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By: Sarah Andrade

dystopia is a hypothetical or other wise an imaginary society, therefore a place in which people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives. Its a society that is usually ruled by the government. Examples of dystopian literature would include The Hunger Games, 1984, and Fahrenheit 451.


favorite dystopian movie would have to be The Hunger Games because it shows that a young woman named Katniss Everdeen can basically take down her government. This movie is dystopian because every year they have these games called The Hunger Games and they pick two kids, boy and girl from each district.


example of a dystopian society would have to be the book 1984 by George Orwell. I have to say this book is nothing like The Hunger Games. 1984 is basically about how the government is watching you in every move you take. You cant have a normal life in this society because there are these telescreens in every room you enter. On these tele-screens is a face of there leader named Big Brother.


another example of a dystopian society is the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. In this society it talks about how having books is against the law. If you are seen having a book in your home or even just reading one, they take all those books and burn them and you might also go to prison. In Fahrenheit 451 it talked about how people took their own lives to keep their books so the firemen wouldnt have to burn then.


Everdeen is the main character in The Hunger Games. She is sixteen years old and in here society she is the female tribute of District 12. Now she is forced to be apart of The Hunger Games and must stay alive to survive.


Smith is not afraid of anything, well he does have a fear for rats. He took a lot of risks in the book 1984. In his society the government is watching you in every move, your not allowed to keep a diary or even be in love. Winston wants to have freedom and so he does all those things and he thinks he wont get caught.


Montag is the main character in the book Fahrenheit 451. I think Guy Montag is a lot like Winston because he also took some risks and in the long run Montag also got caught. Montags society is different from 1984 because the government is not always watching everyones move.

think after learning about dystopian literature is that its interesting but I couldnt see America as a dystopia society, in class I saw a short film about North Korea and its mostly like a dystopian society because everything there is ruled by the government.

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