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Why Cloud Computing ? A promising computing paradigm for business companies and government agencies holding large volume of data Provide pay-as-you-use billing feature at low price.
Amazon S3 storage service: just $0.12 - $0.15 per

gigabyte/month Google storage service :just $ 0.16 -$ 0.19 per gigabyte/month

Cloud Outsourcing
It is an arrangement in which one company provides services for another company or user. Cloud-based outsourcing is emerging as one of the biggest changes underway in the outsourcing delivery model, said IAOP chairman Michael Corbett.

Secure Outsourcing
There are some designs on secure outsourcing of scientific

computations, sequence comparisons, and matrix multiplication etc. have been proposed but it is still hardly possible to apply them directly in a practically efficient manner. Secure outsourcing of computational data with cryptography only is not feasible and with hardware only has large online latency.

Managing the Risk of an Extreme Form of IT Outsourcing
1. Standards for cloud computing may reduce many of the risk of opportunistic behaviour on the part of vendors.

2. Despite the enormous concerns of potential cloud customers for lock-in, hold-up, and opportunistic reprising, almost no significant standardization efforts under way today are aimed at ensuring interoperability or portability.
3. Standards efforts cannot mitigate most of the development risks of cloud computing.

Cloud Hooks: Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud computing

1 . Security of the cloud infrastructure relies on trusted computing and cryptography. 2. The risks must be carefully balanced against the available safeguards and expected benefits with the understanding that accountability for security remains with the organization. 3. Too many controls can be inefficient and ineffective, if the benefits outweigh the costs and associated risks.

Verifiable Computation with Two or More Clouds


Instead of using one cloud, the client uses two or more different clouds to perform his computation. The client can verify the correct result of the computation, as long as at least one of the clouds is honest.


Ran Canitte experiment with several parameters on live clouds.

Harnessing the Cloud for Securely Outsourcing Largescale Systems of Linear Equations


Cong Wang investigated the problem of securely outsourcing large-scale LE in cloud computing

2. Different from previous study, the computation outsourcing framework is based on iterative methods, which has the benefits of easy-to-implement and less memory requirement in practice.

Work on Secure Computation Outsourcing

1. General secure computation outsourcing that fulfils all aforementioned requirements , such as input/output privacy and correctness/soundness guarantee has been shown feasible in theory by Gennaro.

2. Later on, Atallah give two protocol designs for both secure sequence comparison outsourcing and secure algebraic computation outsourcing

Existing System
Ordinary data encryption techniques exist for

data security.
The operational details inside the cloud are not

transparent .
Secure outsourcing

computations is

No standards or model is defined for secure

Proposed System
Sensitive data have to be encrypted before outsourcing. Provide dynamic key every time, when a user logged in for

cloud service.
Provides more secure environment for

cloud service

provider and clients.

This task secure cloud services from malicious or unwanted



Ensure recovery from significant IT rules Ensure Data Assets are in safe environments Investigate Illigale activity Ensure Viability and Availibilty Of IT Legal Aspects Ensure ProperData Segregation User Access






In this paper after literature survey we found that secure

outsourcing of computational data with cryptography only is not feasible and with hardware only has large online latency. We also found that there is lack of secure and practical computational cloud model for secure outsourcing.
From Provider Confidence Level graph shown

in previous slide we get there is less concern about secure user access.

1. Firstly, a dynamic key generation mechanism is developed for security at clients end.

2. KeyGen(1k) {K}. This is a randomized key generation algorithm which takes a system security parameter k, and returns a secret key K that is used later by customer to encrypt the target LP problem. 3. ProbEnc(K,) {k}. This algorithm encrypts the input tuple into k with the secret key K. According to problem transformation, the encrypted input k has the same form as , and thus defines the problem to be solved in the cloud. 4. ProofGen(k) {(y, )}. This algorithm augments a generic solver that solves the problem k to produce both the output y and a proof . The output y later decrypts to x, and is used later by the customer to verify the correctness of y or x.

5. ResultDec(K, , y, ) {x,}. This algorithm may choose to verify either y or x via the proof . In any case, a correct output x is produced by decrypting y using the secret K. The algorithm outputs when the validation fails, indicating the cloud server was not performing the computation faithfully.

USER A After Getting Password Login 1. Enter ID User Gets Password 2. Password Generated in User s Mobile

3.Enter Password

Customer s LP Problem 4. Encrypt

Cloud Server
Secret K

5. Verify & Decrypt


Hardware Requirements

Hard Disk
Floppy Drive Monitor Mouse Ram

Pentium IV 2.4 GHz. 40 GB. 1.44 Mb. 15 VGA Color. Logitech. 512 MB.

Software Requirements
Operating System

Windows xp,
Jdk 1.6 Jsp, Servlet Oracle 10g

Linux Language Technology Back End

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