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By : Vikas chaudhary

Perception is subjectiveapproximation of reality More information is available than can be


Information Processing for Consumer Decision Making



Low involvementHigh Involvement

Low involvementHigh Involvement

Short term____________Long Term


the process by which stimuli in the external, physical world are translated into internal, mental representations;
three stages:
sensation: registering stimuli through the five

senses (vision, sound, taste, smell, touch); attention: allocating processing resources to certain stimuli; comprehension: interpreting stimuli that have been attended to;

sensation refers to the process of registering external

stimuli through the sensory receptors (i.e., the sense organs);

sensation is subject to sensory thresholds:

Absolute threshold
Minimum amount of stimulation or smallest

intensity of a stimulus that can be detected by a sensory receptor.

Differential thresholds and Webers law

Minimum amount of change in stimulation or the smallest difference between two stimuli that can be detected by a sensory receptor (also called the just noticeable difference or jnd);
according to Webers law, the greater the intensity of a stimulus,

the more the stimulus has to change for a change to be noticed; thus,
jnd = k x I

where jnd is the just noticeable difference, I is the intensity of the stimulus, and k is a constant that differs for different sensory modalities; applications:
marketers want consumers to notice a change marketers do not want consumers to notice a change;

Subliminal perception
notion that certain stimuli, even if

presented below the threshold of conscious awareness, may influence consumers behavior subconsciously; types of subliminal stimuli:
very briefly - presented visual

stimuli Sub audible messages embedded stimuli

Perceptual selection
Consumer selectivity in perception it could be on past

experiences and motives besides the nature of stimulus itself. E.g. -on a regular basis we visit the market and make desired purchases

Stimulus factors
Type of product
Physical characteristics. Colour ,brand name Advertisement Claims Packaging Contents


People see what they expect to see . More attention given to a stimulus which does not blend in to the background Stimuli with unexpected content tend to receive more attention (prioritized as potentially important information)

Consumer tend to perceive those things that topmost in their need or want list. E.g. a person contemplating to buy a PC is more likely to notice ads of comp and ignore others.

Selective Exposure
Consumer are attentive to stimuli that are relevant , pleasant and ignore unpleasant ones.

E.g. one who has bought an expensive PC is more likely to see ads that reinforce that purchase decision.

Selective attention
Consumer are selective in paying attention to ads or

messages. E.g. some are price sensitive & for other quality is important accordingly they pay attention to such ads.

Consumer do not notice the stimuli to which they have

become adapted. E.g. - an ac movie theatre feels quite cool in beginning but a short time later we adapt to it.

Perceptual vigilance and defense

Consumer are likely to modify or distort any info that

is not consistent with their need ,wants ,values , beliefs. When intense fear appeals are used in selling any product ,they may become threatening to a point that consumer use p v for entire message.

Perceptual blocking
Consumer protect themselves from being exposed to

innumerable stimuli by blocking them. Consumer screen out enormous amounts of TV ads by tuning out


Figure and ground


Perceptual organisation

Figure and ground

People have a tendency to organise their perception

into figure and ground . Our learning influences which stimuli to be perceived as figure & which as ground.

Individuals have tendency to group a variety of information or items close to each other in time or space and form a unified picture. E.g. In ad for coffee may show a young man &women sipping the beverage in a beautiful furnished & decorated living room so consumer associate the drinking of beverage with comfortable living and romance

Individual have a need for closure & fulfill their

perception in manner that leads to a complete picture. Since incomplete ads messages are remembered better than completed ones .

Distortion of perceptions
Physical appearance Stereotyping stimuli Irrelevant stimuli

First impression
Jumping to conclusion Halo effect

Price perception
Consumer have certain expectation of what the price is

or should be of a product or service . Their expectation may or may not reflect the actual price of the product or service. Consumer often associate the price of the product with service.

Consumer risk perception

Financial and monetary risk
Performance risk Physical risk Social risk Psychological risk

How consumer deal with risk

Acquire additional information
Remain Brand loyal Buying the popular brand Buy most expensive model (price-quality association) Rely on store image. Seeks money back guarantee Buy smallest pack or lowest priced items Reduce level of expectations

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