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Research Skills 2012

How to research effectively using wisdom, grace and style. Pippa Davies: HCOS Online Librarian.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105
We will learn the following research skills in this lesson: How can I effectively find resources for my project in a safe and ethical way? How do we include Christian worldview? How do we compile our work in an aesthetically pleasing way? How do we cite effectively in our bibliography?

Being honest and true in my search

Start by learning how to be Webonauts. Ask a parent, teacher or librarian for help in compiling a list of resources. Credible resources makes a project go from a B to an A!

Where to start??
Once we have decided on our topic to research we can choose to do our research using. Brainstorm thesis statement. Go to Webspiration for research project ideas.

primary or secondary documents.

Essential Question!
Provokes deep thought. Solicits information-gathering and evaluation of data. Results in an original answer.

Helps with problem-related research.

Makes students produce original ideas rather than predetermined answers. May not have an answer. REALLY!

Encourages critical thinking not regurgitation of facts.

Use Who, Why, Where and How questions to brainstorm.

Essential Question example

In the 2010 Vancouver Olympics examine how Biblical stewardship was practiced by; officials, citizens, athletes and other members of the community, and whether this contributed to the overall success of the games? Basic Question? Write some facts about your favourite athlete who was represented in these winter Olympics.

First place to look for information?

You will need at least 2 books to add to your bibliography, and or 4-6 websites. Use Symbaloo to store your websites and then add to My Folder in Ebscohost. Contact your friendly librarian at the local library or Mrs Davies is available for reference queries. If you do not have a membership then ask Shandra Wiebe for your username and password to access our library catalogue and Destiny Quest.

Next step: Tame the Web!

Find good Subject directories: Like HCOS Linking library for Christian and Canadian links.
Use quality websites/subscriptions that are academic in nature, ie they are reviewed by librarians or subject specialists. For instance:

Ebscohost and Discovery Streaming. Webspiration for writing 5 paragraph essays. See your teacher for your username and password
Internet Public Library Kids Love to Learn ALA Best Website for Kids.

When to use Google?

Google can be useful for

Needle in haystack kind of queries; When was someone famous born. Can we use Wikis? When? Images if using correct copyright formula. Good keywords defining parameters of your topic. Keep refining. Knowledge of website evaluation tools. For academic sites go to Advanced Google Search!

Advanced Google!

Use Student Friendly search engines.

Gogooligans Sweet Search Ask Jeeves

Wolfram Alpha. Q Wiki Visual search

How To Evaluate a Good website! On the internet noone knows you are a dog!

Evaluate the following sites
Watch this Rutgers University Library video link below to evaluate sites, and also to learn how to use Ebscohost. t/

HCOS Subscriptions for projects!

Ebscohost including Canadian Reference Centre and Searchasaurus. Get your username and password to log in from your teacher- all the academic information you will need for projects. Plus citation links and folders for making notes in My Folder. Other subscriptions such as World Book, Discovery Education Streaming Canada, and BrainPop.

Your turn for collaboration on Christian Worldview?

Christian Worldview
Where is God in the story. Why did God allow this to take place? How does God use fallen characters to bring us to Him? How does God use Christian characters to exemplify Him? What does God give us that we can be thankful for?

Honesty in writing?

I didnt write the report. I printed it directly from the Internet, but I did all the stapling and collating myself

Presentation Supremacy
Google Doc, Website, Podcast, video or Book report, 5 paragraph essay, combo? If presenting in book report format, remember the clues, T, C, N, B. Include? Images, maps, diagrams, charts. Bibliography a la MLA?

Bibliography for U is ESSENTIAL!

How do we cite? Citation builder: Bibliography style. MLA.

Bibliography information to be found at Owl Of Purdue Online Writing Lab or UBC Library in weblinking library.
Bib Me or Son of Citation for quick tools. Check weblinking library under Library Services: Bibliographic Instruction. Ebscohost and My Folder.

Bibliography sample!

Check List
Edited all work several times. Bibliography checked. Work neatly presented and collated. Know subject well to answer questions for presentation. Thank God for what you have learned about His wisdom in using the resources we have, to write and share honestly, and give credit to Him.

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