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The Human Society

The Human Society

Components of the Human Society include: Human beings, animals(domestic), social and political structure or institutions The Human beings interact with each other, as well as the other living components such as the domestic animals, and the non-living components of the system

Model of factors influencing Population Health

Social Environment

Physical Environment

Genetic Environment

Individual Response Behaviour Biology

Health & Function Disease & Injury Health & Medical Care



Figure 1

Model of factors influencing Population Health

The determinant that appear higher up in Figure 1 contribute to or influence the occurrence of factors lower down on the diagram. Some useful considerations about how a populations health is produced and represented by the diagram are: The contribution of medical care to a populations health is limited Conditions of the social and physical environment play an important role in producing different health, disease and injury patterns in our population. Individual factors, such as risk decisions or response to stress, can moderate the general effects of broader environmental factors on health. The occurrence of individual factors can also be patterned by the social and physical environment

Model of factors influencing Population Health

Disease and injury, which can be clinically determined and reported in health systems data, are not quite the same thing as health and well-being, which is based on how people experience their own conditions and function with them. To change a populations health profile, there is more to consider than health care, especially possible changes in their physical and social environment and in the factors influencing behavior. Indeed, since many health care interventions occur late in sometimes long sequences of events leading to diseases or injuries, in many cases earlier interventions would be more effective or more cost-effective at reducing the ultimate burden of disease.

The interactions within the Human Society influence the health and well-being of the people living in the system. Earth climate has fluctuated tremendously since humanity came into being

Whilst it may not be too difficult to identify and understand the nature and effects of physical and biological factors on health of man, the influence of the social interactions on health and the behaviour of individuals in the society is often so complex that it is not easy to comprehend

Social Determinants
The nature and extent to the social interactions determine a persons behaviour or lifestyle, which are important determinants of health status. The behaviour or lifestyle of individuals within a society may be defined as the habitual practices of the individual. This influences and is influenced by i). His personality, and ii). His relationship with others such as family members, and social groups to which the individual belongs. Together these form the larger social environment of the community, the society, and culture in which they are located. This in turn is shaped by the biological, physical and political factors

Social Factors Influencing Health

Social factors influencing health include: Occupation Culture Socio-economic factors Social network of family, friends and working colleagues.

Social Factors Influencing Health

Occupation: Every occupation has some health risks associated with it. Culture: Culture is defined as socially acquired and transmitted behavioural patterns and practices of a group of people, community, society or nation. It includes language, skills, beliefs, arts, sciences, laws, form of government, religious beliefs and practices, and moral or ethical standards or values

Social Factors Influencing Health

i. The culture of a group of people influences their health in various ways: Practices related to nutrition (breastfeeding, giving protein-rich foods to adults, women and children disadvantaged in distribution of food in the home, cultural superfoods and food taboo) Traditions (womens right, female circumcision, family system, land tenure systems, system of inheritance/succession) Beliefs (religious beliefs, abstinence from early sex, alcohol, and drugs) Values and Standards (compassion for the aged, and sick)

iii. iv.

Social Factors Influencing Health

Socio-economic Factors: Socio-economic status is a description of a persons position in society. It is often expressed as an ordinal scale, using such criteria as income distribution, educational level attained, occupation, and type and value of dwelling place. The simplest form of classification is into manual and non-manual working categories

Social Factors Influencing Health

There are however, other methods of social classification. These include: i. Income-based scales, where the population could be arranged according to income groups ii. Socio-economic scales where people are made to answer questions on education, occupation, income, values of dwelling place, or possession of valuable items. iii. Status/Prestige rating scales, based on consensus judgement, occupational ranks, value of dwelling place, public image.

Social Factors Influencing Health

Whatever ones socio-economic status, there is a relationship between socio-economic status and the persons health status. Virtually every health indicator examined in an epidemiological investigation shows a relationship to social class. Eg infant mortality rate, use of hospital or family doctors services, and use of modern contraceptive methods. It is a common knowledge that health status is poor in economically deprived communities than in those that are better economically.

Social Factors Influencing Health

The relationship between income and mortality has been established in several epidemiological investigation, thus underscoring the importance of examing socio-economic factors in such investigation.

There are many aspects of the physical and social environment that impact peoples health and well-being. An aspect of the physical environment is deteriorating with time is the Air quality(problems associated Asthma and other respiratory problems).

Read on the following

Discuss the effects on Human Health of the following Ecosystem changes: Industrialization Globalization (establishment of a global village) Demographic changes (Population growth and explosion) Migration (Human population movements) Urbanization

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