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Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB

M.Veerraju, MCA 2nd YEAR,
GIET Rajahmundry

J.Nageswara Rao,

Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB

Digital Image
Digital image is composed of finite number of elements

Elements Picture Elements, Image Elements, Pels or Pixels

Pixel is used to denote the elements of a digital image A digital image is a mapping from the real three-

dimensional world to a set of two-dimensional discrete points. Each of these spatially distinct points, holds a number that denotes grey level or colour for it, and can be conveniently fed to a digital computer for processing.

Digital Image Processing (DIP)

Digital Image Processing deals with images which are two-dimensional entities (such as scanned office documents, x-ray films, satellite pictures, etc) captured electronically through a scanner or camera system that digitises the spatially continuous coordinates to a sequence of 0s and 1s.

Types Of Computerized Process

Low Level Process

Mid Level Process

Action :Segmentation

High Level Process

Action : Primitive Operations Input: Image Output: Image Examples: Noise removal, image sharpening

Action : Making Sensation Input: Attributes Output: Scene Understanding Examples: recognition, analysis & associates with vision

Input: Image Output: Attributes Examples: Object recognition, classification & processing

Types of Images

Intensity Image its a data matrix whose values are represented by intensities.

2. Binary Image stored as logical array with 0s or 1s 3. Indexed Image has two components Data matrix x & Color map matrix map(Mx3 array having the value range[0,1]) 4. RGB Image it is an MxNx3 array of color pixels corresponding to Red, Green & Blue.

Introduction to MAT LAB

MATLAB stands for matrix laboratory. MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical

It integrates computation, visualization, and programming

in an easy-to-use environment.

MAT LAB Contd.,

Typical uses include

Algorithm development Data acquisition Modeling, simulation, and prototyping Data analysis, exploration, and visualization Scientific and engineering graphics Math and computation Application development, including graphical user interface building

Parts of MATLAB 5

Development environment :- set of tools and facilities that helps

to use of MATLAB functions and files.

The MATLAB mathematical function library :-vast collection of

computational algorithms ranging from elementary functions to more sophisticated functions

The MATLAB language :consists of control flow statements,

functions, data structures, input/output, etc.,

Graphics :-for two-dimensional and three-dimensional data

visualization, image processing, animation, and presentation graphics

The MATLAB application program interface (API) :-library that

allows you to write C and Fortran programs that interact with MATLAB.

Working Environment of MATLAB

Commands in MATLAB
imread( filename )


f = imread( D:/my images/eagle.jpg );

clc or size( f )
1024 1024


whos f
Name Size Bytes Class f 1024x1024 1048576 uint8 array Grand total is 1048576 elements using 1048576 bytes

Writing images

imwrite(f,filename) or
imwrite(f,eagle,jpg) or imwrite(f,eagle.jpg)

To show the information of image

imfinfo eagle.jpg
Filename: 'eagle.jpg' FileModDate: '29-Aug-2007 10:01:40' FileSize: 334 Format: jpg' FormatVersion: '' Width: 1 Height: 1 BitDepth: 8 ColorType: 'grayscale' FormatSignature: '' NumberOfSamples: 1 CodingMethod: 'Huffman' CodingProcess: 'Sequential' Comment: {} CodingMethod: 'Huffman' CodingProcess: 'Sequential' Comment: {}

To Display A Image

Or imshow(f);

To display two images

imshow( f ), figure, imshow( g )

Two Images in single Window

[X1,map1] = imread('eagle.jpg'); [X2,map2] = imread('testfire.jpg');

subplot(1,2,1) , imshow(X1,map1) subplot(1,2,2) , imshow(X2,map2)

More Images in single Window


[X2,map2] [X3,map3]

= imread('eagle.jpg'); = imread('testfire.jpg'); = imread('eagle.jpg');

Row Wise Image Representation subplot(1,3,1) , imshow(X1,map1) subplot(1,3,2) , imshow(X2,map2) subplot(1,3,3) , imshow(X3,map3);

Column Wise Image Representation subplot(3,1,1) , imshow(X1,map1) subplot(3,1,2) , imshow(X2,map2) subplot(3,1,3) , imshow(X3,map3)

RGB to Grayscale Image Conversion

k = rgb2gray( r );

r=imread(peppers.jpg '); imshow(r);

Grayscale to Binary Image Conversion


im2bw( k );


Here image will not be displayed

To Display Binary Images

BW = imread('circles.png');


imshow(~BW) imshow(BW,[1 0 0; 0 0 1])


Digital Image Processing using MATLAB is very interactive ,allows formulating solutions to many technical problems ,those involving Matrix Representations in fraction of time .

Queries ?


Medha 2k7

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