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What is CRM? Company Introduction Dell Business Strategy CRM Strategic Objectives CRM Softwares at Dell Social Media Presence CRM Techniques Pre-sales Post-sales Success factors


Customer relationship management (CRM) is a widely implemented model for managing a companys interactions with customers, clients, and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes principally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support.


The overall goals are to find, attract, and win new clients, service and retain those the company already has and reduce the costs of marketing and client service. Customer relationship management describes a company-wide business strategy including customer-interface departments as well as other departments.

Dell Inc.- Introduction

Dell Inc. is an American multinational computer technology corporation based in Texas, United States. Founded by Michael Dell in early 80s. Develops, sells and supports computers and related products and services. The largest technological corporation in the world, employing more than 1,03,300 people worldwide. First computer of its own design, the "Turbo PC", which sold for $795. Dell is listed at number 44 in the Fortune 500 list. It is the third largest PC vendor in the world after HP and Lenovo.

Opportunities In 1980s

focus on selling PCs than customer service .


support issues.

margins by manufacturer on direct selling.

To be the most successful computer company in the world at delivering the best customer experience


Backbone of Dell computers

Based on segmentation, company takes its positioning and modifies its offerings for each segments customers.


Faster inventory turnover and reduced inventory levels by personalization (build to order). Incorporate new technologies and components into its product offerings. Online support to onsite customer-dedicated systems (customer service) Customer focused employees Dells Server Success.




Served its online customers with 12 sales representatives and 2 order processors. Cost cutting by eliminating the retail stores and spend those saved dollars on customer service in order to build great relationships with customers. 500 million page visits per quarter to

Highlights for Direct Model and CRM

Contacting with the customer directly & capturing as much information as possible
Eliminating middlemen Building computers based on customers needs.

Engaging with customer on each touch point as productive & efficient as possible.


Better customer loyalty Greater customer satisfaction Higher sales and marketing performance

Improved marketing efficiency

Stronger brand consistency

Improved customer profitability

More costeffective customer service


Make segmentation and identify customers Listen to their customers

Learn from customers Each member is a student who is responsible of learning from the customers.

CRM Softwares @ DELL

Three types of software that facilitate Dells CRM:
Marketing automation software: Hotlink

Custom designed Web pages containing purchase data: Premier Pages Data mining system that benefits the sales, marketing, financial and management segments of Dell: ProClarity


automation software

Effective targeting Efficient marketing communications Real-time monitoring of customer and market trends

Dell free advertising word of mouth

Custom Internet sites, called Premier Pages, for various corporate and institutional customers, allowing these customers to simplify and accelerate procurement and support processes

In-depth analytical abilities, resulting in highlighting positive and negative areas of business Enables Dell to measure trends and successes Sales management can track activity within accounts and lapsed quotes can be acted upon

The marketing department can track customer activity, product sales and marketing mixes

i2 Planner

software to meet it supply chain needs.

i2 Supply Chain Planner i2 Collaboration Planner i2 Factory Planner


to coordinate the build-to-order processes from order placement to customer support customers, target them using their medium of preference, and also measure the results.


Enables Dell to pull material into its factories every two hours based on real time customer orders. Tracks backlog numbers, stock status and supplier commitments. Lets the supplier know what parts to deliver to which factories to meet customer demand.

Provides customers with cloud-based applications that help simplify and automate IT management

Generate more leads, Effectively market through multiple channels, Optimize lead management, Convert leads into customers, View all account-related information and activities, Keep sales representatives working productively, Analyze your sales pipeline

Dell Facebook Page

Dell has an astonishing 34 official Pages on Facebook. The company posts around 6-7 updates in week

Dell shares exactly three kinds of content:

News, Deals and Company information

Dell Google+ account

Hangout is one feature that is being regularly used by the company to get constant feedback from its community of users. Dells employees themselves hold hangouts at a smaller scale with their followers and customers. Company employees have hosted a minimum of 50 Hangouts collectively on their personal pages, including a member of the consumer sales group who held one to talk about a new high-end laptop, which Dell also livestreamed on its YouTube channel.

Twitter account

2 to 7 tweets and retweets per day. Dells Outlet account beats its official account by a huge margin. Dell Outlet has 1,549,995 followers compared to 22,579 on its main account. @Dellprosupport is for premium customers while @DellCares is for regular ones. It allows Dell to offer dedicated support to its premium customers right within the enclosure of Twitter.

Pre-Sales customer support

Post-Sales customer support

Success Factors
Superior customer

experience through direct, comprehensive customer relationships. research and development with technology



systems custom-built to customer specifications. and support programs tailored to customer



Success Factors

For large corporate and institutional customers,

Pre-sale: the Company works with the customer to plan a strategy to meet that customers current and future technology needs Post-sale: direct relationship by establishing account teams, consisting of sales, customer service and technical personnel

For small-to-medium businesses and individuals

through account representatives telephone sales representatives or Internet contact.

Success Factors

Paperless purchase orders Global pricing Real-time order tracking Purchasing history Account team information Small business customers: Online virtual account executive Domestic customers: Spare-parts ordering system, and a virtual help desk featuring natural-language search capabilities and direct access to technical support data

Presented by: Arshleen Ahluwalia Jaspreet Mohal Sumit Gupta

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