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Board of Trustees KPTA Information Meeting


November 2012

Who are the Board of Trustees? The Board of Trustees are a group of people who oversee the governance of the school.

At our school, the Board is made up of:

5 Elected Parent Trustees Principal

Staff Trustee

What is the role of the Board of Trustees?

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of the school. The Board is accountable to the Crown and to its school community.

Governance and Management

The Board s. 75 Boards to control management of schools Except to the extent that any enactment or the general law of New Zealand provides otherwise, a schools board has complete discretion to control the management of the school as it thinks fit.

The Board are responsible for Management determines: the what - designs the future (Charter) governance. - designs how we will get there the how
Governance determines:
the ends - the outcomes we want to achieve

The Principal is responsible for the policies - statements of what we expect the procedures - how to meet the expectations management.
s.76 Principals (1) A schools principal is the boards chief executive in relation to the schools control and management. (2) Except to the extent that any enactment or the general law of New Zealand provides otherwise, the principal (a) Shall comply with the boards policy directions; and (b) Subject to paragraph (a) of this subsection, has complete discretion to manage as the principal thinks fit the schools day to day administration.

the means - the strategies that we will use to achieve the ends

The School

The Boards Governance Role

One of the greatest roles and focus of the board is...

The Board acts in a stewardship role on behalf of all stakeholders and is accountable for the schools performance.

The Boards Roles and Responsibilities

Develop, monitor and review the Charter Develop and review the policy framework Foster positive relationships with the school community Approve and monitor financial management of the school Monitor, set targets for and evaluate student achievement Effectively monitor risk Ensure the Board is compliant with legislation Abide by the Code of Conduct Approve major policies and programme initiatives Fulfill the intent of the Treaty of Waitangi Act as good employers Appoint, ensure annual appraisal and support the Principal Oversee, conserve and enhance the resource base Board is committed to a programme of professional development,
including new trustee induction.

The Boards Roles and Responsibilities could look like:

The Boards Governance Role Principles of Effective Governance:

1. Boards meet the needs of key stakeholders 2. Boards govern on behalf of all stakeholders 3. Boards decide how they will govern 4. Boards main responsibility is designing the future 5. Boards are hands-off and mainly make policy decisions

6. Boards make collective decisions and speak with one voice

7. Boards monitor performance by reference to policy, targets and annual plans 8. The Board and the Principal lead together

Becoming a Trustee
A parent or someone in the wider community can become a trustee A person needs to be nominated to stand for the Board. If there are more nominations then vacancies, an election is held. A Returning Officer is appointed to manage the electoral process.
(subject to section 103 and 103A of the Education Act 1989).

Draft timeline for 2013: Call for nominations by 2 May Nominations close noon 16 May Voting papers distributed by 21 May Election date: 30 May Count votes on 5 June Board takes office: 6 June

Koputaroa Parent Teacher Association KPTA

As referenced in our Policies and Procedures:
Fundraising: The Koputaroa School Parent Teacher Association is the primary fundraising body on behalf of the school. KPTA is made up of: Three elected officers....

...and any parent/caregiver/ teacher who wishes to assist.

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