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SeaPerch Partners


Naval Surface Warfare Centers

What Is SeaPerch?
Sea Perch is a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) educational program
Consists of an educational tool kit that allows middle and high school students to construct a simple underwater ROV Includes a curriculum-based program that teaches students basic marine design skills
Naval Architecture Marine Engineering

Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) as part of the National Naval Responsibility for Naval Engineering
Objective is to develop the next generation of naval architects, marine engineers, naval engineers

What is the SeaPerch Challenge?

The SeaPerch Challenge is the competition conceived and started in Philadelphia for executing the SeaPerch ROV Outreach Program

What is the SeaPerch Challenge?

Teams represent companies competing for a simulated navy contract, trying to demonstrate that their SeaPerch Design best meets or exceeds navy technical requirements while staying within budget.

Greater Philadelphia SeaPerch Challenge Background

2005 - SeaPerch design and build initiated various locations - ASNE-DV pilots SeaPerch in local NJ school - Based upon feedback, ASNE teams with Drexel and Phila. School district

2006 - 1st SeaPerch competition held in Philadelphia (22 schools) 2008 - ONR establishes program to take Philadelphia model to national level 2011 - Philadelphia hosts First National SeaPerch Competition

2013 - Philadelphia will hold the 8th Annual Greater Philadelphia Challenge
- Philadelphia doubles competition capacity to 100 schools/1500 students - another 500 students not in Challenge

Nationwide SeaPerch Programs 2013

Over 50,000 students nationwide participating in SeaPerch

SeaPerch Program/Challenge Goals

Program goal is to sustain a long-term effort to address the problem of decreasing college enrollments in engineering and technical programs Increase student interest in STEM related studies through hands-on activities at the middle and high school level Provides awareness of Naval Engineering and Naval Architecture as career fields Helps students prepare for college level work Interface with industry, academia and government engineers Work in collaborative environment Participate in a realistic business Experience a major university campus Participate in a realistic technical scenario

Create a Fun, Challenging and Educational experience for students


What is provided?
1. One complete SeaPerch kit; 2nd kit will be provided in December 2. Tool kits will be provided to schools (based upon need & availability)

3. Underwater Video cameras HS only

4. Online construction manual, parts lists, lesson plans, and other resources via web and social media sites 5. Access to Learning Modules and Videos Hydrodynamics Propulsion Systems Control Systems Stability ROVs in the navy 6. Construction training for new advisors and mentors

7. A naval engineer mentor to visit your team and provide support; Drexel Near Peer
engineering students to assist with support; 8. 26 trophies; 4 cash awards 9. 2013 SeaPerch Challenge T-Shirt (??)

Teacher Training
IMPORTANT: Late change for Teacher Training

Training will be held: Only Saturday, 17 November Time: 8:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: between 31st and 32nd south side of Market Street Hill Conference room in LeBow Building

Training was: Saturday and Sunday 17-18 November starting at 9 a.m.


2013 Challenge Requirements Overview

Check frequently for updates and information Familiarize yourself with all posted competition rules Mentors are primary source for competition or technical questions
Or use contact us link on

Design, Build and Test SeaPerch (December thru March) Competition Challenge practice (Critical for vehicle performance success) Design Notebook - submit by 4 April no exceptions Oral Poster Presentation (competition day) Vehicle Performance round 1 obstacle course Vehicle Performance round 2 Mission: Deep Water Transfer Team Spirit and Sportsmanship Utilize engineering learning modules and other resources Other resources on national site
WWW.phillyseaperch is your primary source for all Philadelphia Challenge questions and is different than the national site

Resources on


Whats New for 2013

Doubled capacity to accommodate 100 schools 50 Middle Schools 50 High Schools

Two day competition Middle Schools compete on Friday, April 26 High Schools on Saturday, April 27
SeaPerch Equipment each school will receive 1 kit per school at kick-off our goal is to distribute a 2nd kit before 2012 year end no cameras for Middle School New Themed Mission each year (Deep Water Transfer) Notebook submission - will not be accepted late - size and format restrictions A registration fee of $25.00 (first time) - grant applications available - defray increasing program costs

Significant Growth = Significant Resource Challenges


Current GPSPC Registered Schools

50 Enrolled High Schools

27 Enrolled Middle Schools

Map last updated on 07 November 2012


Design - Build - Test

Innovative Design and Build over a Three Month Period
Teams are encouraged to experiment with design changes

Spending capped at $20.00 for vehicle modifications

Receipts (or proof of value) required for all additional material

Additional thrusters or larger motors for thrusters are prohibited

Reallocation of original kit parts is permissible and not part of the budget



Design Notebook
A Design Notebook (report) documenting team progress and accomplishments will be submitted and judged
Should be no more than 20 pages (excluding Front Matter)
Document challenges Characterize teamwork Discuss how the team worked through problems Capture lessons learned (including use of learning modules) Repository of the technical work accomplished by the team (drawings, calculations etc.) Process documentation (trial and error, build, test, optimize, etc.)


Design Notebook
Judged Sections of the Design Notebook include
Section I: Section II: Section III: Section IV: Section V: Section VI: Section VII: Front Matter Naval Engineering Research Design, Engineering, and Manufacturing Process Naval Scenario for Sea Perch Teamwork Bill of Material Supporting Documentation OF THE

Design Notebook Guidance with Section Information will be made available Teams are required to submit Design Notebooks electronically
Adobe PDF or MS Word 2003 (or later) formats only and file size limitations this year DESIGN NOTEBOOKS ARE DUE ON THURSDAY, APRIL 4th 2013 Notebooks will not be accepted after the 4th No Exceptions!

