Interpretation of Data

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Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of data

Analysis breaking up the whole study into its constituent

parts according to the specific questions under study under the statement of the problem.
Presentation is the process of organizing data into

logical, sequential, and meaningful categories and classification to make them amenable to study and interpretation.

Classification of data
Qualitative -those having the same quality or are of the same kind are

grouped together. Examples

Facilities available for the teaching of science Methods and strategies for the teaching of science

Quantitative -Data are grouped according to their quantity Example: age

10-14 15-19 20-24 Geographical -data classified according to location

Examples: schools in Benguet

Chronological -Classification of data according to order of occurrence

1998-2000 2001-2002

Findings - the original data derived or taken from

the original sources and which are results of questionnaires, interviews, experiments, tests, observation and other data gathering

Findings provide the bases for making the answers to the specific questions

Textual presentation Uses statements with materials to describe data

Examples of textual presentation

Of the science teachers, 21 or 35.59 percent have earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with education units, four or 6.78 percent have earned a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degree with education units, 31 or 52.54 percent a bachelor of Science in Education degree, and three or 5.08 percent a Master of Arts degree. According to government regulation, all the teachers are qualified to teach in the high school as per regulation. Unfortunately, more than half of them were not science majors and therefore cannot teach science. Taking all other things equal, a teacher with a science major can teach science better than one with a non-science major. Consequently, it can be assumed that the teaching of science in the high school of Province A is weak. As a result, the students and the whole country will suffer and the consequences will be far-reaching. There is a need to encourage the teachers who are non-science majors to increase their units by attending evening or summer courses or by attending science seminars

.Tabular presentation

The systematic arrangement of related data in which classes of numerical facts or data are given each arrow and their subclasses are given each a column in order to present the relationships of the sets of numerical facts or data in a definite, compact, and understandable manner.

Implication, inference, interpretation


is a statement or statements of the possible meaning, probable causes and probable effects of a situation or condition as revealed by the findings plus a veiled suggestion to continue the situation if it is good or to adopt some remedial measures to eradicate its bad effects. Those who are benefited and those who are going to suffer the bad effects should also be mentioned.

Elements of implication
1. The existence of a condition 2. The probable cause of the condition 3. The probable effect of the condition 4. The measure to remedy the unsatisfactory condition or to strengthen the favorable one. 5. The entity or area involved or affected.

All the science teachers were qualified to teach in the

high school as per regulation. Unfortunately, more than half of them were not science majors and therefore cannot teach science.

Taking all other things equal, a teacher with a science major can
teach science better than one with non-science major. Consequently, it can be assumed that the teaching of science in

the high school of the province A is weak. As a result, the students

and the whole country will suffer and the consequences will be farreaching. There is a need to encourage teachers who are nonscience majors to increase their units by attending evening or summer courses or by attending more science seminars.

Graphical presentation of data

enhance your readers; understanding of the information in the document.

Most word processing software available today will allow you to create your own tables and figures and even the most basic of word processors permit the embedding of images, thus enabling you to include tables and figures in almost any documents.

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