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Communication is the activity of conveying information either by means of verbal communication or nonverbal communication

Importance of nonverbal communication shown in some studies

Verbal 7%
Vocal 38% Nonverbal 55%

The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said.

Action speaks louder than words. Vital to the interviewing process. Misinterpreting the nonverbal messages by interviewer may result in poor selection or rejection decisions.

We tend to trust facial expressions, since most of them are automatic and involuntary. True and genuine smile. Natural and spontaneously. Keep your facial expressions in tune with what the interviewer's saying.

The face is more honest than the mouth will ever be.

The following facial expressions will demonstrate a positive attitude during your job interview; Smile Keep eye contact Laugh (when appropriate) Pause and look away to demonstrate you are thinking about the question Relax keep your facial expressions natural and let them occur on their own. If you force a smile it will look wrong.

Generally speaking you should not; Frown at questions

Chew chewing gum

Eat food Look bored Raise your eyebrows too much this could look like you dont agree with what they are saying and could appear


most important thing you wear is the expression on your face"

Eye contact draws your listener into your conversation, and this is exactly what you need in an interview. Maintain eye contact in a natural way. Making eye contact throughout the interview shows the interviewer that you are:

Focus Personable



When you do not make eye contact there are a variety of negative connotations: Lying/Deceit Bored/Distracted Shy

The awkward moment; when the teacher is looking for volunteers and you accidentally make eye contact.

Do not stare at the person continuously. Give 5-10 seconds interval. Avoid looking down to your own hands or out the window.

Gestures : a motion of the hands, head, or body to emphasize an idea or emotion, especially while speaking.

Gestures allows interviewee to communicate a variety of feelings and thoughts, often together with body language in addition towards when they speak.

In an interview situation it includes: The way you shake your interviewer's hand. The way you smile at them when you walk in. The way you sit down in your chair. The ways you use facial expressions and hand gestures. The final handshake and smile on ending the interview The way you leave the interview room and building

Don't be restless during conversation with your interviewer.

Avoid speaking while using overly expressive hand gestures.

Don't bite your lips as you talk. Never shrug your shoulders when asked a question that you are unsure of. Take your time when considering your response to questions.

How we hold our bodies. Physical form of an individual. Convey a wealth of information. Hints about personality characteristics.

Do relax and lean forward a little. Don't lean back.

Don't slouch.
Dont crossed legs and arms. Do have a positive stance towards the interviewer.

1. Slumped posture = low spirits 2. Erect posture = high spirits, energy and confidence

3. Lean forward = open and interested

4. Lean away = defensive or disinterested 5. Crossed arms = defensive 6. Uncrossed arms = willingness to listen

Voice sounds. Volume, tone, pitch and inflection.

Pace and timing.

Sounds such as hmm or umm.

Be polite and keep an even tone. Don't be too loud or too quiet.

Appreciate your past positions and achievements.

Manipulate the most. How we feel. How we want to be viewed.

Convey nonverbal stimuli.

Choice of color. Clothing. Hairstyle.

Black - Not as main color, distant and arrogant. Red/ Yellow/ Orange - Evokes emotions. Purple & Pink - Men should avoid, look feminine.

Blue - Authoritative & Trustworthy. Gray - Authority without being overwhelming. Brown - Calm, trustworthy, and level headed.

Do wear minimal makeup
Do wear low heeled shoes Do groom your hair

Dont use excess perfume
Dont wear short & see through clothes Dont wear too much fitted clothes

Do cover/remove tattoos & body piercing

Do wear comfortable fabrics Do carry a simple/professional handbag

Dont have long nails

Dont wear hat Dont wear clothing with visible logos

Touch in the workplace can be an effective means of

For example:
Handshake Pat on the back Hand on the shoulder Those in power are more at liberty to touch subordinates than the other way around.

1. The Step-to-the-Right Technique:

2. The Hand-on-Top Technique

The last resort

To read the details regarding this , previous and proceeding slide of handshakes, refer to: ge/chap2.html


2. 3.

Chronemics is the study of the use of time in nonverbal communication.

Waiting Time

Talk Time
Work Time

Space language is crafted by our culture.

Personal Space: Space that surrounds a person in which they are made comfortable or uncomfortable. It is a personal bubble of space that moves with you.
Distances: Intimate distance: 0-18 inches Personal Distance: 18-48 inches Social Distance: 4-12 feet Public Distance: beyond 12 feet

Be aware of non-verbal cues and avoid misunderstandings p2.html

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