Mimi Walton - Locke and Voltaire

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Locke and Voltaire

Mimi Walton

The Enlightenment

Enlightenment means change in outlook Philosophers and scientists began examining the world through reason

John Locke- Basics

Born in England 1632 Wrote about theories of government Attended Westminster School Published Two Treatises of Government

John Locke

Social contract or agreement among free people was the true basis of government Government was to protect people's natural rights like right to life, liberty, and property. Approved the changes of england. Admired constitutional monarchy

Government's authority was based on the consent of the governed. If the government failed to respect people's rights, it could be overthrown Ideas echoed in the American Declaration of

John Locke

Voltaire- Basics

Real name is Francois-Marie Arouet Born in France 1694 Passionate and outspoken writer who believed strongly in freedom of thought and expression. Attended a Catholic college in Paris Wrote the Candide Loved theatre, literature and social life Earned fame as a writer and as a witty participant in Paris salons.


Warred against superstition, error and oppression. Attacked the French court and the power of Catholic clergy. Riches and royalty. Theories unsupported by observation and experiment. Religious strife was the main source of evil


Admired England's constitutional monarchy. Believed in reforming society in the name of justice and human happiness He said "to be governed by law was man's most cherished right." He championed religious tolerance. Spoke for free speech Went to prison twice and was forced several times to flee the city or country.

Both attended schools Both wrote books including their thoughts Both admired constitutional monarchy Both fought for their ideas Both questioned the divine right of kings


Locke focused on natural rights and government. Voltaire focused on free speech, thought, justice, human happiness and expression. Voltaire was his pen name Locke is his real name Voltaire's ideas were sometimes unwelcome Locke's ideas echoed in the American
Declaration of Independence


Aaron, Richard I."Locke, John." EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page.Web. Pomeau, Rene Henry. "Voltaire." EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page.Web. "Age of Enlightenment. "Wikipedia Foundation, 06 Mar.2012.Web. 06 June History Alive: The Medieval World and Beyond.
Palo Alto, CA:Teachers' Curriculum Institute,2011.Print.


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