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Mastering Microsoft Excel 2003

• Understanding the UI
• Entering and editing data
• Using Fill and AutoFill
• Formatting data
• Conditional formatting
• Sorting
• Filtering
 Auto
 Custom

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Understanding the UI

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Entering and editing data in a cell
• To enter data is a blank cell:
 Click the required cell.
 Type the data in the cell or Formula Bar.
 Press ENTER to complete the editing.
• To edit data in a cell:
 Double-click the cell.
Press F2.
 Edit the data in the cell or Formula Bar.
 Press ENTER to complete the editing.

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Inserting rows and columns
1. Click the header of the row or column before
which you want to insert a new row or column.
To insert multiple rows or columns, select as
many rows or columns as you want to insert,
starting from the row or column before which
you want to insert the new row(s) or column(s).
• Click InsertRows or InsertColumns as

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Deleting rows or columns
1. Click the header of the row or column which
you want to delete.
• Click EditDelete in the shortcut menu.
Deleting row(s) or column(s) will delete the
entire row. All other rows and columns are
automatically renumbered.

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Clearing cell contents
• Select the cells whose contents are to be
• Press DELETE.
Click EditDeleteContents.
• By clearing, you are deleting the contents from
each selected cell but not deleting the row(s)
or column(s).

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Inserting a new sheet
1. Click the sheet tab before which you want to
insert a new sheet.
To insert multiple sheets, select as many
sheets as you want to insert, starting from the
sheet before which you want to insert the new
• Right-click the selected tab(s).
• Click Insert in the shortcut menu. The Insert
dialog box is displayed.
• Select Worksheet in the tab General.
• Click OK.
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Renaming sheets
• Double-click the sheet tab to be renamed.
Right-click the sheet tab and click Rename in
the shortcut menu.
• To rename the current sheet, click Format
• Type the new name.
• Press Enter.

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Moving a sheet
• Select the sheet(s) to be moved.
• Click EditMove or Copy Sheet. The Move
or Copy dialog is displayed.
• Select the name of the sheet before which the
selected sheet is to be moved from the Before
sheet list.
• Click OK.
You can also drag-n-drop the selected sheet(s)
to the new position.

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Copying a sheet
• Select the sheet(s) to be moved.
• Click EditMove or Copy Sheet. The Move
or Copy dialog is displayed.
• Select the name of the sheet before which the
selected sheet is to be moved from the Before
sheet list.
• Select the Create a copy check box.
• Click OK.
• You can also drag-n-drop the selected sheet(s)
to the new position keeping CTRL pressed.
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Moving or copying sheets to another book
• Open the workbook to which the sheet is to be
moved or copied.
• Open the workbook from which the sheet to
be moved or copied.
• In the source workbook, select the required
• Click EditMove or Copy Sheet. The Move
or Copy dialog is displayed.
• Select the destination from the To book list.

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Moving or copying sheets to another book
• Select the name of the sheet before which the
selected sheet is to be moved from the Before
sheet list.
Select (new book) to create a new workbook
that contains the selected sheets.
• To create a copy, select the Create a copy
• Click OK.

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Creating equations
You can use the regular mathematical symbols
to create formulae.
• Click in the cell which is to contain the formula.
• Type =.
If you do not type the = at the start, Microsoft
Excel will treat the formula as text.
• Type the formula using regular mathematical
symbols and appropriate cell references.
• Press ENTER.

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Working with formulae
Microsoft Excel provides a host of in-built
• Click in the cell which is to contain the formula.
• Click InsertFunction. The Insert Function
dialog box is displayed.
• Select a category to which the function may
belong. A list of functions available for the
category is displayed in the Select a function
• You can also type a description of the function in
Search for a function and click Go.
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Working with formulae
• Select a function from the list.
• Click OK. The Function Arguments list is
• Specify the various function arguments.
When you click in the argument box, a
description of the argument is displayed at the
bottom of the dialog.
• Click the Help on this function link to see
details on how and why the selected function is
normally used.
• Click OK.
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Copying a formula
• To copy a formula to adjacent cells:
a. Click the cell with the formula.
b. Click and drag the fill handle to the adjacent
cells which should contain the formula.
 The copied formula is automatically updated
with new cell references.
To keep cell references fixed, use the $C$R
notation in the source formula.

