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Literacy Across the Curriculum Monday 22nd October cpd

The September 2012 framework: key changes

Key changes

There is an even greater focus on: narrowing gaps in performance for groups of pupils, particularly for pupils known to be eligible for free school meals and for disabled pupils and those with special educational needs quality of teaching and its impact on learning and progress reading and literacy behaviour and safety How well governors, leaders and managers drive school improvement and use resources effectively
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Literacy and the new framework

Gill Jones (HMI)

Sir John Jones (Led INSET here previously.

DfES Leadership Development Unit)

Three aspects of literacy to consider:

Speaking and Listening (a focus for next year!)

Writing (the focus for our Spring term cpd)

Reading (our focus in these two sessions)

Building vocabulary through books and reading

A child who listens to stories and

learns to read independently learns new words. Children who can read are building their vocabulary and success builds success. Children who struggle with reading, are likely to continue to struggle, unless someone intervenes quickly.
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Poverty and language

Socio-economic group Childs average recorded vocabulary at 30 months Children from welfare families 357 words Number of new words being added, on average, between the ages of 30-36 months 168 words

Children from professional families

766 words

350 words
Data from Hart and Risleys research, USA

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Poverty and language

Vocabulary at age 5 is a powerful

predictor of GCSE achievement 2/3rds of 7 to 14 year olds with serious behaviour problems have language impairment 47% of employers say they cannot get recruits with the communication skills they need. Reading, and being read to, develop vocabulary.
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Nearly one fifth of pupils in 2011 did not reach the expected Level 4 in reading at the end of Year 6

Is a Level 4 good enough to access the

full secondary curriculum? How do we improve Level 4 readers?

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Implications for secondary education

A proportion of your pupils will start

school with standards in reading that are below those expected for their age How do you ensure that teaching and the curriculum are matched well to their reading levels across all subjects?

58% in Optional SAT !!

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Teachers standards 2012

All teachers should:
demonstrate an understanding of

and take responsibility for promoting high standards of literacy, articulacy and the correct use of standard English, whatever the teachers specialist subject

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Literacy in the new framework

The expectation is that schools

should ensure that all pupils communicate effectively. Inspectors will evaluate how well teaching is increasing pupils vocabulary, understanding of language and literacy skills. Inspectors will evaluate how well governors, leaders and managers ensure the curriculum is meeting pupils individual literacy needs.
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Literacy in the new framework

The inspection handbook: Inspectors should give attention to pupils writing and communication skills, as well as their reading skills. They should consider the extent to which the school intervenes to provide support for pupils, especially those at are at risk of underachieving There may be occasions when inspectors wish to hear lower attaining pupils read in Years 7 and 8 in secondary schools.
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What outstanding practice has been used in other schools?

Outstanding practice elsewhere.....

Landau Forte College, Derby:
Summer School for weakest


readers coming from primary. Catch-up reading sessions for weakest readers. Regular E.R.I.C. Sessions. Older students mentoring younger ones. Whole staff reading/writing focus in teaching.

Its helped me to read more in College, especially English where I feel confident enough to stand up and read in front of everyone. Kyle, Year 7

Outstanding practice elsewhere.....

Fernwood School, Nottingham:

Strategies have been successfully

High Expectations. Differentiation. Language for learning in all subjects. Paired reading sessions. Data was identified as a strength to help accurate assessment of need. Group work and talk contributed to success in lessons. Questioning use of Blooms Taxonomy. Regular E.R.I.C. Sessions. Communication and maths skills evident across all subjects.

introduced to ensure that levels of literacy for all students continue to improve. All staff take responsibility to ensure that students are given opportunities to practise reading aloud in lessons. Students are always expected to use technical words accurately and they do so. Strategies to improve students writing and literacy skills are given a high priority across the school and are embedded across the curriculum.

Q: "What is the

difference between 8 and 5?" A: "8 is round on top, and 5 is flat."

What is needed at Trinity?

Reading Assessment Focuses

Use a range of strategies including accurate decoding of text, to read for meaning Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use quotation and reference to text Deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts, including grammatical and presentational features at text level Explain and comment on writers' uses of language, including grammatical and literary features at word and sentence level Identify and comment on writers' purposes and viewpoints and the overall effect of the text on the reader Relate texts to their social, cultural and historical contexts and literary traditions








1) What does everyone in your department already do to help pupils reading skills? 2) What have individual teachers done that can/should be used more widely? 3) What hasnt been done but can now be worked on? 4) What help would you need from outside your department? 5) What actions do your department now need to take?

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