Internet and Other Emerging Technologies: Group 4

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Group 4

386 hz microprocessor with not less than 16 mb ram.

Hard disk with minimum 200 mb free space.

Operating system

Web browser


Internal modem

External modem

Dial up access

Cable DSL Leased line

A leased line is a service contract between a provider and a customer, whereby the provider agrees to deliver a symmetric telecommunications line connecting two or more locations in exchange for a monthly rent

E-mail & Groupware

It is the most commonly used Internet service

Refers to the facility of sending and receiving messages

electronically over a network of computers Requires a user to have an E-mail address in any of the websites that provides e-mail service Email address has 2 parts: a) username b) mailserver name

Advantages of E-mail
Very fast medium of communication irrespective of the

distance Very economic medium of communication- only charged the cost of being online Any form of data, such as text, graphics, sound or video can be sent It is a secure medium of communication

Disadvantages of E-mail
An error in the e-mail address of the recipient is enough to

prevent the delivery of the message. Sometimes, viruses can enter system through the attachments received in e-mails

It is a software that helps to provide organization- wide

communication and enables a group of people to work towards the common goal. People at remote places in the organization can hold electronic meetings, send/receive documents, share information, keep track of project status etc Message/idea sent by one member can be reviewed by every other member of the group and they can also comment on and even make changes to that idea. Ex: Groove, Lotus Notes and Open Texts Live Link

Voice mail
Voice-mail is a computer based system that allows users

and subscribers to exchange personal voice messages To select and deliver voice information; and to process transactions relating to individuals, organizations, products and services, using an ordinary telephone. It is also known as voice message or voice bank Voice-mail systems are designed to convey a caller's recorded audio message to a recipient. Voice mail systems make phone systems more powerful and flexible by allowing conversations and information to pass between parties, even when both aren't present

It provides twenty-four-hour-a-day answering capability.

It enhances efficiency and boosts job productivity.

It saves and generates money for the company. It improves the accuracy of message content. It enables one to send multiple messages to people.

It allows messages to be easily updated.

It reduces the need for

administrative/receptionist/secretarial support. It serves as an important medium for business communication. It makes transferring of phone calls from department to department easier and more efficient

Many people are resistant to technological advancement.

It can be difficult if users are not trained to use voice

messaging systems. A voice-messaging system can be less economical for smaller companies. People can "hide behind their mailbox" and not return calls. Many people dislike not being able to reach a live person. Concern for sender of message "confusing message" and "lack of instructions." Too many voice-messaging options may make it difficult for people to recall which options they used previously

Fax (telecopying) is the telephonic transmission of scanned printed

material normally to a telephone number connected to a printer or

other output device.
The original document is scanned with a fax machine, which treats as

a single fixed graphic image, converting it into a bitmap

In this digital form, the information is transmitted as electrical

signals through the telephone system.

The receiving fax machine reconverts the coded image and prints a

paper copy of the document.

Fax is an inexpensive method of sending message-just the cost

of a telephone call along with paper and ink for receiving faxes
They are simple to use and required very little training They allow exact copies of hand written information or images

to be transmitted
As long as the fax machine on message can be received at any

time day or night

There is no immediate response or feedback from the recipient like

there is with telephone conversation

You might dial the wrong number and send your document to some

one else
If the receiving machine is busy ,your fax will not delivered Quality is poor

Long time to transfer if you have many sheet of paper

Communication between people at distant locations. Remote clients and employees Arrange meetings and demos. Training.

Sharing drawings, graphics, documents among multiple

users in remote locations

Online workplace visible to remote users. All users can write, read and make changes. Can be viewed and modified by all users.

Remote control software.
Allows participants at remote machines to interactively

work on an application installed in only one participants machine.

Similar to application sharing. Only one participant can make changes to shared

documents while others can only view it.

Camera Screen Microphone Speaker software


What is web service?

Web services are those services that are provided by the

internet to the client It may include different services in net Examples are e-payment, e-mail, e-business etc


Is a firm that provides access to internet

It has large runs of cabling and maintains network service

to the subscribers Each service provider has got different service an Internet Service Provider has the very complicated job of setting up and maintaining a network to connect its users to the internet

Are common internet terms that help the user understand

the relationship of various internet technologies Some of them are: Browser, cascading style sheet, client side, domain name etc

A web search engine is designed to search for information

on the World Wide Web It may include pictures, information, documents etc Search engines does their searching by identifying the key word. Popular search engines include Yahoo, Google, ask and HotBot


to access internet we need some tools They are: A computer A telephone connection A modem

Network connection cards

Browsers Satellite connection if possible An anti virus software or an internet security system

Security Standards for Electronic Payment System

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Secured Electronic Transaction (SET)

Used in Banking, Retail,Health care, Online Market. The upcoming EPS is knowns as EFT(Electronic Fund

Transfer) which is defined as Any transfer of funds from initiated through a telephone instruments,electronic terminal or magnetic tape or computer so as to authorize a finacial institution to dedit or credit account

Third Party Payment processing

In this type of third party credit card payment system, consumers have to registered on the internet with a third party to verify electronic micro transaction. It is different from e-token in the following ways: 1. It depend on existing financial instruments. 2. At least one additional party has to be involved online. 3. It has more than one party to ensure extra security.

