Belinda Presentation

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-PROMOTING PROACTIVENESS IN YOUTH"You must strive to be yourself and work to become a better version of yourself but not somebody

else President KAGAME


Presentation Outline.
Broad Picture of The Youth Ambassadors Rwanda Our Programs The AGACIRO concept By the youth, For the youth & With the youth (Our Philosophy) The way Forward

Youth The Majority

Today's generation of young people is the largest in history:
nearly half of the world's population (almost 3 billion people) under the age of 25. nearly 85% of the world youth lives in developing countries. (Rwanda Included) In Rwanda, The percentage of the population aged less than 15 is 43.6% whereas the percentage of the population less than 25 years of age is equal to 63%.

Why Young People???

Young People are mostly exploited to implement these atrocities. We the YOUTH AMBASSADORS are sure of making a difference in helping young people from the region play an important role in the region's stability whether politically, economically and socially.

Mission & Vision

Raise awareness in young people from the East African Community (Rwanda, Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) and the Democratic Republic of Congo for what concerns good leadership emphasis on leadership skills empowerment A dignified Africa, free of civil wars, free of ethnic divisions, an economically independent Africa and A unified and democratic Africa

Mission & Vision Cont...

Advocacy for young people regarding their empowerment and involvement in different sectors, political, economical and social. Advocating for human rights with the focus on the youths rights that influence decision making in the above sectors.

We have put in place programs that will eventually help us achieve our goals:

How? Cont.

Chinese Embassy

EAC Ministry

USA Embassy


How Cont.
2. YOUTH Vs LEADERSHIP BROADCASTING PROGRAM television program hosted by a youth ambassador

3.MY CAMPUS HASH-OUT PROGRAM Dialogue, exchange between leaders and students

How Cont.
1. Pre-conference period: multicultural events 2. The conference


Youth Ambassadors outreach

United Nations Alliance Civilization Summer school Lisbon, August 2012 Theme Bridging Hearts, Opening Minds and Doing Things Together

African youth conference on post-2015 development agenda Nairobi, October 2012

Theme: Putting Young People at the Heart of Regional Development.

African youth conference on democracy and good governance Maputo, December 2012

Youth Ambassadors Initiative Program : A snapshot

Challenges in The EAC & CEPGL countries

Made us realize We need to Act!!

And take collective action to resolve issues

Yannick Tona, a Youth activist launched an initiative

15 young people came together

In Kigali, in April 2012

To create a plan and action

Towards lasting peace and sustainable development in the region

The AGACIRO concept By the youth, For the youth & With the youth
To transform the Rwandan (African) society, completely reach the Rwandan (African) renaissance, we need to clearly outline what this means practically. The first step is moral regeneration. We need to transform the way our people perceive themselves, counter this inferiority complex that feeds on the psyche of Rwandan (African) society. We must rebuild ourselves, rewrite our own history and enhance each other's strength.

The AGACIRO concept By the youth, For the youth & With the youth
For us a true Rwandan (African) renaissance is the rebirth of the core values of our people collectively empowering one another. Agaciro is more than a fund; its an attitude, a desire of self determination. The Youth should understand the principle of stretching, constantly pressing forward, never being satisfied by what theyve achieved but believing there is much more to do.

The way forward : OUR AGACIRO The pair Concept

Peace Within & Self Esteem Peace with others & Mutual Respect Peace with environment & Morality

The start to all change has to be from a peaceful space inside of us we cannot create peace outside if we are

We are all human and

Our futures are connected and shared using our resources

connecting at that level

creates a lasting and peaceful bond based on love and solidarity, which should consist of a two way respect on the basis of humanity

responsibly and caring

for the earth is a joint responsibility. Ethic values should be

disturbed on the inside.

This goes along with Self Confidence.

preserved equally with

no discrimination.

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