eg The Singapore Airlines crash Often it is the narrow perspective which is applied - blame the operator - Eg The pilot

Blame the Operator

Shealey 91979) suggests several reasons for this it is human nature to apportion blame at someone else legal system is geared to apportioning blame easier for management to blame the worker than other aspects it is in the interests of the company to blame the worker rather than admit deficiencies in their procedures product or system Studies of accidents (Shanders & Shaw 1988) reveal that in no case was human error the only factor They proposed a model of contributing factors in accident causation - CFAC

Sanders & Shaws CFAC

Factors are broad & encompass most factors found in other models Their model includes and emphasises management social and psychological factors Human factors variables are recognised in the categories physical environment equipment design work itself (refer to model diagram in exercise book)

Reducing Accidents -Conclusion

Apply HF principles to design Provide procedural checklists Provide training Provide appropriate & meaningful feedback Incentive programs Eliminate/reduce risk through design

Human Factors in Engineering & Design Saunders M & Mc Cormick E 7th Edition 1992 Publisher McGraw - Hill

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