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Curriculum Development
In developing a curriculum (or course) we are faced with three major decisions or questions: 1)WHAT TO TEACH?? (PLANNING) 2)HOW TO TEACH IT?? (IMPLEMENTATION) 3)HOW TO EVALUATE IT?? (EVALUATION)

Identify philosophy, vision and mission PLANNING Setting goals and objectives

Designing curriculum



Implementing curriculum Managing resources

Making evaluation
EVALUATION Redesigning curriculum

Models of Curriculum Development

1) 2) 3) 4) The Tylers / Objectives Model The Interaction / Dynamic Model Tabas Model Contemporary Model

Tylers / Objectives Model

1) 2) 3) 4) Ralph Tyler (1950) The most common model in the field of curriculum development 4 stages: Objectives Content Method Evaluation

Tylers / Objectives Model

OBJECTIVES State the aims and objectives of the program


Select the content/subject matter to help students achieve the objectives


Decide on the method to organize and present the content


Determine the method to measure the extent objectives are being achieved

Tylers / Objectives Model

1) Objectives Should be based on an analysis from: - the student as a learner - the contemporary life outside the school (society) - specialists in the various subjects

Tylers / Objectives Model

1) Objectives Identified need to be screened and reduces to a small number of: - consistent, highly important objectives - be in line with the educational philosophy and aims - psychology of learning

Tylers / Objectives Model

1) Objectives Should - specify precisely what is supposed to be learned accurate assessment - specify the changes to be brought about in the students attainment of objective

Tylers / Objectives Model

2) Content Determine learning experiences that might lead to the attainment of the stated objectives It should be: - relevant, adequate - balanced in term of breadth and depth

Tylers / Objectives Model

3) Method Organize the subject matter or experience Principles of organization: a) Principles of Continuity - important objectives need to be repeated time and again in different ways so that they are learned thouroughly

Tylers / Objectives Model

b) Principles of Sequence - Successive learning experience should build on one another, taking students more deeply into the subject each time c) Principles of Integration - Learning experiences ought to be coherently and constructively related to one another

Tylers / Objectives Model

4) Evaluation To determine whether the curriculum is achieving the desired results Involves an appraisal of the students actual behaviour Should be carried out at several different times to secure evidence of the permanence of the learning achied

Tylers / Objectives Model

4) Evaluation Variety methods tests, work samples, questionnaires, records.. Formative vs. summative Results should be used to: - indicate strengths and weaknesses of the program - plan for revision

Tylers / Objectives Model

Critiques / weaknesses: 1) Too rigid 2) Govern by objectives 3) Linear step by step tedious process

Interaction / Dynamic Model

Modification of Tylers Model

Proposed by Taba (1962) and Cohen (1974). It shows a relationship among the curriculum elements
Curriculum development is seen as a dynamic process and it may begin with any curriculum element and these elements can be followed in any sequence E.g. method-objective-content-evaluation if the teacher decided that it would be valuable to have students perform a role play, such an addition to the method section of the curriculum would be necessitate change to the objectives, content and evaluation sections






Interaction / Dynamic Model

Advantages: 1) As this is not a linear process this model may be a truer reflection of reality of curriculum development as it takes place in the school 2) Do not to have to start with objectives. The model allow the developer to change the order of planning- to move to and fro among the curriculum elements. 3) The developer is not constraint by fixed procedure. It allows creativity or whatever is of interest at one point in time, whichever and however the teacher like. 4) The four elements - interact

Weakness of interaction model

1) the model does not necessarily specify objectives as the starting point in curriculum development. Supporters of the objectives model have already argued the importance of initial objectives. The possible danger of not stating an objective first is that they may simply be accommodated to the content specification, and thereby be decorative or contrived as an after thought.

2) the model is not systematic in the way that the objectives model is. It has no one fixed direction or sequence

7 Steps of Tabas Model





Tabas model
1) diagosis of needs- the teacher (curriculum designer) starts the process by identifying the needs of the students for whom the curriculum is to be planned 2) formulation of the objectives- after the teacher has identified needs that require attention he specifies objectives to accomplish 3)selection of content- the objectives selected or created suggest the subject matter or content of the curriculum unit. Taba pointed out that not only should objectives and content be matched, but the validity and significance of the content chosen needed to be determined

Tabas model
4) organization of content- a teacher cannot just select content but must organize it in some type of sequence, taking into consideration the maturity of the learners, their academic achievement and their interest. 5) selection of learning experiences- content must be presented to pupils must be engage in an interaction with the content

Tabas model
6)organization of learning activities- just as content must be sequenced and organized, so must the learning activities is determined by the content that is sequences 7) evaluation and means of evaluation- the curriculum planner must determine just what objectives have been accomplished. Evaluation procedures need to be considered by the students and teachers

Needs Analysis (need assessment)

The process of determining the needs

for which an individual or groups of

individuals require training, and

arranging the needs according to


Needs Analysis (need assessment Needs Analysis makes use of both: a) Subjective information b) Objective information questionnaire,

test, interviews, observation

Needs Analysis (need assessment

1) Needs Analysis seeks to obtain information on:

a) The situations in which the training will be used b) The objectives and purposes for which the training will be used
c) The level of competence that will be required at the end of the training

Contemporary Model

Needs Analysis



Impleme ntation

Evalua tion


Curriculum Development
Based on 3 models, curriculum development or syllabus design involves 5 steps: 1) Needs analysis

2) Formulating Objectives
3) Selecting and organizing content

4) Implementing the curriculum

5) Evaluating the curriculum

Curriculum Development
1) Needs analysis It may include: Students Graduates Employers Industry Society, SME, Professional bodies National Global

Curriculum Development
2) Formulation of objectives The following may be considered: Students Lecturers Employees Industry Social National Global

Curriculum Development
3) Selection of Content Sources: Lecturers SME External examiners Employers Accreditation bodies Politicians IHL Students Academic advisors Professional bodies Alumni, graduates Government policies Academicians Comparison and benchmarkin

Curriculum Development
3) Selection of Content Consider: Breadth and depth Knowledge, Skills and Attitude Principles of Continuity, Sequence and Integration

Curriculum Development
4) Implementation Teaching and learning Teaching styles and strategies Learning styles and strategies

Curriculum Development
Evaluation-is a process for determining whether the curriculum is achieving the desired results Do evaluation or assessment whether the program that you conducted is effective or not What do you evaluate? Purpose/objectives Tasks/ learning activities- teachers, materials, facilities provided, etc Methods

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