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Juan P.E. teacher

What is Acrosport?
It is an acrobat-choreographic sport, since there are three key elements incorporated into its exercises:
Figure formations or body pyramids.

Realization of floor gymnastic skills (jumps, turns and balances) which are used as transitions from one figure to another.
Music, which supports the choreographic component

of the combination of the previous elements.

Juan P.E. teacher

Acrosport as a competitive sport

As a competititve sport, acrosport presents the following general characteristics:
Categories in which you can compete: female

partners, male partners, mixed partners, female trios, and male quartets.
The elements of balances and acrobatic stunts make

up the principal part of the exercise, forming a harmoniuos and rhythmic set with other gymnastic elements of flexibility and dance.

Juan P.E. teacher

Acrosport as a competitive sport

The exercise is done on a base of 12x12 meters and is

accompained with music.

The duration of the exercise is of 2 minutes and 30

The age difference between the base/lifter and the

acrobat must not be greater than 10 years.

Juan P.E. teacher

Differences between figure and pyramid

The Body figures: are aesthetic formations formed between all the components without one being on top of the other.

Juan P.E. teacher

Differences between figure and pyramid

The pyramids: always imply a structure of at least two levels, with the base wider than the top level.

Juan P.E. teacher

Positions of the students in Acrosport

ACROBAT or agile.- They are the ones who create the most

complicated elements (stunts) and climb up to the highest positions of the pyramids.

BASE/LIFTER.- The one who acts as the base,using their

body as support. They can be static or dynamic and their basic positions are: lying supine (laying on their back) quadruped (on all fours) and bipedal (standing).

HELPER.- Their function is to help in the phases which

require them and to adopt an aesthetic position in the final structure.

Juan P.E. teacher

Positions of the students in Acrosport




Juan P.E. teacher

The hand dams.

How do we sustain ourselves?

The dams are a fundamental aspect of acrsoport,

since they provide security and stability for the pyramids and each one has a specific function:
Dam hand in hand, dam cramp, wrist and hand.- To

push and/or hold in the different formations. The double hand in hand grip is used fundamentally for the balances.

Juan P.E. teacher

The hand dams (picture) .

Dam hand in hand Dam clamp Hand wrist dam

Juan P.E. teacher

The hand dams

Arm in arm dam To hold an inverted position. Platform.- To trap and hold in some pyramids and to

throw the agile student or acrobat in stunts.

Hand-Foot dam.- Used by the base/lifter to hold the

situated agile in the dome in a static equilibrium position. The grip should be in the back of the foot.

Juan P.E. teacher

The hand dams

Platform Arm in arm dam Hand-foot dam

Juan P.E. teacher

Safety warnings
Keep back straight Maintain muscle tone and do not relax

Juan P.E. teacher

Safety warnings
Base/lifters: Use the legs to lift the weight of your partners

Juan P.E. teacher

Safety warnings
Do not rely in the middle of the back of your partner Locate the appropriate support zones of the base/lifter

Juan P.E. teacher

Phases in the creation of the pyramids

1st Phase.- Construction of the pyramid: The

bases/lifters will form the base, adopting the chosen poses in the most firm possible position. The students who will occupy the most elevated part will climb up while remaining as close as possible to the base, with their head up and exerting a force of pressure downwards, avoiding any push out in lateral direction. The pyramid forms from the inside towards the outside, and from downwards to upwards.

Juan P.E. teacher

Phases in the creation of the pyramids

2nd Phase.- Stabilization : Once the pyramid is

formed, it must hold itself up for three seconds. If the distribution of weight is correct, the pyramid will stay put. If it is necessary, corrections of the appropriate positions must be made to correct the imbalances that occur.

Juan P.E. teacher

Phases in the creation of the pyramid

3rd Phase.- Undoing of the pyramid: This must

always be donde in opposite direction of the first phase, by having the agile going down towards the front or in lateral direction. The bases/lifters or the helpers will help in the reception, by holding the agile by their waist or back

Juan P.E. teacher

Phases in the creation of the pyramid (phases of the undoing of the pyramid)
1st- Contact with the floor must always be done lightly with the

feet open towards the outside to increase the base of the equilibrium. Always do this in the front when going down. feetending the knees to absorb the impact.

2nd- If the agile lose balance they must try and fall on their 3rd- The column must remain straight, with open arms towards

the sides and the upper body learning forward. agile fall in open spaces with safety. falling.

4th- The base/lifters must remain in their positions so that the 5th- The one who falls must not hold onto another partner while

Juan P.E. teacher

Criteria of success in the creation of the figures

To considerer a figure to be correctly formed, the

following sections are measured: -Holding the figure for 3 seconds.

-During that time, the body must remain static and deformable.
-The body segments (arms, legs, column..) must be aligned and the angles fixed according to the form of the figure.
Juan P.E. teacher


Juan Profe E.F.


Juan Profe E.F.


Worksheet n 1 Name: ______________________Date: _________ 1. What is Acrosport? 2. What is the difference between figure and pyramid? 3. Explain the basic features of Acrosport as a competitive sport 4. List the different types of dams. 5. What are the positions in Acrosport? 6. List the safety warnings in the Acrosport. 7. Explain the phases in the creation of the pyramids.

Juan P.E. teacher


Juan P.E. teacher

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