Electronic Payment Gateway

A payment gateway is an e-commerce application service

provider service that authorizes payments for ebusinesses, online retailers, bricks and clicks, or traditional brick and mortar. Payment gateways protect credit card details by encrypting sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, to ensure that information is passed securely between the customer and the merchant and also between merchant and the payment processor

Banking and financial payments

Retail Payments

Online E business payments

Home Banking(ex Bill Payments)

Small scale or or retail payments(ex ATM)

Large scale or whole payment(bank to bank transaction)

Banking and finacial payments

Charges Card(American Express) Credit Cards(Visa or Master card) Private Labels(J.C Penny Cards)

Retail Payments

Online E business Payments

Electronic Token Based system

Credit Card based System

Electronic cash

Electronic cheque

Encrypted credit cards,third party authorization number

On the level of collaboration the groupware provides, it

can be divided into 3 categories:

Electronic communication tools:

Ex: Voice mail, e-mail, fax, etc

Electronic conferencing tools:

Ex: Online chatting, telephony, video conferencing, application sharing, etc

Collaborative management tools:

Ex: Project Management Systems (PMS), online spreadsheet, electronic calendars, etc

Collaborative media: a software which enables a number

of simultaneous users to add new and change existing information in a website. Ex: Wikiweb, Wikipedia



It is a set of protocol that specifies a complete framework

for mobile Internet access. WAP bridges the gap between the Mobile World and the Internet as well as the corporate intranet and offers the ability to deliver an unlimited range of mobile value added service to subscribers




Provides communication between wireless network and

internet The main benefits of WAP gate way includes WAP gateway translates the protocol between the internet and the wireless network WAP content is encoded into a compact binary form by the WAP gateway over air transmission due to efficiency reasons

Its stores as WAP content

The WAP server can be on a local network or anywhere

on the Internet WAP servers contain Wireless Markup Language, WML script and Wireless bitmaps which are all WAP format

The World Wide Model

The client device can be a mobile phone, a pager, a

personal digital assistant, or any other WAP enabled device

Networking schedules for mobiles

Time division multiple access

Frequency division multiple access

Code division multiple access

Time division multiple access

In TDMA, the radio channel is divided in a way that users

are able to transfer information in different time slots, to enable multiple users to share the the channel.In TDMA, multiple users,data services or sources are alloted different time slices to access the same channel.

Frequency division multiple access

Frequency multiplexing requires a separation of the

frequency bands used for the transmission by different channels.The available frequency range is divided into bands which are used by multiple sources or channels at the same time.

Code division multiple access

In CDMA, neither the frequency domain nor the time

domain are divided, rather the same frequency is shared at the same time by all users. A code or sequence is assigned by every user and bit rate of the information transferred by the user is bigger than the bit rate of the sequence.

Future trends in m-commerce

M-commerce has been adopted by banks and financial

institutions to access account information. Paying moneyand buying stocks through the mobile phone .This is called m-banking.

Activities that handle customer relationships with the use

of the internet, electronic media and web browsers.

3 phases of E-CRM


Acquisition- Acquire new customers by promoting the

product or providing new services or providing better quality with respect to convenience and innovation. Enhancement- Enhance the relationship by encouraging excellence in cross-selling and upselling.This will deepen the relationship Retention- Each company's aim is to retain profitable customers and not just acquire the new customers.

Customer information environment The first step involves collecting the information about the customer and creating a customer information envt. 2. Customer value orientation This step focuses on operational effectiveness. Actually customers want value for their money.

Core products and Services + Customized service benefits

Perceived quality (obtained) Perceived value

Price + Cost others than price

Perceived sacrifice (Given)

3. Customer loyalty This step focuses on the integrating internal processes of the organization with the customer in creating a community.

A way of communicating and doing business with

customers and suppliers is through the internet supply chain. Supply chains that are IT enabled help companies to optimize business processes inside and outside the company.


1. It provides information in response to specific customer inquiries

1.It has the uniform message of Push and Sell for all customers.

2Promotion and discounts are offered to individual customers

2.Promotion and discounts are the same for all customers

3.Pricing of products is negotiated with 3.The sellers set the pricing of each customer products for all customers 4.New product features are created in response to customer demands. 4. CRM is determined by the seller, based on research and development.

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