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Copying a formula
• To copy a formula to a non-adjacent location:
 Click the cell with the formula.
 Click EditCopy.
 Click in the cell where the formula is to be
 Click EditPaste.
 The copied formula is automatically updated
with new cell references.
To keep cell references fixed, use the $C$R
notation in the source formula.

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Setting data formats
• Select the data to be formatted.
• Click FormatCells. The Format Cells dialog
box is displayed.
• Click the tab Number.
• Select the type of data from the Category list.
• Select the required options for the selected
type from the options displayed on the right.
• Click OK.

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Creating custom data formats
• Select the data to be formatted.
• Click FormatCells. The Format Cells dialog
box is displayed.
• Click the tab Number.
• Select Custom in the Category list.
• Select the data format to be edited from the
Type list.
• Specify the new format.
• Click OK.

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Custom number formats: Tips
• #: Optional number
• 0: Zero must be displayed
• Results of formatting 1121.2 with various
Pattern Result
#### 1121
####.## 1121.2
####.00 1121.20
#,###.0# 1,121.2

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Custom date formats: Tips
• m: displays month as 0-12.
• mm: displays month as 01-12.
• mmm: displays month as Jan-Dec.
• mmmm: displays month as January-December.
• d: displays date as 0-31.
• dd: displays date as 01-31.
• ddd: displays month as Sun-Sat.
• dddd: displays month as Sunday-Saturday.
• yy: displays year as 00-99.
• yyyy: displays month as 1900-2999.
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Custom time formats: Tips
• h: displays hours as 0-23.
• hh: displays hours as 00-23.
• m: displays minutes as 0-59.
• mm: displays minutes as 00-59.
• s: displays seconds as 0-59.
• ss: displays date as 00-59.
• h AM/PM: displays hour as 0-12 AM/PM.

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Using a custom currency symbol
• Access the Control Panel.
• Double-click Regional Options. The Regional
Options dialog box is displayed.
• Click the tab Currency.
• In the Currency symbol box, type the new
• Click OK.
• Switch to Microsoft Excel.

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Using a custom currency symbol
• Select the cells with currency data.
• Click FormatCells. The Format Cells dialog
box is displayed.
• Click the tab Number.
• Select Currency from the Category list.
• Select the custom symbol from the Symbol list.
• Click OK.
• Save, close and reopen the workbook.

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Setting font options
• Select the cells.
• Click FormatCells. The Format Cells dialog
box is displayed.
• Click the tab Font.
• Set the font options.
• Click OK.

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Setting borders
• Select the cells.
• Click FormatCells. The Format Cells dialog
box is displayed.
• Click the tab Border.
• Select Style and Color under Line.
• Click the required button under border.
• Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each individual
• Click OK.

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Setting shading
• Select the cells.
• Click FormatCells. The Format Cells dialog
box is displayed.
• Click the tab Patterns.
• Select the Color.
• Select a Pattern, if required.
• Click OK.

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Setting text alignment
• Select the cells.
• Click FormatCells. The Format Cells dialog
box is displayed.
• Click the tab Alignment.
• Use the options under Text alignment to set
text alignment.
• Click OK.

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Enabling text wrap
By default, Microsoft Excel does not allow text
in a cell to be wrapped if it exceeds cell width.
As a result, a part of the text may be hidden.
• Select the cells.
• Click FormatCells. The Format Cells dialog
box is displayed.
• Click the tab Alignment.
• Select Wrap text under text control.
• Click OK.

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Merging cells
• Select cells to be merged.
• Select the cells.
• Click FormatCells. The Format Cells dialog
box is displayed.
• Click the tab Alignment.
• Select Merge cells under text control.
• Click OK.

