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Pearson plc

Group 11 Balram Ruchi Shankar

How will Pearson`s industry look in 2022

O What will make great change in future ? O How will future look like ? O What external environmental factor will

force such change ? O What will be the role of internal factor

External environmental factors

O PESTEL give me fair idea that future will

be more about Technological innovation(sixth sense) . O Rapid growth in developing world(Africa, India, Asia) need better supply chain infrastructure. O There will be less role for intermediaries

So in 2022 future of Education and allied industry

O More of digital in nature

Now and than

O Only 30% from O 80% from digital

digital contents O High cost of distribution

content O Distribution will be less costlier O There will be more than 4 billion Internet user O Estimated ecommerce spending = 2.3 trillion

Product : There will be more digital product, it always

need upgradation to compete with free course materials Price : price will be lower because of competition and Free course will be provided by institutes like MIT Place: because of the technology any marketer can reach to any customer easily at very less cost. Virtual Market place for everyone. Promotion: Use of social media and online promotion will be main source of promotion.

Future Education& Publishing industry

O Cutting age technology ( sixth sense) will

impact the industry most. O There will be free course material for all. O Quality of the material will be biggest differentiator. O Many new companies will jump in this industry which play the role of facilitator.

O Govt. Agencies and other funding

agencies will be biggest buyer. Eg HRD,Milinda get Foundation. O Competition will be based on technological innovation.

Industry dynamics
O Rapid evolution because of


Publication industry
O Publication industry demand is derived

demand from education industry. O Purpose and use of books and other material is changing rapidly. O Mobile and other gadget became main source of access of unlimited source of knowledge O News paper will loose its relevance as enews will be less time consuming and cost-effective.

O There will be plenty of free Virtual

education material will be available to everyone. O People need more reliable source where they can access all this at least cost and in sequence. O Main source of earning for Pearsion will be examination and evaluation . Eg online CAT O Packaged content will be the demand of those days.

Classroom Technology
O Class room technology will be a area where

these marketer can gain more. O Plenty of material and its packaged content accessibility can attract many player to collaborate for complimentary skill. O Developing country will need IT infrastructure. O Other educational service will be in demand like modern teaching aids and consultancy

What will be your strategy as CEO of Pearson

O I will follow optimization strategy to get

best out of this four kind of business 1. Education 2. Publishing 3. Media(FT) 4. Service

O There will be more than 4 billion Internet

user O Estimated e-commerce spending = 2.3 trillion

Education what we will do

O For growing market we will enter in

education infrastructure business. O Exam and test for different institute and Govt. O Curriculum design for specialized vocational institute. O Will collaborate with Mobile companies of different geographical location to ensure mobile learning facility.

O Will produce customize books on demand. O Teachers of different institute will be

connected to make customize study material for them. Eg case studies and article right for teachers so that they can use best material. O Attract authors for online book publication. O Will ensure cloud application instead of client.

O Will invest for sixth sense technology to

gain advantage over competitor. O Will Develop a network for with small player in developing nation to ensure proper execution of our operation like online cat in India. O there will be less difference between Physical and virtual world so we will develop such technological capacity to sustain.

O For revenue generation online ad ($149

billion)will be main source. O We will develop a virtual platform where people can share their knowledge. O Behavioral promotion strategy will be opt. O FT and its capacity will be use as Business consultant to the firms.

Our focus will be on

O Sixth sense technology O Classroom technology O Campus management system O Teaching aid O Education service and Digital learning O Consultancy for Educational institution

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