Clariant Corporation Marketing

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Clariant Corporation Marketing

Clariant international limited was formed in 1995. It formed with the spun off of three acquisitions. These divisions are sandoz with sales of approximately 1.5 b. Hoechst-celanese added to mix in 1997 with sales of 5.5 b. NAFTA region accounts for 1.1 b.

Six global divisons

These are the industrial customers served TLP( textile, leather, paper) chemicals for process P&A( Pigments and Additives) makes colorants and functional additives FUN( functional chemicals) produces a plethora and magic molecules LSE ( life sciences and electronics) its serves the need of electronics and phramaceuticals industries MB ( masterbatches) custom blends pigments and other additives for colour plastics CEP( cellulose ethers and polymerisates) providess speciality feed-stock chemicals plastics processing

Characteristics of business market

The concept of price sensitivity and globalization discussed in the case study. Price sensitivity came because the commodity product as discussed in the case are highly price sensitive. Their appeal is in their functionality regardless of their application. Globalization came because firm is now interested to operate in Asians countries.

Globalization brought new low cost government supported competitors from China and India

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