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3.1 What is Database?

 ‘a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is

accessible in various way’ (The New Oxford Dictionary)
 ‘a database generally provides details of bibliographic references
which the searchers uses as keys in order to consult the original
source literature to obtain the detailed knowledge he is seeking’
(Computer in Library Management, 2003)
 In 1968, Dr. Ralph Halsted Parker of University of Missouri, developed a
graduate level class in the masters degree program titled ‘Library Information
System’. He went on to identify LIS as not only “automating” existing
processes within libraries (such as circulation, cataloging and so forth) but
also including access to materials not held by the library but available in
electronic form.

For example, the National Library of Medicine was experimenting with the
development of what is now MEDLINE.
3.2 Library System

 The application of computing systems in libraries has been a subject of

interest to professional librarians for more than 65 years. More recently,
libraries have sought to implement increasingly complex solutions that involve
distributed networking and access to remote information resources.

 To date, the developments have included:

– Integrated Library System
– Online Databases
– Web-Based Resources
– Digital Library Collections
– e-Books and e-Journals


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Integrated Library Systems

 Integrated Library System (LIS) began with one-of-a-kind pioneering efforts

centering on circulation control and overdue notice production, moved to
turnkey integrated library systems solutions and, by the turn of the century,
had developed into a global industry. One example of an early pioneering effort
was the development of a punched card circulation systems at the University
of Texas at Austin in the mid 1930s.
 Typical integrated library systems include functionality in support of
acquisitions, cataloging, circulation control, materials booking, serials control,
and online catalogs.
 Initially developed as standalone solutions to library’s processing and services
needs, these applications are now increasingly ‘welded at the seams’ with
other services, such as access to online databases.

Turnkey system – a computer-system developed for a specific application, such as
library systems, and delivered ready to run, with all the necessary application program and
Online Databases

 The online database industry began as a separate marketplace (from the

integrated library system) in the early 1970s and now is closely coupled with
integrated library systems solutions to provide end users a ‘one-stop’ desktop
access point for materials held both locally and licensed internationally.

 Originally designed for professional searchers, the online database industry

has grown to include users of all levels.

 The recent introduction of the WWW has allowed database producers a clear
route for disseminating their resources to a wider audience, in many instances
directly to the end user (in some cases bypassing the library).


Example – AGRICOLA Database been subscribed by the library and also organization
such as MARDI, PORIM etc…
Web-Based Resources

 Web-based resources moved to the forefront in the mid 1990s, after libraries
determined that users had begun to spend much of their time browsing the
Web searching for relevant materials that could be conveniently delivered to
their desktop in digital fashion.
 Professional librarians began to think like users in terms of ‘one-stop
shopping’ for information.
 Using their expertise to identify, validate, and organize information content,
they sought to build ‘portals’ that offered access not only to information that
was held or licensed by the library, but also to information readily available on
the Web.
 Libraries are continuing to develop new Web portals as new resources are
created and made accessible via the Internet.


Portal – a Web site or service that offers a broad array of resources and services.
Digital Library Collections

 The Digital Library movement, still in its early stages, has begun to evolve from
its early research platform to more fully developed applications, typically in
selected content areas.

 As funding sources continue to be identified, we are now seeing the

development of specialized collections in digital format. Aimed squarely at end

 The concept of digital library is rather encompassing, and currently we are

seeing the first efforts at creating environments for storing and disseminating
digital content.

Internet – a systems of linked computer networks, worldwide in scope, that facilitates
data communication services such as remote, login, file transfer, electronic mail and
E-Books and E-Journals

 In March 2000, Stephen King released a 66page novella, Riding the Bullet, as
an e-Book, exclusively for publication via the Web.
 A half million copies sold in the first 24 hours.
 While King was not the first to publish full text via the Internet, this event
certainly identifies the potential for a new distribution medium – directly from
author to the end user.
 Other authors and their publishing houses are rapidly developing strategies
for competing in this new arena.
 Scholarly publishers already compete for the click of the end user’s mouse,
and both online full-text databases and e-Journals are example of their
positioning and strategy.

CD-ROM – acronym for compact disk-read only memory, a read-only optical storage
technology that uses compact disks.
3.2.1 Computer/Technology Use in Managing DRC

 Online Catalogs
 Circulation System
 Local Databases
 Center Instruction
 Scheduling
 Inventory

Both librarians and software agents do work delegated to them by a user; both
apply some expertise to the user’s problem or need; and both work in the
background, completing tasks for the user’s information needs.
3.4 Document Imaging Process (DIP)

 Document Imaging Process is a process of transforming boxes, cabinets, even

rooms full of paper into convenient and safe electronic files.
 Document storage is a problem that exists in the home and the workplace
 Space is not the only concern. How do you protect these documents? They are
vulnerable to fire, blood, insects or mice, or even simply the effects of time.
They are also vulnerable to theft, or to being seen by unauthorized eyes.
 The more documents you have, the more difficult it is to keep them safe.

DIP – a system for the imaging, storage, and retrieval of text-based documents that
includes scanning documents, storing the files on optical or magnetic media, and viewing
when needed using a monitor, printer, or fax.
3.4.1 Types of document that can be stored digitally

 The short answer is, if it can be printed or copied, it can be stored digitally.
– Minutes from meeting
– Annual reports
– Specification manuals
– Drawings & Blueprints
– Instruction manuals
– Journals & Logs
– Books and other published material
– Fragile or very old documents
– Family correspondence or archives.
3.4.2 Benefits of DIP

 Accessing and sharing information is very quick and inexpensive;

 Costs related to managing electronic documents are a fraction of those for
paper archives;
 Distributing documents internally and externally is very easy, quick and
 You are not required to invest in new hardware since the documents can be
viewed on any Mac, PC or Unix system;
 The documents are in electronic format, the archives won’t deteriorate over
 You will increase the level of workflow and customer satisfaction due to quick
and up-to-date access to information.
3.5 Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI)

 Computer-Aided Instruction (also called Computer-Assisted Instruction) is

means of helping students master cognitive (academic) skills through
interactive computer programs.
3.5.2 Benefits of CAI

 Difficult concepts are made easier to understand. Can also be used by the
student for private study on individual PCs following instructor-taught lesson.
 Enhances retention of knowledge.
 Greater teaching effectiveness improves exam pass rates.
 CAI transmits difficult concepts in an easy-to-understand, entertaining way,
alleviating language difficulties.
 Greater standardization of instruction.
 New instructors become ‘operational’ more rapidly than with traditional
teaching methods. Again, increasing cost effectiveness of instructional staff.


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