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Enabling conditional formatting
When you apply conditional formatting, the
formatting changes as the value in the cell
• Select the cell(s).
• Click FormatConditional Formatting. The
Conditional Formatting dialog box.
• Specify the condition.
• Click Format. The Format Cells dialog box is
• Set the format.
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Enabling conditional formatting
• Click OK in the Format Cells dialog box.
• Click Add in the Conditional Formatting
dialog box.
• Repeat steps 3 to 8 for setting other conditions.
You can set a maximum of three conditions.
• To delete a condition, click in any field of the
condition and click Delete.
• Click OK in the Conditional Formatting dialog

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Copying formats
• Click the cell with the required formatting.
• Click EditCopy.
• Click the cell(s) to be formatted.
• Click EditPaste Special. The Paste Special
dialog box is displayed.
• Select Formats under Paste.
• Click OK.

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Setting validations
• Validations help you verify that input data
meets certain required conditions.
• Select the cells for which validation is to be set.
• Click DataValidation. The Data Validation
dialog box is displayed.
• Click the tab Settings.
• From the Allow list, select the condition.
• Specify the additional information required to
enforce the selected condition.

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Setting validations
• Click the tab Input Message.
• Specify the Title and Input Message. This
message is displayed as a tip each time the
user clicks in a cell with the validation and
should specify validation criteria.
• Click the tab Error Alert.
• Select the type of alert from the Style list.
• Selecting Stop as the Style will prevent
incorrect data from being entered while
Warning and Information allow the user to
continue with incorrect data.
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Setting validations
• Specify the Title and Input Message. This
message is displayed when the user enters
incorrect data.
• Click OK.

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Using AutoFill to create a data series
• The Fill feature enables creation of a data series
after the first few elements are entered.
2. Select the cells which reflect the pattern you want
to continue.
3. Click and drag the fill handle till the required series
is complete.
• If you select a single cell with a number and drag
the fill handle, the same number is copied into the
selected cells. To create a series of consecutive
numbers, drag the fill handle keeping CTRL
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Creating a custom list
• Click ToolsOptions. The Options dialog box
is displayed.
• Click the tab Custom Lists.
• Type the elements in the List entries box
using the comma as the separator.
• Click Add. The list is added to the Custom
lists list.
Once you have defined the custom list, you can
type any one list element in a cell and use the
AutoFill action to fill adjacent cells with other list
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Creating a complex series
• Type the starting element in a cell.
• Select the cell and cells along the row or
column in which the series elements will be
• Click EditFillSeries. The Series dialog
box is displayed.
• Select the Type of series.
• Linear implies a series generated as the sum
of previous cell value and the Step value while
growth implies product of the two.
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Creating a complex series
• Specify the Step value.
• Specify the Stop value, if required.
• The series generation stops when the Stop
value is encountered or all selected cells are
filled, whichever is earlier.
• Click OK.

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Sorting data
• Select the data to be sorted including headings.
• Click DataSort. The Sort dialog box is
• Select the primary sort key from the Sort by
• Select the order of sort.
• Select the second sort key from the respective
Then by lists.
• Select the order of sort.
• Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the third sort key.

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Sorting data
• Specify if the data has a header row using the
options under the section My data range has.
• Click OK.

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Sorting data in a row
• Select only the data (not the header, if any).
• Click DataSort. The Sort dialog box is
• Click Options. The Sort Options dialog box is
• Select Sort left to right under Orientation.
• Click OK in the Sort Options dialog box.
• Click OK in the Sort dialog box.

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AutoFiltering data
• Select the data to be filtered including
• Click DataFilterAutoFilter. The headers
are converted to dropdown lists.
• To filter on the basis of the contents of column,
select the required option from the header list.
For a column where a filter is set, the arrow of
the dropdown list displays a colored arrow.
5. Repeat step 3 to create a multi-level filter.

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Creating a custom AutoFilter
• To create a custom filter for a column, select
(Custom…) from the header list. The Custom
AutoFilter dialog box is displayed.
• Specify the condition.
• Click OK.

