To Your First Class: by M.Suganya L/It

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To your first class


by M.Suganya




Introduction - overview of computers - advantages of computers - applications of computers Characteristics of Computers

Evolution of Computers - manual computing devices. - automated computing devices. Generations of computers - first generation computers - second generation computers - third generation computers - fourth generation of computers - fifth generations of computers

Classification of Computers - based on operating principles - based on applications. - based on size and capability. Basic Computer organization - Input unit - memory unit - CPU Number Systems - binary number system - octal number system - decimal number system - hexadecimal number system

Introduction about computer

- Computers are used for a variety of purposes. Such as, - From simple arithmetic calculations to a complex data analysis. - such as, whether forecasting. - They become an internal part of a humans everyday life.

What is computer?

Overview of computer
- A computer is an electronic device. - In general, a computer is a machine which - accepts data - processes it - and returns new information as output.

Data Information


Introduction to Computers

A Computer System

Hardware Software User




Introduction to Computers

Advantages of Using Computers

Speed: Computers can carry out instructions in less than a millionth of a second. Accuracy: Computers can do the calculations without errors and very accurately rather than the humans. Diligence: Though humans are not capable to perform large amount of task given to them. But, Computers are capable of performing any task given to them repetitively. Storage Capacity: Computers can store large volume of data and information on magnetic media.


Introduction to Computers

Applications of computers
In Tourism In Banks In Industry In Transportation In Education In Entertainment

In Tourism
Hotels - speed up billing - checkout the availability of rooms. Railways & airline reservations - booking tickets

Structural problems can be solved quickly and accurately.


In Banks
Terminals are provided in the branch And the main computer is located centrally. This enables the branches to use the central computer system for information on things such as - current balance - deposits - overdrafts - interest charges, etc.


In Industry
Computers have greatest use in: - factories and industries of all kinds. Computer have provided help for: - quality control tests and the manufacturing of products. - which require a lot of refinement.


In Transportation

Computer have made it possible for planes to land in foggy and stormy atmosphere also. - aircraft: - it has variety of sensors. - which measure the planes altitude, position, speed, height and direction. - all this information to keep the plane flying in the right direction. Advantages: - Autopilot feature has made the work of pilot much easy.

In Education

Computer have provide an : - excellent teaching: - a lesson repeat/number of times. - using Computer based instructions (CBI) and Computer Aided Learning (CAL) common tools


In Entertainment

Many computer games are available - traditional games like: - chess, football, cricket, etc. - Dungeons and dragons games: - test your memory and ability to think. - Braino and Volcano games: - test your knowledge.


Characteristics of computers

Speed: - Computers work at an incredible speed. - A powerful computer is capable of performing about 3-4 million simple instructions per second. Accuracy - In addition to being fast. - computers can do calculations without errors and very accurately. - the accuracy achieved by depends upon its hardware configuration and instructions. Diligence - computers are highly consistent. - Computers can perform voluminous and repetitive jobs.


Versatility - Computers are versatile machines - and are capable of performing any task as long as it is. - By broken down into a series of logical steps. Storage Capacity - Computer can store huge amount of data in its, - different storage components in many different format. - it can seen in almost every area: - Railway/Air reservation, - Banks, - Hotels, - Weather forecasting and many more.

Evolutions of computers
Computer Have gone through the different stages of evolution:

Manual Computing Devices:

Sand table ABACUS, Napiers device SLIDE RULE


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Automated Computing Devices:

pascals calculating machine(pascaline) leibnitzs improved pascal machine punched card machine Charles babbages engines Holleriths card reading machine Mark-I digital computer

First electronic computer(ABC) Electronic numerical integrator and calculator(ENIAC) electronic discrete variable automatic computer(EDVAC) Electronic delay storage automatic calculator(EDGAC) Manchester mark-I Universal automatic computer(UNIVAC-I) 19

Manual computing devices


Sand table
- The idea of using stones for numbering and putting them at a place for performing simple calculations led to the invention of a device called sand table. - sand frame is used for fast calculations on that time. -> 3 channels in the sand: - each channel have a maximum of 10 stones. ->to perform addition operations: - incrementing the count of right hand channel by one & - by adding one stone in it. - as soon as the right hand channel reached its maximum capacity, - the stones were removed from that channel & one stone was added to the left hand channel.


