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Articles of Faith (Iman)


Six Articles of Islamic Faith

In addition to Five Pillars of Islamic Practice Together, make up Aqidah (creed)

Having Iman (to fully observe ones faith)

Belief in the heart Profession by the tongue Performance of the deeds

Without the articles of faith, there is no context for the pillars of practice

To Believe in Oneness of God (Allah)

Monotheism (tawhid = divine unity)

God is absolute, a single inseparable unity One God Same God for Jews, Christians, Muslims Allah : is a proper name, but the Arabic word for God 99 Names of God: found throughout the Quran {Monotheism (Tawheed), Polytheism (Shirk)}

God has no associate or partner

Muslims reject the Christian concept of Trinity God cannot become human; humans cannot be God He begets not, nor is He begotten Consider Jesus a great prophet, but not divine

The categories of Tawheed


ar- Rububiyyah Unity of Lordship Tawheed a- - asmaa was- sifaat Unity of Allahs names and attributes Tawheed al-eebadah Unity of worship

Tawheed ar- Rububiyyah

Unity of Lordship

is an Arabic word that is difficult to translate into English. It carries the senses of creating, sustaining, cultivating, and cherishing. The Quran tells us that God is the Rabb of all the worlds and of everything in them. Thus rububiyyah refers to God as Creator and Sustainer.

Tawheed a- - asmaa was- sifaat

Unity of Allahs names and attributes

Allah! there is no god but He! To Him belong the most Beautiful Names. 020.008 (Ta-Ha [Mystic letters Ta-Ha]) This category of Tawheed helps us to understand who our Creator is through His Names and Attributes. Through His Names and Attributes we know that Allah is far beyond our imagination and bears no resemblance to human beings

Tawheed al-eebadah
Unity of worship

Thee alone do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. 001:005(Al-Fatiha [The Opening]) Abd means slave or servant As Muslims, we should serve, obey, worship Allah alone.!

Polytheism (Al-Shirk)

Shirk is the opposite of Tawheed Shirk literally means associating partners with Allah. Behold, Luqman said to his son by way of instruction: "O my son! join not in worship (others) with Allah: for false worship is indeed the highest wrong-doing." 031.013 (Luqman [Luqman])

Belief that others share in Allahs Lordship

Shirk of Rububiyyah

Christianity Jesus and the Holy spirit share in Allahs Lordship. Hinduism Brahma (creator) , Vishnu (preserver) and Shiva (destroyer) share in Lordship. Ancestors are given Lordship in tribal religion. Buddhism, Communism. Atheism Allahs Lordship is denied. Anyone who denies that Allah creates life.

Belief that others have Allahs attributes and qualities

Shirk in Asma and Safaat

Giving Allah human qualities. (He is) the Creator of the heavens and the earth: He has made for you pairs from among yourselves, and pairs among cattle: by this means does He multiply you: there is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees (all things). 042.011 (Ash-Shura [Council, Consultation]

Belief in worship of others along with Allah

Shirk of ebaadiyah

Al-Shirk al-Jali Idol worship Praying to Jesus Worship to Sun, Moon, sky, stars and other phenomena of the nature etc. 2. Al-Shirk al-khafi During prayer diverting of concentration Raising name of others during worship During worship to think about self

To Believe in the Unseen

Gods messengers; reveal messages to Prophets
Ex: Angel Gabriel revealed the Quran to Muhammad

No free will; sole purpose is serving God Accompany, guide, and protect people at all times He sends down His angels with inspiration of His commands to such of His servants as He pleases

Spirits (Jinn)
Spiritual beings, with free will Thus can be good or evil

To Believe in Prophethood-1

Prophets (nabi ) and Messengers (rasul )

Prophets speak Gods words to people orally. These(Prophets) were then men to whom We gave the book, and Authority and Prophethood. (6:89) Messengers record Gods words in book form. So, not all prophets are messengers, but all messengers are also prophets.

Prophets( ) have Universal message

Nor a messenger did We send before you without this inspiration sent by Us to him: that there is no god but I. therefore worship and serve Me (21:25)
Conformation that message by the Holy Prophet

To Believe in Prophethood-2

Prophets granted by special qualities & power

Jesus was awarded to treat the lepers, blind and giving life to the dead. David, in his hand iron got softened, Joseph, he interpreted dreams, Moses controlled magic,

Muslims believe in 124,000 prophets

Chain of Prophets: Adam was first; Muhammad was last
Also incl. Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Moses, David, Jesus, etc.

All transmit same basic message throughout history

Certain prophets were sent to specific groups/nations

The Essentials of Prophethood

The essentials of Prophethood common to all of the Prophets are, according to the theologians, as follows: Truthfulness. Trustworthiness. Communication of Gods commands. Intelligence. Infallibility. Freedom from all kinds of bodily and mental defects.

To Believe in Revelation

Holy Books
Revealed scriptures; messages from God Different languages, different cultures, different eras But same basic message, culminating in the Quran has not a clear sign came to them (confirming) of all that was in the former books of revelation? (20:133)

Progressive Revelation
Books of Moses, Psalms of David, Gospels of Jesus Ultimately the Quran, revealed through Muhammad
a promise binding on Him in Truth though the Torah, the Gospel and the Quran (9:11)

To Believe in the Day of Judgment

Resurrection of the Dead

At the end of time, all people will be raised Everyone is held accountable for his/her own deeds Anyone who denies God, His angles, His books, His messengers and the Day of Judgement has gone far, far astray (4:136)

Judgment / Afterlife
Everyone is judged based on ones life/actions on earth If good deeds does greater than bad deeds:
Reward eternal life with God in heaven/paradise/garden

If bad deeds outweigh good deeds:

Punishment in everlasting fires of hell

To Believe in the Divine Decree

Human Nature / Free Will

Everyone has knowledge & ability to choose between right & wrong, and so is held responsible Yet God has correct fore-knowledge of everyones path

Destiny / Fate / Predestination

God wrote down our destiny in the Preserved Tablet God knows what our nature will cause us to do
A persons actions are not caused by what God has written But God is omniscient God knows in advance


By Muhammad Ajmal Farooq

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