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Benefits of EMS Examples and Case Studies

Why Implement an EMS ?

Helps to identify the causes of environmental problems.
better to make a product right the first time cheaper to prevent a spill cost effective to prevent pollution

Trade and competitive issues

inconsistency in environmental regulation and enforcement

Why Implement an EMS?

To get your environmental ducks in a row!
Struggling to stay in compliance and keep track of regulations/laws Environmental management just one of many responsibilities Establish a framework to move beyond compliance Vehicle for positive change; improved employee morale, enhanced public image Employee turnover Many individual parts may already be in place just need to unify under the EMS umbrella!

Why ISO 14001 at Konica

Corporate Directive to Certify in 1998 $ Increased Efficiency & Reduced Costs Improved Environmental Performance Enhanced Public Image Increased Employee Awareness & Involvement Better Knowledge Preservation & Transfer Enhanced Image with Regulators

Charleston Public Works

Problems faced:
aging infrastructure more stringent environmental laws and regulations customer interests limited resource base (human and financial) private sector competition

Gastonia: Why the City Council Approved an EMS

Several members were businessmen, who were familiar with ISO standards, the consistency of application and policy it brings to an organization and recognized the benefit to the City Good environmental stewardship Above and beyond compliance with laws and regulations Proactive - not reactionary Recognized intangibles, such as improved public image

What are some of the Benefits?

Cost Savings Reduced Liability/Improved Compliance Better planning Better public image/customer trust Enhanced employee awareness/increased knowledge and skill of employees Deficiencies identified Changed habits of employees

Electrical Improvements: ASMO

Changed Habits: Turn machines, fans and task lights off when not needed. Discontinued use of infrared oven. Turn off PCs at end of work day. Applied for and received new tariff option with CP&L. (LGS-RTP) Large general service - real time pricing Installed POW R command lighting panels. Installed programmable control of 17 HVAC Systems.

Water Use Improvements: ASMO

Replaced liquid coolant with cold air guns for milling, drilling and band saws. Replaced water-cooled compressors with air cooled. Replaced large cooling tower with 3 small chillers. Received exemption from mandatory surcharge imposed by the Water Authority during draught. Displayed documented conservation / reduction success during prior 12 months.

Water Use Improvements: ASMO

Cut back volume on sinks, Bradley basins and toilets. Installed new flush valves. Posted conservation notices on restroom doors. Communicated daily draught status with tips in daily bulletins. Further tweaked counter-flowing and volume at Paint Line Pretreatment. Extended interval on dumping cleaner tanks (without sacrificing quality)

Cost Savings: CPW

Records Management costs were reduced 10% for 1999 Operating costs at the water plant reduced $175,000 by using only necessary equipment

CPW: A Value to Our Business

Environment is Clearly Being Further Integrated -Employees and Managers are Much More Aware of the Environmental Policy and Their Role in it EMS is "System Dependent" rather than "Person Dependent" It Helps Drive Continual Improvement Customer Inquiries are Handled Efficiently Strengthening our Record of Leadership

More Benefits
Aspects identification has greatly improved employee awareness and involvement Skill-based knowledge of the staff has substantially increased Operational deficiencies have been identified

Gastonia Benefits
Enhanced cooperation among staff
Within the WWTD as well as with other Divisions in the City Consistency in applications, despite employee turnover

Public awareness of the City's commitment to environmental excellence Improved relationships with State authorities Controlled documented procedures EPA accepted the EMS documentation and/or descriptions as the WWTDs portion of the MOM program

Konica Example
During Internal Audit, identified several non-conformities
Some procedures not documented Response actions not clear Sump procedures do not fully reflect practice
Two different groups handled sump differently, but the EMS review identified the conflicting SOPs

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