- It is the FIRST MANUAL CALCULATING DEVICE (or) early computing tool. - It originated in Babylon and China more than3,000 years old.


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ABACUS replaced the sand frame with an wooden frame. It is in the form of grooves with wires and the stones with beads. An abacus was also known as counting frame & became popular among the people in Asian Minor around 5000 years back. This device was specially designed for the multiplication & quotient of numbers.


Napiers device
Invented by John Napier in 1617. John Napier a Scottish mathematician invented logarithms.


Napiers device .

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Napier bones consisted of a board whose left edge was divided into 9 squares. These 9 squares were used to hold the number from 1 to 9 . It also consisted of 10 rods, which were made up of strips of ivory bones. When the rods were simply placed side by side products & quotients of large numbers could be obtained.



Slide rule
It was Invented in 1632 by William Ought red. - it is an popular computing devices. - it would perform arithmetic & trigonometric functions. - the final value can be straight away read on the scale.


We need to fill exactly 6 liters in any form of concrete. But, we have only 4 liters & 9 liters bucket. How we get exactly 6 liters?


Automated Computing Devices


Pascal's calculating machine(Pascaline)

In 1642 AD Blasie Pascal is an French mathematician & philosopher. Who developed a mechanical calculating machine called Pascals Calculating Machine. It is an first real desktop calculating device. That could add & subtract. It consist of a set of toothed wheels or gears. It can be performed by turning these wheels . When one wheel made a complete revolution.



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The next adjacent wheel towards left made one tenth of revolution. This Pascal concept can still seen in conventional electric meters & taxi meter. This machine was later on modified by a German, Gottfried Leibnitz in 1971. Who invented a more complex reckoned using tool bed wheels. This was the first machine to multiply & divide directly.


Leibnitz's improved Pascal machine

Pascal device was improved in 1673 by Leibnitz's. Who introduced the wheel which could perform - multiplication - division - square root operations. This machine is not that much popular. Since, no one knew to make such exact machine at that time.



Punched card machine

In 1801, a French weaver Joseph Marie Jacquard invented the first punched card machine. He designed punch card for designing on cloth & to make attractive fabric patterns. the presence & absence of the punched hole in the card represents Two states: - raising - lowering Of wrap thread. Only those thread guiding hook encountered a hole in the card could enter the pattern.


Charles Babbage's engines

In (1792-1871) Charles Babbages is an another genius in computer history. He made a machine called difference engine. It evaluate algebric expression & mathematical task up to 20 decimal places accurately. Which is called as Babbages Difference Engine. This device is constant for various formulae used by the mathematicians.



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In 1833, Charles Babbage modified the device called Analytical Engine. This machine takes input from a punched card. & process the arithmetic operations (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division). & produces the output in punched card format. Analytical engine is similar to today computer. Hence, Charles Babbage is called father of computer.


Holleriths card Reading Machine

Dr. Herman Holleriths worked in USA. As census officer during the time census of 1880 was taken. He developed a card reading machine & used punched cards for tabulation & calculating data. Which stores &tabulate census data. The census is not only the process of counting people. But also a process of collecting information about various socio-economic aspects.



Mark-I digital computer

The first electro-mechanical computer was developed in 1973 by Harvard Professor, Howard Ail ken. This machine also used punched cards. Advantage: - mark-I could multiply two twenty digits numbers in about 5 seconds. - it can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division & table reference. Disadvantage: -it has huge mechanical calculator which occupy several rooms. - this machine has several miles of electric wires & electromechanical relays & mechanical counters for arithmetic calculations. - calculation made lot of noise.



First electronic Computer(ABC)

Dr.Jhon Vincent Atanasoff & Clifford Berry Developed the first electronic computer & is called as ABC-Atanasoff Berry Computer. This is used for vacuum tubes for - storage - arithmetic & logical functions. This solve simultaneous equations. Advantage: - Fast machine - Can perform additions (or) 350 multiplications in one second.



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. . . Join these 9 points with 4 lines. Without taking the pen from the note while started drawing.


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