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Removing a filter
• Select the column whose filter criteria are to be
• Select (All) from the header dropdown of the
• Repeat step 2 for all columns whose filters are
to be reset.
To view all of the original data, filters set on all
columns are to be removed.
• To stop AutoFiltering, click DataFilter
AutoFilter. The AutoFilter feature is turned off
and all data is visible.
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Advanced in-place filtering
1. Copy the headings of the data to be filtered.
2. Leave a few blanks rows after the data range
and paste the headings in a blank row below
the data range.
• In the cell below each heading, type the criteria
using the format =“=criteria”.
• You can use any comparative operator
(>,<,>=,<=,=,!=) to specify the condition.
• Click DataFilter Advanced Filter. The
Advanced Filter dialog box is displayed.
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Advanced in-place filtering
• Ensure the option Filter the list, in-place is
• Click in List range and select the data range
from the worksheet.
• Click in Criteria range and select the criteria
range from the worksheet.
• Click OK. The data range now displays only
those rows which match the specified criteria.
• To view all rows, click DataFilterShow All
Advanced Filter.
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Creating a copy of filtered data
1. Copy the headings of the data to be filtered.
2. Leave a few blanks rows after the data range
and paste the headings in a blank row below
the data range.
• In the cell below each heading, type the criteria
using the format =“=criteria”.
• You can use any comparative operator
(>,<,>=,<=,=,!=) to specify the condition.
• Click DataFilterAdvanced Filter. The
Advanced Filter dialog box is displayed.
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Creating a copy of filtered data
• Ensure the option Copy to another location is
• Click in List range and select the data range
from the worksheet.
• Click in Criteria range and select the criteria
range from the worksheet.
• Click in Copy to and select the first cell of the
range where the filtered data is to be copied.
• Click OK. The filtered data is copied to the
specified location.
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Data analysis
• Charts
• Subtotals
• Consolidation
• Pivot Tables and Charts

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Creating charts
• Select the data to be represented as a chart.
• Click InsertChart. The Chart Wizard is
• Select the type of chart.
• Click Next. The Data range displays the
selected range.
• Specify if the series are in rows or columns
using the options under Series in.
• Click Next.

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Creating charts
• Specify the Chart title.
• If required, specify a label for the:
 Category(X) axis
 Value(Y) axis
• Click the tab Legend.
• Select Show legend.
• Specify the position of the legend using options
under Placement.

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Creating charts
• Click the tab Data Labels.
• Specify the information in the data labels using
options under Label contains.
• Select the Separator to be used between the
various pieces of information in a label.
• Click Next.
• To create a new sheet with only the chart:
 Select As a new sheet.
 Specify a name for the sheet.

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Creating a chart
1. To create the chart in an existing worksheet:
 Select As object in.
 Select the name of the sheet from the list.
• Click Finish.

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Changing the chart type
 Select the chart. The Chart option is added to
the menu.
 Click Chart Chart Type. The Chart Type
dialog box is displayed.
 Select the type of chart.
 Click OK.

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Modifying chart options
 Select the chart. The Chart option is added to
the menu.
 Click ChartChart Options. The Chart
Options dialog box is displayed.
 The tabs and options displayed in the Chart
Options dialog box vary with the type of chart.
 Change the options as required.
 Click OK.

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Customizing the chart
• Right-click the chart element to be customized.
• Click Format <Element_Name>. The Format
dialog box is displayed.
 The tabs and options displayed in the Format
dialog box vary with the element selected.
• Customize the element as required.
• Click OK.

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Changing chart location
 Select the chart. The Chart option is added to
the menu.
 Click ChartLocation. The Chart Location
dialog box is displayed.
 Select the new location of the chart.
 Click OK.

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Adding a data series
A chart is automatically updated to reflect a
category added to an existing range. However,
a new data series is not automatically included
in the chart.
 Select the chart. The Chart option is added to
the menu.
 Click ChartAdd Data. The Add Data dialog
box is displayed.
 Select the new data series.
Use a comma to separate individual data
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Adding a data series
• Click OK. The Paste Special dialog box is
• The Paste Special dialog box may not be
displayed if you are adding a single data series.
• Click OK.

