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Strategy implementation is a process through which a chosen strategy is put into action. Strategies are only a means to an end. The implementation of policies and strategies is concerned with the design and management of system to achieve the best integration of people, structures, processes and resources in reaching organization objectives. Strategy implementation is also defined as the manner in which an organization should develop, utilize and combine organizational structure, control systems and culture to follow strategies that lead to competitive advantage and a better performance.

Organization structure is the pattern in which various organizational activities are divided and assigned among positions, groups, departments, and divisions and the coordinating mechanism among these activities to achieve organizational objectives. Since these activities may be divided and assigned in different ways, there are many forms of organization structure. The basis forms of organization structure are simple or entrepreneurial, functions, divisional, and matrix. In practice, the actual organizational structure may be a combination of these pure structures. Such structures are called hybrid structures.


ENTREPRENEURIAL STRUCTURE - The entrepreneurial structure is the most elementary form of structure and is appropriate for an organization i.e. owned and managed by one person.

2. FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE As the volume of business

expands, the entrepreneurial structure may outlive its usefulness the need arises or specialized skills and delegation of authority to managers to look after the different functional areas

4. SBU STRUCTURE - A strategic business unit (SBU) has been defined by Sharplin as any part of a business organization which is treated separately for strategic management purposes.

5. MATRIX STRUCTURE In large organizations ,there is often a

need to work on major products or projects , each of which is strategically significant .the advantage of matrix structure is :provides good exposure to specialists in general management.

Strategic leadership is the process of transforming an organization with the help of its people so as to put it in a unique positions. Thus, two aspects are involved in strategic leadership . first, it transform the organization which involves changing all forces such as size, management practices, culture and values, and people in such a way that the organization becomes unique. Second, strategic leadership process emphasizes people because they are the source for transforming various physical and financial resources of the organization into outputs that are meaningful to the society. Strategic leadership deals with vision keeping the mission in sight and with effectiveness and results. It inspires and motivates people to work together with a common vision and purpose. It has external focus rather than internal focus.

The role of a key strategist who also acts as a leader in any organization, he perform two roles: 1.As the architect of a strategy 2.As implementor of the strategy

He initiates the actions for putting a strategy into operation. In strategy implementations, leadership role can be identified in the some context: Introducing change, integrating interests, developing motivational system, setting organizational climate and leadership development.

Resource allocation deals with the procurement, commitment and distribution of financial , human , information and physical resources to strategic tasks for the achievement of organizational objectives. In order to understand the rationality of resource allocation , it is essential to understand commitment principle because resource allocation is a kind of commitment. Commitment involves adhering to a thing for which a person is committed. In the context of planning, commitment principle implies planning for the future impact of todays decisions. Applying the concept of commitment principle in resource allocation implies that when resources are committed to a unit or a project, the organization takes a risk. The risk involved depends on the time taken to recover resource cost.

SCARCITY OF RESOURCES The major difficulty arises due to a scarcity of resources. Financial, physical and human resources are hard to find. Firms will usually face difficulties in procuring finance. Even if finance is available , the cost of capital is a constraint. 2. RESTRICTIONS ON GENERATING RESOURCES In organizations, there are several difficulties encounter during resource allocation. The usual budgeting for the existing SBUs, divisions and departments places restrictions on generating resources for newer units.

4.TENDENCY TO IMITATE COMPETITORS Companies in an industry tend to imitate their competitors in terms in terms of resource allocation. There might have been strong reasons in the beginning to do so when the competitive strategies might have been similar. But as companies move from one strategy to the next, often the resources allocation patterns fail to respond to the strategic changes.

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