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with Fr Samuel Medley, SOLT

Fundamental Intuition or Thought in the Theology of the Body: Man is made in the image of the Trinity- for Communion

Just as the Father and the Son eternally beget the Holy Spirit in a Communion of life and love Man and woman beget the issue of life in child bearing.

Man became the image of God not only through his own humanity, but also through the communion of persons

Man and Woman He Created Them

Genesis 1:27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
TOB clearly lays out the basis of trinitarian communion is being masculine and feminine.

Man and Woman He Created Them

A human person is not only brought about, co-created with man and woman, but they come to their full maturity of the same love of man and woman that has created them.

The Sound of Your Voice by Third Day

I ran away from your love but you waited for me, yes, you waited for me and then I heard your song, singing over me, singing over me Now that I hear you Lord, I want to know you more. I want to know you more. Chorus : Sing your song to me. Oh, theres no greater thing than to listen to the sound of your voice When I hear your song I want to sing along and listen to the sound of your voice, the sound of your voice Lord, I am calling your name and Im waiting for you, yes Im waiting for you So wont you show me your way and I will follow you, yes I will follow you Chorus Singing over me bringing peace and mercy with a song that never ends Sining over me marvelous and holy, Lord, I want to hear your song again Chorus

The Voice of A Mother:

The Masculine Voice

Caused infants to: -increase heart rate -increase brain activity -sweeping eye movements -kicking of legs and thrashing of arms

-excited emotional response

The Feminine Voice

Brought About: -decrease heart rate

-steadied brain activity

-closing of eye lids -calm body movements -some even began to fall asleep

The Man Hold

Studies show there is a universal tendency for men of every culture to: -Throw their children high up in the air. -Hold them out away from them for eye contact

-Perch them up above their shoulder

The Man Hold

These studies show that the way a man uses his body to affirm the person of the child engenders: -Confidence, Daring -Trust, Courage -Adventure, Excitement

-Sense of Freedom

The Woman Hold

Mothers more frequently use touch to calm, soothe, or comfort infants Bring the child toward her breasts providing warmth, comfort, security and protection Engenders gentleness, calm, intimacy, tenderness, comfort, and humility

It has clearly come to the popular culture that each human person needs love and acceptance to develop as a mature and welladjusted person.

Human Development

Human Development
Dr Conrad Baars, PhD, expert psychiatrist and consultant for the Vatican
Has shown that each person needs the affirmation of their personhood in order to come to full affective, or emotional maturity. Man have Emotional Deprivational Disorder which comes from being unloved. Most people suffer not because of what someone did to them, but but of what someone didnt do- LOVE THEM.

Human Development
YET HUMAN LOVE because it is given and received by men and women can never be neuter, or without gender.
Man and Woman, through the perceived bodily contact, voice, touch, and overall expression of love, bring about the affirmation and maturation of the human person.

No Fact More Certain:

There is no fact that has been established by social science literature more convincingly than the following: all variables considered, children are best served when reared in a home with a married mother and father. David Popenoe (1996) summarized the research nicely: "social science research is almost never conclusive, yet in three decades of work as a social scientist, I know of few other bodies of data in which the weight of evidence is so decisively on one side of the issue: on the whole, for children, two-parent families (p. 176). (Gender Complementarity and Child Rearing by Dr A. Dean Beard PhD)

Theology of the Body - THEOLOGY From Divine Revelation (Genesis 1-2): The image of the Trinity was revealed in: -One Man and One Woman -Exclusive, Mutual, Covenanted Conjoining of the Two

Why do we need both feminine and masculine love to grow?

Why do we need both feminine and masculine love to grow?

Lets Look Within the Human Person


Lets Look Within the Human Person


M A Focus on single point N Logically conclude W Intuition O M Contemplate Whole A Grasp Meaning N

The human soul: Intellect Will- Spiritual Appetite Reason Energy Appetite
Hope, Courage/Trust Despair, Fear, Anger

Pleasure Appetite
Love, Joy, Desire Hatred, Sadness, Disgust

Lets Look Within the Human Person


-Exhibited a general lack of courage and confidence, especially in accomplishing difficult goals-"there may be something unique to fathers that provides children with different opportunities to regulate their emotions" -Were statistically more promiscuous and found it difficult to live chaste relationships well, which is particularly difficult for women in later years who develop daddy issuesShowed high sense of aggression and could not express anger in a healthy way or found it highly uncomfortable when someone is angry with them

-Confidence, Daring

-Trust, Courage
-Adventure, Excitement

-Sense of Freedom

Lets Look Within the Human Person


(From Gender Study)


Intimacy/Tendernes s -Humility

-Found it difficult speak about their feelings, experience connectedness, and found intimacy awkward-showed high insecurity and need for attention, physical contact, emotional and affirmation-Had difficulty showing affection, warmth and developing depth in romantic relationships with their spouses.


This is where the little unloved and unaffirmed child inside each person may start crying.






Redemption of the Body HOPE- Diagnosis - Cure

Theology of the Body speaks of a triptych, or a three part revelation of each persons body.
Beginning- Original Meaning of the Body- Communion ABBA Father- thought of you before the world began

Now- Historical Meaning of Sin and Grace, Fallen yet JESUS Saviour- loves you exactly as you are right now Redeemed
HOLY SPIRIT- fills in body is between time and eternity the gap Future Glory- Your made for eternity

Redemption of the Body ABBA Father- thought of you before the world began
JESUS Saviour- loves you exactly as you are right now HOLY SPIRIT- fills in the gap between time and eternity


Redemption of the Body

This is why one of the most conducive and healing environments is to receive the Sacraments frequently and devoutly, practice the life of prayer and penance, living the virtues of faith, hope, and charity, expressed in whole hearted service.

Redemption of the Body

HOWEVERWe do not fully experience deep healing unless the spiritual graces we receive are lived in human love. We are created to live the image of the Trinity in human relationships. We need to experience masculine and feminine affirmation in graced friendships with others. To love and be loved by different men and women in community life and communion.

Catechism of the Catholic Church 2347

The virtue of chastity blossoms in friendship. It shows the disciple how to follow and imitate him who has chosen us as his friends, who has given himself totally to us and allows us to participate in his divine estate. Chastity is a promise of immortality.Chastity is expressed notably in friendship with one's neighbor. Whether it develops between persons of the same or opposite sex, friendship represents a great good for all. It leads to spiritual communion.

Graced Friendship

Graced Friendship


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