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Working with subtotals
1. Sort the data on the basis of the subtotal.
Use multi-level sort if you want multi-tier
• Select the data including headings.
• Click DataSubtotals. The Subtotal dialog
box is displayed.
• Select the basis for subtotal from the At each
change in list.
Start with the outermost subtotal first.

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Working with subtotals
1. Select the function for subtotal.
• The default is Sum.
• Select the column for which the subtotal is to
be calculated from Add subtotal to.
• Click OK. The subtotal is added to the selected
• Repeat steps 3 to 7 for other subtotals.
• Ensure that the Replace current subtotals
option is cleared in the Subtotal dialog while
calculating intermediate subtotals.
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Removing subtotals
• Select the data with subtotals.
• Click DataSubtotals. The Subtotal dialog
box is displayed.
• Click Remove All.

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Consolidating data
Consolidation creates a single set of data by
combining two or more similar datasets.
Ensure that the row and/or columns labels
have identical spellings and capitalization.
There should be no blank rows or columns in
the data ranges.
If you are creating a linked consolidation, the
consolidated data must be placed a sheet
which contains no source data.

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Consolidating data
• Click in the sheet and cell where the consolidated data
is to be created.
• Click DataConsolidate. The Consolidate dialog box
is displayed.
• Select the consolidation formula from the Function list.
• Click in the Reference text box.
• Select the source data range.
• Click Add. The range of data is added in the All
references list.
• Repeat steps 4 to 6 for each range that is to be

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Consolidating data
• In the Use labels in section:
 If the column data has labels, check Top
 If the row data has labels, check Left
column in the Use labels in section.
• If you do not want the consolidated data to be
updated each time the source is changed, clear
the Create links to source data check box.
• Click OK. The consolidated data block is
created at the specified location.
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What-if analysis
• Data tables
• Goal seek
• Solver
• Scenarios
• Pivot tables

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Working with data tables
Data tables help calculate results of a formula
by varying one or two of the inputs.
• One-input data table generates results by
changing only one input.
• Two-input data table generates a matrix of
results by varying two inputs.

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Creating an one-input data table
• Create the formula using a sample set of data.
• Type the various values for the input whose effect on
the formula is to be analyzed in a single row or a single
column of the worksheet.
• For a row-based table, type the formula in the column
to the left of the first value and one cell below the row
of values.
• For a column-based table, type the formula in the row
above the first value and one cell to the right of the
column of values.
• Select the range of cells containing the formula and
values which you want to substitute.
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Creating a one-input data table
• Click DataTable. The Table dialog box is
• For a row-based data table, in the Row input
cell box, type the cell reference of the original
input cell in which the specified values are to be
• For a column-based data table, in the Column
input cell box, type the cell reference of the
original input cell in which the specified values
are to be substituted.
• Click OK.

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Creating a two-input data table
• Create the formula using a sample set of data.
• In the blank section of the sheet, type a
reference to the cell containing the formula.
• Type the values for one of the inputs row-wise
in the cells adjacent to the formula reference.
• Type the values for the other input column-
wise in the cells below the formula reference.
• Select the range of cells containing the formula
and the substitute input.

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Creating a two-input data table
• Click DataTable. The Table dialog box is
• In the Row input cell box, type the cell
reference of the input cell whose values are in
the row.
• In the Column input cell box, type the cell
reference of the input cell whose values are in
the column.
• Click OK.

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Using Goal Seek
Goal seek helps you determine the input which
will produce a known formula result.
• Create the formula with a sample data set.
• Select the cell with the formula.
• Click ToolsGoal Seek. The Goal Seek
dialog box is displayed.
• Click in the To value box and type the required
formula result.
• Click in the By changing cell box and select
the cell containing the input value you want to
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Using Goal Seek
• Click OK. The Goal Seek Status dialog box is
displayed with the new value of the formula. In
the background, the worksheet displays
changed values for both the formula and input
• Click OK to accept the result. The cell whose
value you have chosen to vary will change to
the calculated value and the formula will
display the new result.
• Click Cancel in the Goal Seek Status dialog
box to retain the old values.

