Topik I: Pentingnya Farmakologi Dalam Fisioterapi

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Pentingnya Farmakologi dalam Fisioterapi

Pharmacology : Effect chemical compound on biology system (Filip, R.A, 2007) Basic science for medical education :
1. For physician, nurse and pharmacist in role of prescribing, dispensing, administrating drugs to patients 2. For physiotherapist and laboratories play a role in drug prscription and administration (Diaz et al, 2011)

Addition of theoretical clinical cases which show the effect of physiotherapy techniques on drugs activity improved physiotherapy students performance in studying pharmacology. Pharmacology course is essential course for physiotherapist where they are in direct contact with a patient who takes medicine in most cases. (Yazir Et Al, AMJ, 2011)

Example : 1. Massage increase absorbtion drug. insuline subdermal hypoglycemia coma ( Calabrase, AMJ, 2008) 2. Cold therapy delay drug absorbtion at side of administration. Benzatin Penniciline i.m. , decrease intensity of pain because injection 3. Iontophoresis affect pharmacokinetics parameters in certain drugs. Ex. Lidocain hydrocloride & epinefrine

Drug :
1. Substance that is used to modify physicological system or pathologycal state for the benefit of the resepient (WHO) 2. Substance in used to prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of disease. (Ramesh KU, 2005) Penggunaan obat dapat mengakibatkan berbagai gejala penyakit

Pharmacokinetics : study of absorbtion, distribution, metabolism and ekskretion drugs in biologycal system

Cont. Description
Pharmacodinamics Action and effect drugs in all level of interaction in a biologycal system Efek obat terhadap fisiologi dan biokimia berbagai organ tubuh dan mekanismenya. Pharmacotherapy Penggunaan obat dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan penyakit

Cont. Description.
Farmakologi Klinik Cabang farmakologi yang mempelajari efek obat pada manusia, terutama prinsip pemilihan dan pemakaian obat secara rasional dalam klinik.

Toksikologi Ilmu yang mempelajari keracunan zat kimia (termasuk obat), zat yang digunakan dalam industri maupun rumah tangga. (Farmakologi UI)

Source of Drug
Plant Source Animal Source Ex. Hormone have been isolated from animal Mineral Syntetic Chemical Laboratory
1. Mayor source of drugs. Recombinan DNA modify drugs structure change in pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics 2. Expensive 3. Minimal side effect

Microbiologycal Source

Route of Drug Localize

Application Inhalation Inunction Instillation Insufflation Iontophoresis


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