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Ashwin was the first son of an industrialist Madhan Chand Jain. M.C. Jain was the fifth son of a hard working baniya family migrated from Rajasthan to Bangalore. M.C.Jains father was a scrap merchant and father and all the children were in the business. M.C.Jain was good at finance and he had an innate knack for attention to details. M.C.Jain was very systematic in day to day activities and followed certain habits very religiously. His father appreciated M.C.J for his obedience and following the system very carefully. He used to tell his community people that M.C.J was greatly responsible for the success of the family business. M.C.J was not having any relaxation habits or hobbies. His general knowledge was limited. Observing his smartness a rich Marwari wanted to give his daughter Pushpa who was a double P.G holder in Literature and History. After the marriage with the father in laws financial support M.C.Jain started a small Iron ore smelting industry in Chattisgarh. In twenty five years his industry has grown considerably. Ashwin was a pet child of his father. He studied in the best convent in Bangalore. All his class mates were from very rich elite families. He had many interests. But M.C.J was very particular that Ashwin should become a Mechanical Engineer and take over the business from him and take it to greater heights. Ashwin was very much scolded and many times M.C.J has refused to talk to Ashwin if he saw him wavering or not so responsible (in his view point). This made Ashwin feel guilty and he took pains to make his dad happy. He worked hard and did his B.E Mech from a prestigious college in Bangalore. Though he had a flair for manufacturing efficient Boilers ( his project in his B.E. was boiler up gradation) he wanted to please his dad and took an advanced diploma in cost effective iron ore smelting and casting. Ashwin is married to a rich Marwari girl from a NRI family. His wife Sika is a hindi poetess and studied comparative poetry from Oxford. Pushpa liked her very much. Sika feels very much empty after marriage. She is suffering from migraine. They have one child Raghul who is very demanding and Sika is not able to handle him. She gives in to all his demands and feels confused. Ashwin also feels something is missing in life. He started drinking and loses his temper often. Then he concentrates in his business and one of his quality of being perfect in all things brings lots of success but some where the happiness and peace was eluding. He is not having any close friends.


Ashok was the second son M.C.J. He is liked very much by Pushpa. M.C.J showered all his attention to Ashwin. He was not even aware that he has a second son Ashok. When Ashok was growing up he had all the freedom from the mother. He was a good debater. He was interested in mountaineering. He had many friends. He had many a dream. He was interested in literature, philosophy, comparative religions and at the same time good in basic sciences. He had a peculiar goal of doing science and liberal arts from U.S. After his plus two when he was not heeding to the advice of his dad M.C.J to do commerce and specialize in finance M.C.J became very furious. He told his family members that from the early days he knew that he will not shape himself into anything. Ashok didnt have the habit of going to the parties and spending time and money with his friends in five star hotels. All his savings and pocket money his dad gave him he used to spend for books or travel to historical and places of cultural importance. M.C.J hated this. Ashok was a polite and a very amiable person. After his school final M.C.J told him very strictly that he will not spend a paisa for his son if he opts for some useless course. This made Ashok very depressed. He became an introvert for some time and looked into himself very deeply. Then he decided to become a tourist guide. Sika his sister in law gave a few good leads in U.K. With that Ashok started a novel tourist business for selected foreign groups. His innovative methods like bringing leading professors and famous artists and introducing them to the foreign audience, collecting the needs of the participants well in advance (particularly their intellectual needs) and researching from the net regarding their needs and sending them all the details, e books, links won many repeat groups. This made M.C.J more sad and told him that he will not stabilize in life. The more empty Ashok started feeling the more he was going into the world of Kazhals and music. He met a Caucasian girl Andrea who had a masters in liberal arts from Budapest Hungary. Though she is three years elder to Ashok she became very intimate with Ashok. She was the source of all love to Ashok. She repeatedly told Ashok that he has all the needed qualities for a successful life. M.C.J got dejected with his son and told his community and family members that Ashok is gone beyond repair and he is disowning him. Pushpa was sympathetic and told Ashok she loves him unconditionally and he can lead a good life. Ashok then married Andrea and left for Hungary and there he with

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