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Using the Solver
Solver helps you determine the inputs which will
produce a known formula result. You can specify
multiple inputs and set boundary conditions.
• The Solver is a Microsoft Excel 2003 add-in and has to
be installed before it can be used.
• Select the formula cell.
• Click ToolsSolver. The Solver Parameters dialog
box is displayed.
• Select the constraint on the result using the Equal To
options and typing the value in the associated text box.
• Click in By Changing Cells and select the input cells to
be changed.
• To set a constraint, click Add. The Add Constraint
dialog box is displayed.

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Using the Solver
• Click in Cell Reference and select the cell for which a
constraint is to be set and specify the constraint values.
• Repeat steps 5 and 6 for to add more constraints.
• Click OK to close the Add Constraint dialog box. The
constraints are displayed in the Subject to the
Constraints list.
• Click Solve. The Solver Solution dialog box is
displayed and the results are displayed in the selected
worksheet cells.
• By default the Keep Solver Solution option is selected
in the Solver Solution dialog box. To discard the
solution, select the Restore Original Values options.
• Click OK.
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Working with Scenarios
Scenarios let you save the result of what-if
analysis for future reference.
• Click ToolsScenarios. The Scenario Manager
dialog box is displayed.
• Click Add. The Add Scenario dialog box is displayed.
• Type a Scenario name.
• Click in the Changing cells box and select the cells to
be changed.
• Click OK. The Scenario Values dialog box is
• In the Scenario Values dialog box, type the values you
want for the changing cells.
• Click OK.

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Working with Scenarios
• Repeat steps 2 to 7 to add more scenarios. All
scenarios are listed in the Scenarios list of the
Scenario Manager dialog box.
• To view a scenarios:
• Select the scenario name in the Scenario Manager
dialog box.
• Click Show.
3. To compare scenarios:
• Click Summary. The Scenario Summary dialog
box is displayed.
• Click OK.

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Working with Pivot Tables
• Click ToolsDataPivotTable and
PivotChart Report. The PivotTable and
PivotChart Wizard – Step 1 of 3 is displayed.
• Select Microsoft Office Excel list or
• Select PivotTable.
• Click Next. The PivotTable and PivotChart
Wizard – Step 2 of 3 is displayed.
• Select the data Range.

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Working with Pivot Tables
• Click Next. The PivotTable and PivotChart
Wizard – Step 2 of 3 is displayed.
• Select New worksheet.
• Click Finish. A blank PivotTable with the
PivotTable Field List pane is displayed.
• Drag and drop the required fields into the
various areas of the PivotTable.
• Use the options on the PivotTable toolbar to
customize the PivotTable.

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Auditing enables you to trace
relationships between various cells.
• Click the cell whose relationships you want to
• Click ToolsFormula AuditingShow
Formula Auditing Toolbar. The Formula
Auditing Toolbar is displayed.
• Use the various toolbar buttons to:
 Trace relationships between formulae.
 Highlight invalid data.

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Protecting the sheet

Protection allows you to decide what

aspect of a workbook or worksheet can be
changed by users.
• Microsoft Excel enables you to:
 Protect the workbook structure.
 Protect an entire sheet.
 Allow selective editing of a sheet.

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Protecting a workbook
• Protecting a workbook prevents users from
deleting, renaming, moving or copying sheets.
• Click ToolsProtectionProtect Workbook.
The Protect Workbook dialog box is
• Specify a Password.
• Click OK. The Confirm password dialog box is
• Retype the password.
• Click OK.
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Unprotecting a workbook
• Click ToolsProtectionUnprotect
Workbook. The Unprotect Workbook dialog
box is displayed.
• Specify the Password.
• Click OK.

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Protecting a sheet
• Select the worksheet to be protected.
• Click ToolsProtectionProtect Sheet. The
Protect Sheet dialog is displayed.
• Specify a Password to unprotect.
• From the Allow all users of this worksheet to
list, select the items users can change.
• Click OK. The Confirm password dialog box is
• Retype the password.
• Click OK.
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Unprotecting a sheet
• Click ToolsProtectionUnprotect
Workbook. The Unprotect Sheet dialog box is
• Specify the Password.
• Click OK.

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• A demo………

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