Oral Poster Presentation Session

Teams must create an Engineering Poster and prepare for an oral presentation and Q&A
Judges will interact with students about poster content and design
Supplemental aids allowed Ex: Laptop, IPAD, models, etc Team members must participate in the oral presentation High School Teams must submit resumes as part of the poster session

Last year, 30% to 50% of presentation score was based upon Innovative Product Design

Vehicle Performance Round 1

Vehicle Performance Round 1: Complete the Obstacle Course
Maneuver through a submerged obstacle course of pre-arranged hoops Hoop angles and elevations more challenging for High School course
2011 SHS Competition Video Clip


Vehicle Performance Round 2

Vehicle Performance Round 2: Complete the Mission
This Years Mission: Deep Water Transfer
Course consists of two rows of rings, each anchored at different depths Each row will hold six (6) rings, three on the side closest to the operators and three on the side furthest away Rings retrieved are to be placed in one of two bins located at different depths A larger bin will be located at shallow depth and a smaller bin beneath it at a deeper depth

ROVs are commonly used at deep depths to perform a variety of tasks. One of these tasks is the retrieval and relocation of objects. This task simulates retrieving objects from complex locations at different depths, and then placing them in designated locations.

Vehicle Performance Round 2

Transfer Racks will be placed about 10 feet from the pools edge
Bin openings will be sized differently

Vehicle Performance Round 2


Vehicle Performance Round 2


Vehicle Performance Round 2

Vehicle Performance Round 2: Complete the Mission
Points will be scored as followed:
1 point for each ring removed from the close side of the rack
2 points for each ring removed from the farther side of the rack. 1 point for each ring placed in the upper bin 2 points for each ring placed in the lower bin


Vehicle Performance Power Supply

The cost of providing a power supply at the pool deck may become prohibitive. At this time, we are requesting that each team bring their battery to the pool deck to power your Sea Perch. If a power supply is made available for use, the update will be posted on the web site.


Team Spirit
Team Spirit
The experience is about more than winning Teams gather together in bleachers Use flags, signs, mascots, and cheers can all be used to show their team spirit


Compete Awards
Team trophies awarded for 1st , 2nd , and 3rd place finishes
Separate awards for middle schools and high schools
Vehicle performance Poster Presentation Design Notebook Team Spirit

Overall Championship trophy awarded to (1) middle and (1) high school team based upon final composite scores Typically Four (4) Cash Awards
$100 cash Contract Award to overall winners $100 cash Engineering Process Awards

Against All Odds Award presented by the Atlantic Rangers


What is the Role of the Mentor

Mentor expectations time, travel, etc Act s as the teams liaison to the Sea Perch Challenges Support Network
Act on questions concerning the competition or craft design Feed back requests for rulings on satisfying competition requirements

Share career experiences Provide help with kit construction Assist teacher with the build & troubleshooting Provide guidance on competition requirements Assist students with troubleshooting
Teacher must be present whenever mentors are with teams All communications with mentor must be via the teacher HELP GUIDE TEAM TOWARDS FEASIBLE SOLUTIONS NOT JUST PROVIDE ANSWERS TO TECHNICAL PROBLEMS

Moving onto Nationals

The Philadelphia Regional High School and Middle School teams awarded 1st Place in Pool Performance will be invited to move onto the 3rd National SeaPerch Challenge

- Campus of Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) - Only Regional winners can register - Up to 100 teams will participate - For more info visit:


ASNE Symposium Participation

Greater Philadelphia SeaPerch Challenge Teams that win Overall Competition and Oral Presentation Categories will be invited to participate in ISSX

- Teams will be recognized for accomplishments by our Keynote speaker - Interact with 500 scientists and engineers on exhibit floor - Other special events will be planned

ISM partners with SeaPerch, ASNE, Drexel

Past Partners at Science Festivals, Symposia, & National SeaPerch Award Ceremony ISM planning Marine Engineering Education Center in Prime Location with SeaPerch as Centerpiece

SeaPerch test and help site!

ISM Field trips make a perfect compliment for teams to continue learning


SeaPerch Programming Offered at ISM January through Mid-April 2013

Sea Perch Design, Building, and Competition Mentoring provided on site for assembly, testing and troubleshooting Practice Tank approximately 10 x 10 x 2.5 dimensions, fitted with obstacles identical to those used at the national competition enabling underwater testing of ROVs Design Forums Educational Components Buoyancy, flotation, displacement and the Archimedes Principle Fluid dynamics and the Bernoulli Principle Engineering and design principals Construction techniques Tours of Museum and Historic Ships for context
Visit: Schedule pool time, mentoring support and tours by contacting: Olivia Thomas, Education Coordinator 215 413-8630 * Email:


Tanked may be recording at our event Stay Tuned!


SeaPerch Program Chair-Stephen Michetti, NSWCCD Engineer (215) 897-7639 email: Director of Out Reach and Development Joanne Ferroni, Drexel University (215) 895-2288 email: Technical Assistance, Mentoring and Training Bob Valtos, NSWCCD Engineer (215) 897-8591 email: Bill Day, NSWCCD Engineer (215) 897-1299 Mentor Chair, Jeff Merlino, NSWCCD Engineer (215) 897- 7289 email: Program Assistant and General Assistance Kathleen McGinnis, AMSEC, LLC (215) 897-8833 email:


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